What's your plan for maintenance?



  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    My Dad and 9 of his siblings have type 2 diabetes. My Dad has been a very sick man for the last 10 years and I am NOT going to end up like that (it started when he was 50 - I'm 40 now). Keto is my only chance of avoiding his fate. So while I do eat this way to lose weight, the losing weight part for me is primarily to avoid weight related heart disease and diabetes. When I get to a healthy BMI (19kg to go) my intention is to do the following:

    Stay under 20 to 30g of carbs (remain in keto)
    Relax with the constant tracking (my eating is pretty set now, I know what to avoid)
    Weigh myself monthly so I know if I'm eating too much.

    That's it.
  • I am still 26 pounds from goal. I do not intend to ever go back to carbage. I would like to increase my carbs a bit using veggies. I can maintain forever how I am eating now but I do miss being able to eat my fresh grown veggies with out having to freak out about it having carbs. I am talking about the lower starch veggies but I do like tomatoes and I even allow them now as long as it is a tiny amount and I stay with my 5 to 8 carbs a day. Well gardening season is over for this year and I am hoping by next summer I will be to goal. If not then I will stick with this until I reach goal.

    So I do have a plan and I believe it will be fine as long as I stay away from true carbage.

    Reason for losing weight is to feel better and try to re-gain my health. To go back to carbage would just undo all I have worked so hard for.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    My plan is more calories, but not from bread/pasta. I'll add veggies or meat or fat. I've been working diligently to find low/no-carb alternatives to my fave foods and I can't go back to the way I ate before.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    I'm eating at maintenance of my goal weight now.
    I don't plan on changing anything.
    I'll let exercise finish the job.
    I do LC to control my blood sugar & it works
    great. Weight loss is a nice bonus.

    >:) or o:)
  • Lucille4444
    Lucille4444 Posts: 284 Member
    edited November 2015
    I keep on expanding the repertoire of recipes I can use (when I learned about almond flour that was very helpful). That means I can continue to stay in ketosis but eat a bit more so that I do not continue to lose once I am at my goal weight.

    You CANNOT 'change' what you do at maintenance, i.e. go back to your old lifestyle, or you will likely fail:

  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I haven't developed a real plan for maintenance yet. I don't have a whole lot of weight to lose (around 15-20 more pounds) but I lose so slowly that I'm not sure I'll ever get there. Honestly I'm not too bothered with being a little over my optimal weight as my true motivation for starting keto was to control my RA. That makes planning for maintenance a little tricky. I will probably try to always stay in ketosis but perhaps slowly raise my carb level to see what the limit will be for me in terms of pain management. I will try to keep any increase in carbs to veggies and some fruit mostly and maybe a few special occasion meals that will be carefully planned for carb content.
  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    With 2 lbs left till goal, I started maintenance 2 months ago. I must stay away from my main triggers (baked goods & pasta), but let my daily carbs drift up to ~100 grams total. Last two months, I've been able to eat occasional beans, oatmeal, fruit etc. When I get lazy & weight drifts up a few lbs, a few days back at 50 grams fixes things.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    With 2 lbs left till goal, I started maintenance 2 months ago. I must stay away from my main triggers (baked goods & pasta), but let my daily carbs drift up to ~100 grams total. Last two months, I've been able to eat occasional beans, oatmeal, fruit etc. When I get lazy & weight drifts up a few lbs, a few days back at 50 grams fixes things.

    Did you find cravings increase when you raised carbs to 100?
  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    I never found that cravings ever went away completely. Perhaps a bit easier at 50 grams than at 100, but not enough to get excited about. I never tried very low carbs - but that just seemed too tough for me. Greatest weight loss rate was with intermittent fasting and ~2000 calories of exercise per week.
  • pjdunning
    pjdunning Posts: 15 Member
    Maintenance scares me to death!! I actually hit my goal weight this weekend but have yet to switch to maintenance. I feel like I need to lose another 5 pounds or so. Everyone tells me I have lost enough and any more weight loss will make me look sickly. I'm not sure if I actually need to lose the 5 more pounds or if it's the fear of switching to maintenance holding me back. For 2.5 years I have ate at a deficit. I don't even know how to do maintenance!! I've decided until I am ready, I will continue to eat at a small deficit.

    So I guess that was a long winded way to say I have no plan yet for maintenance....lol.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    pjdunning wrote: »
    Maintenance scares me to death!! I actually hit my goal weight this weekend but have yet to switch to maintenance. I feel like I need to lose another 5 pounds or so. Everyone tells me I have lost enough and any more weight loss will make me look sickly. I'm not sure if I actually need to lose the 5 more pounds or if it's the fear of switching to maintenance holding me back. For 2.5 years I have ate at a deficit. I don't even know how to do maintenance!! I've decided until I am ready, I will continue to eat at a small deficit.

    So I guess that was a long winded way to say I have no plan yet for maintenance....lol.

    congratulations for hitting your goal though!
  • norcogrrl
    norcogrrl Posts: 129 Member
    For maintenance I'll add a serving or two of fruit and a couple more servings of veg a day. I won't be doing anything too crazy, otherwise I'll bloat back up again.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    pjdunning wrote: »
    Maintenance scares me to death!! I actually hit my goal weight this weekend but have yet to switch to maintenance. I feel like I need to lose another 5 pounds or so. Everyone tells me I have lost enough and any more weight loss will make me look sickly. I'm not sure if I actually need to lose the 5 more pounds or if it's the fear of switching to maintenance holding me back. For 2.5 years I have ate at a deficit. I don't even know how to do maintenance!! I've decided until I am ready, I will continue to eat at a small deficit.

    So I guess that was a long winded way to say I have no plan yet for maintenance....lol.

  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    Losing weight becomes tough as one approaches goal weight. Seems to me - only a very small change (if at all) is needed during maintenance.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Congrats @pjdunning!!
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    pjdunning wrote: »
    So I guess that was a long winded way to say I have no plan yet for maintenance....lol.

    I'd say that most of us don't - yet.

    There will be many different strategies for maintenance, just as there are many different ways of eating low carb. Some will be drastic changes, others will be small tweaks.

    My point is that we should think about it, and do just as much research on how to eat for life as we have on how to loose weight. This is particularly true if, like me, one has a history of yo yo dieting and started morbidly obese. I am SO DONE with living like I lived before, and sluffing through life without a plan got me in the mess I'm in.

    So, my contention that maintenance is every bit AS important as weight loss phase, in fact, probably more so.

  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @nicintime as a fellow yoyo-er, I agree with you! That's one reason I want to start thinking of it now, taking the long view. I most likely will add in more veggies and maybe fruits but not a lot of grains. I might, though, make exceptions more often for dinner at someone's house, special occasions, etc., IF that seems sustainable and doesn't tend to set me on carb binges or anything.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I am getting close to goal weight. Have actually reached it, freaked out and gained 10 back, lost that, decided to lose 10 more, lost 5 of that and now have gained that back. In short, maintenance is not something that I as a yoyo girl have even the most remote clue about in spite of obsessive reading and planning. Totally freaked out about it and bouncing off walls at this point. So. I guess I'm interested in any successes that others have had. I think staying in ketosis makes the most sense especially since it really does slow down loss when you get near goal weight.
  • KeithF6250
    KeithF6250 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm down about 75 pounds since summer of 2014, which means I lost about 35% of my peak body mass. For the past 5-6 months I've had very little change in what I eat or what I weigh. I didn't make any attempt to switch or maintain just kept doing what I was doing. I weigh now what I did when I was 18 and I'm OK with that and OK with what I eat on a daily basis. Since I'll be 69 in about 6 weeks I figure I don't have to worry about maintaining forever just another 20-21 years.
  • smuller73
    smuller73 Posts: 71 Member
    edited November 2015
    pjdunning wrote: »
    Maintenance scares me to death!!

    Me too. I think it's partly why I decided to change my goal weight to lose a couple of kgs more. Not ready for the maintenance bit yet