Introduce yourself to the 50+ pounds to lose community!

cobwebel Posts: 114 Member
Who are you? When did you start your journey? What are your goals?


  • MindyBruno
    MindyBruno Posts: 535 Member
    Hi, so glad you started this group again. I started my journey on 5/22 weighing 224. I am 46 and 4"11'. My current weight is now 182.5. My goal is to get down to about 140.
  • bluenoser38
    bluenoser38 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm Barbara. I started Nov 7th. On my bathroom scales, my starting weight was 217 (on doctor's scales, it was 211, but I figure I'll stick with my bathroom scales for consistency). My goal is to lose 50 pounds, lower my blood pressure and avoid heart disease down the road.

    I've been doing yoga and bowflex on alternate days, and walking most days. As of this morning, I'm down 7lbs; I'd like to lose an even 10 lbs by the time the Christmas holidays start.
  • squeeeyk
    squeeeyk Posts: 165 Member
    Hello again. I started my journey in July of this year. I made small changes to my diet by adding fruits and veggies instead of restricting myself from the things I enjoyed. In the past I had always succumbed to my desire for poor food choices when I knew I was trying to limit them, so I attempted a different approach by focusing on what I needed to add. This works well for me. I switched fully over to 80/20 clean eating about three weeks ago and I'm loving it. Had lost about 17lbs total, but then I got a new scale...which had a 6lbs difference...heavier of course. *sigh* so here I am now, 3lbs from my original 17lbs loss. I've begun a strength training program this week along with approximately 3 days of cardio exercise. I'm loving it, so far, and I'm not ever hungry.

    Hello and good luck everyone!
  • beagletracks
    beagletracks Posts: 6,034 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm Sarah! I've lost 20 pounds so far and would like to lose 50-80 more. I'm 42, a teacher and writer, and I have four beautiful beagles.

    I joined MFP in August 2012 and after a hefty hiatus, started up again in August 2015. My main goals are to be healthy and happy and to live a longer, more active life!

    Happy to accept friend requests! :)
  • arnavkrish
    arnavkrish Posts: 43 Member
    Hi I am Krishna. 5' 7 1/2". I started logging again on November 1. Starting weight 218. Right now I am 210-211. I hope to reach 160 at least by the end of next year. I have pcos diabetes and insulin resistance. I need to make myself healthy.
  • lorengetsfit
    lorengetsfit Posts: 84 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Loren and I'm down about 55 pounds with another 55 to go. For me, weight loss is most dependent on what I'm eating, although I don't actually log calories. I do exercise several times a week, but this is more so that I can be fit and not just so I can lose weight. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you! :)
  • mtlopez02
    mtlopez02 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm starting my journey now, before Thanksgiving tomorrow. I've been through this a few times and just posted that I was looking for an accountability partner but I think this group will be great. I am 5'2" with a starting weight of 180 and would like to lose 50 lbs. Not even sure if that is realistic to do in a year.
  • morgancs21
    morgancs21 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi! I am Morgan. 5'8 and my starting weight is 221. I have lost 90lbs before and gained a lot back. I just started back a month ago and started on MFP 2 weeks ago. I am down a little over 8lbs even though MFP has the wrong starting weight so it shows less. I have 68lbs to go to get to my goal weight but 53 lbs to the weight I am happy at. All I have done so far is portion control
  • jillyr11
    jillyr11 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Jill, I'm 51 Married with 3 children and 3 grandchildren (My Bumbles). I live in the NE of Scotland. I'm 200lbs and would like to lose around 50 as my son is getting married in 2 years and I would like to look nice. I would really like a 'buddy' to encourage me and be encouraged. My first goal is to start some form of exercise.
  • toblave108
    toblave108 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm KC. I'm 29, married with 2 kids. Started in October after our 11th anniversary. Our kids did a triathlon in Sept, and we decided we want to be better examples and set a goal for running in a 5k around our 12th anniversary. I'm 5'1" and started at 213lbs. So far just calorie counting. I'm working through my 'excuses' about
  • lesliewynn14
    lesliewynn14 Posts: 130 Member
    I started on October 15th at 184.6. My goal is to loose 60 pounds to put me at 125. So far I've lost 16 pounds. I aiming to loose 1% per week so that will be sometime around June for me to be at my goal weight. I've been walking Monday-Friday and doing some simple exercises at home. I don't usually exercise on the weekends, I probably should but just haven't yet.
  • longcher
    longcher Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Cheryl. I just started on my fitness pal. I am hoping to lose 120 lbs. I now weigh 260. I could really use the support.
  • cobwebel
    cobwebel Posts: 114 Member
    Hi there,

    My name is Meaghan and I found the 50+ pounds to lose groups so inspiring that I re-created it when it vanished. The awesome people on MFP have been such motivators for me.

    I've dieted and exercised and done some crazy things to my body over the years trying to be thin with varying degrees of success. I've finally taken a healthy approach and started listening to my body, not getting obsessed, and doing the basic recipe for weight loss: burning more calories than I'm consuming.

    I have always liked exercise but my eating has been all over the place, and so tracking everything has really changed the game for me. Also dropping labels like "good" and "bad" for food, and trying to eat with intention and moderation. It's all a work in progress, but it feels right.

    I'm down about 32 pounds, and have another 28 to lose. More likely than not I'll reassess at that point to see if I want to drop another 10-15.

    Some personal stuff - I own a cocktail catering/consulting company (we make fancy boozy drinks for people and help restaurants revamp menus/train staff etc), I love music and writing, nature my savior, and I am a big animal lover.

    I'm taking this whole thing one day at a time, and realizing it's a slow and steady process. Really nice to meet all of you!
  • rjan91
    rjan91 Posts: 194 Member
    Sorry - should have spotted this thread first. I am Ruthann - 48 yrs old with 3 kids. I'm a busy working mom, but finally found some time to take care of myself. Have currently lost 30 lbs since July and hope to lose another 55 or so. My health has already improved with just the 30lbs. I feel much better and not as tired, crabby or moody. The weight loss has slowed a bit, but I'm not discouraged. If it takes me awhile to get there - I will do it! Looking forward to supporting you all and getting some support as well.
  • holla18
    holla18 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi all,

    I am a 22yrs who is almost 5"11.
    Began my journey at 230 pounds and now am down to 184. Still have 10 pounds to go before I reach my goal weight 174.

    Glad to have found this group !
  • anonmomof3
    anonmomof3 Posts: 23 Member
    edited November 2015
    I have battled with my weight my entire adult life. I am 32 and weigh 230. I have done weight watchers and was successful before I had kids. My kids are 5, 3, and 4 months and I gained weight with each pregnancy and never lost it. I just joined this week. I am hoping to stay motivated! I joined the gym and exercise 3-4 times a week.
  • rjan91
    rjan91 Posts: 194 Member
    anonmomof3 wrote: »
    I have battled with my weight my entire adult life. I am 32 and weigh 230. I have done weight watchers and was successful before I had kids. My kids are 5, 3, and 4 months and I gained weight with each pregnancy and never lost it. I just joined this week. I am hoping to stay motivated! I joined the gym and exercise 3-4 times a week.

    Your kids are about the same distance apart as mine. They are now 17, 15 and 13 tomorrow! Hang in there. It's hard to find the time, but make sure you do take some time for yourself. Keep going to that gym!

  • muziique
    muziique Posts: 82 Member
    Hi everyone! I tried a couple times with MFP but only in July of this year did I take my health/fitness (and this app) more seriously to try and lose weight. Like others, I've struggled with weight my whole life and in college lost over 50lbs but failed at maintaining it and gained it all back over the years plus some. In July I weighed in at the heaviest I've ever been in my life. I freaked out and decided to do something about it. Since July I'm very close to a 30lb loss and moving onto the next 40+ lbs I need to take off. My goal is to lose weight but most importantly learn to properly maintain my weight loss and remain active. I want to change my eating habits completely so that healthy eating is automatic versus an afterthought. Best of luck to all!
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi everyone, My name is Kristin. I just joined MFP this week in the hopes of finding people who were walking the same path ... or at least a similar one. In the past month, I turned 40 *and* hit my highest lifetime weight-- kind of a double whammy. It was a wake-up call and no more excuses for me. As of today, I've got about 60'ish lbs. to lose, though, I'm focusing on small increments. :)
  • fruitydelicious
    fruitydelicious Posts: 664 Member
    I'm Deb and have been fighting the good fight since March 2015. Started at 264, down 40+ lbs and hovering in the 220's right now. My ultimate goal would be to get down to 132..... 1/2 my starting weight. Too far away to focus on right now. My short term goals are to get into onederland and get off HBP meds!!