I feel icky

anna114400 Posts: 15 Member
3 days shy of 10 weeks around 20 carbs per day. All the baking and preparations for the holiday lead to my excuses for an epic fail. I was so hungry last night after cleaning and cooking, and prepping I caved and ate some nachos. First real slip in 2 and half months!! Then today I ate my thanksgiving dinner, I mean I already endulged right? Lol... Small amounts...but of everything. Including egg nog, cheesecake and apple pie. I have pain in my feet and back that had been gone for weeks, return. I feel full and not satisfied. It's icky. I'm disappointed in myself but at the same time it really is an eye opener. Carbs and sugars make me feel bad. I knew I felt better overall but wow. Originally this WOE was for weight loss only, I didn't have any info except the talk I'd heard over the years, but I am finding all the other benifits of this woe. Not feeling like crap being motivator #1. Now to find someone who wants a ton of leftovers...


  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Sorry you feel bad but love the motivation that brings. I am reverse: eating low sugar to rebalance gut and fight fatigue then found the weight loss a bonus. Feeling great really does motivate
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Great lesson and great motivation! Thanks for telling the story.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Sorry for your experience! I hope it passes quickly! Your story is enough for me to be truly glad that I don't "stray into carb land". The thought of the pain I used to experience is more than enough motivation for me (I wish I could share this level of motivation, but wouldn't wish pain on anyone!)! Thank you for posting! Hugs!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    I committed carbicide as well...and like you had similar body reactions! What an eye opener for me to realize those things were all diet related ! My biggest revelation is I'm a sugar addict....I thought I could control that, but really I'm powerless....even today, feeling like crap, I want to have those chocolate covered yummies!!! I see how easily my good intentions could derail! My plan is eat as close or below 20 g carbs for next couple of days and once I've got the fat tank full, to do a water or very low cal fast day to kickstart my weightloss....
    I hope you get back on your LC plan as well ! All is not lost, just another way our body reminds us to listen to it !
  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    I failed too. Had a little bit of everything. But the kicker was I didn't even have cravings for any of it. I just felt obligated because family had taken time to make it and bring it over. And last night my stomach reminded me of what carbs really are.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I was a bit off track after canadian thanksgiving too. Hop back on the wagon and you'll feel n better faster.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Today a year ago after having been LCHF for 60 days I went out with the family and ate a boat load of pasta and the next stop was for a banana shake.

    I had been reading about the Carb Nite Out book and through I would try it.

    The carb nite out is a great idea I think. I was so sick for 3 days and another three days for the six pound weight gain to totally wash out that I decided Low Carb High Fat was my Way Of Eating until I stop eating period. smile:

    One low carb coach actually have her clients pig out on carbs after a period of time so they see once and for all how bad their bodies reacts to carbs.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    After a real carb slip earlier in the week, aside from needing to sleep in the day, I notice I still have one of those nagging headaches. Carbs do me no good. Wish I could remember that when they start singing that old siren song right in my face!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Just go back on your normal plan and you'll be feeling better soon. You can speed up the process with some extra exercise to burn up glycogen.

    I went off my low carb diet, sort of, for Thanksgiving, although probably not far off. So far, no consequences. I'm on a cheese fast today, because I went a little nuts at the cheese store.
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    Today a year ago after having been LCHF for 60 days I went out with the family and ate a boat load of pasta and the next stop was for a banana shake.

    I had been reading about the Carb Nite Out book and through I would try it.

    The carb nite out is a great idea I think. I was so sick for 3 days and another three days for the six pound weight gain to totally wash out that I decided Low Carb High Fat was my Way Of Eating until I stop eating period. smile:

    One low carb coach actually have her clients pig out on carbs after a period of time so they see once and for all how bad their bodies reacts to carbs.

    I can see why this would work wonders !!!! Thanks for sharing !!
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    anna114400 wrote: »
    ...I mean I already endulged right?

    To help me in these situations, I always like this comparison --- if you dropped your cell phone on the ground, you wouldn't then jump on top of it would you?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Lol. I like that!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    anna114400 wrote: »
    ...I mean I already endulged right?

    To help me in these situations, I always like this comparison --- if you dropped your cell phone on the ground, you wouldn't then jump on top of it would you?

    Hahaha Very true :lol:
  • bitxbit
    bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
    I failed miserably! It was my first holiday (LCHF). I did really well with supper. BUT, once the sweets touched my tongue, I was a gone-r. Sugar cravings kicked in. The more I surrendered, the stronger they became! Vicious circle. I carried it on over, into "Leftover Friday" & now, I feel sluggish, slow brained, headache, tired & bloated. I cannot be trusted with my body, yet. :-( Yes, in general, icky!! I will remember this, as a lesson learned. Back at it in the morning, gladly.
  • anna114400
    anna114400 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for sharing an understanding!
  • Abm4n
    Abm4n Posts: 529 Member
    @ kirkor. Nice metaphor! Although I suspect that my old Nokia could probably take a beating.