Group setup

elzanone Posts: 10 Member
Thanks to Allison for getting this going! Couldn't figure it out, how to start the group, anyway. I have had a good 15,16 months in losing, but I want to lose another 60 this fiscal year July-June). So glad we are doing this group--I do struggle sometimes to stick to it, not enough necessarily to gain, but def not well enough to lose. Anyone else?


  • haileighdevries1
    Hey yalls! I've been loving keto/ low carb so much! I haven't hit deep keto despite me staying under 30 carbs MAX! Usually high mid twenties. I'm a pretty small individual(5'1 112.4lbs) so for me to lose anything is rough. The last ten are ALWAYS the hardest! I don't mind the slow place, I'm super happy and full and I enjoy all the delish food. I'm expecting to lose about .5lb per week. Maybe a 1lb per week once I up my exercise. I'm super excited I hope we can share recipes too!
  • BriceDaly
    BriceDaly Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I'm new to the group but not to dieting. I've been going strong since Jan 1 this year and I am at my lowest weight I've been all year having lost 73 lbs. Looking forward to sharing with others who've suffered with weight!
  • PearBlozzoms
    PearBlozzoms Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I'm new to myfitnesspal. Just started again on the 1st of November. I've done well on low carb (atkins) in the past. But then we moved to another country, struggled with food in general, had some major life events, well I've gained back most of what I lost. My profile picture is motivation to me to show me how I looked when I was at my lowest and my recent picture (ugh), this time around I'd like to pass that low weight up! The scale is moving, I know its early on and the hard work comes soon. My biggest struggle right now is getting enough fat in my diet compared to my macros.
  • PearBlozzoms
    PearBlozzoms Posts: 5 Member
    Just as an encouragement, I did read that your weight can plateau for 3-4 weeks and then suddenly you'll drop 5 or more pounds, so don't get discouraged if the scale isn't moving, it WILL move, just keep on ketoing on... And in the meantime, enjoy that extra energy you have!
  • elzanone
    elzanone Posts: 10 Member
    Hey, y'all are doing better than me at posting! Rededicating to losing another 60 this year; did it last year. Started about August 1st; haven't lost a darned thing but been going up & down in the same trough. Time to stop the idiocy, I only have 9 months left to make progress!
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    I had 30 lbs to lose and have lost 22 since september. I am my lowest weight in 15 years. I'm very happy about it. I need to lose 4 lbs to get to my year end goal. I know I can do it.
  • cwestbrooks1
    cwestbrooks1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All. I've been on/off Keto for the last month or so. I have not experienced much progress in weight loss - if like to lose about 10-15lbs - but my energy, lack of cravings, mood, etc is fantastic. So I'm recommitting post-Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to just have some support to stay on track and also to help keep all of you motivated.
  • awisdom309
    awisdom309 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all I have been doing Keto for about 6 weeks now, week after thanksgiving I went away and it was hard to eat properly. I am back home now and I am back but it seems the scale has not moved. It's has been 4 days, but this is my week for my period, so I hope once this week pass I will be doing better.
  • triski73
    triski73 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm struggling to cut out all carbs....especially during this time of year with the cookies and carby foods. But I've determined that I have a sugar addiction that is seriously out of the control and can't see any other way around it than to adopt keto.....again...