Finding my correct TDEE



  • bnowell724
    bnowell724 Posts: 31 Member
    As women I wonder how much our TDEE goes up during ovulation when our basal body temp increases?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    There is around a 150 - 250 cal swing on BMR during the month - so literally almost an automatic diet break for a week, and then bigger deficit for a week.

    TDEE would likely change that much too unless a change of activity goes along with it for other reasons.

    And I wouldn't worry about some extra sets of pushups or such later.
    Hour of walking on off days, sure.
    Rushing around with kids, sure. On feet job along with that, oh yeah.

    Too bad it wasn't a lemon cheesecake cleanse. ;-)
  • bnowell724
    bnowell724 Posts: 31 Member
    edited December 2015
    @heybales Yeah no this was the lemon water with maple syrup and cayenne diet, aka just starving yourself for a long as you can without dying.

    I've been on a cheesecake diet before, when I was pregnant.
  • bnowell724
    bnowell724 Posts: 31 Member
    Question: If I add one 90 minute session per week of Bikram Yoga to my exercise regimen, how do I reflect that on the Just My TDEE spreadsheet? Anyone know?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    That would be walking level calorie burn.
    Probably won't change it too much on daily basis, I am curious though if you can share.
  • bnowell724
    bnowell724 Posts: 31 Member
    That's all?? It's a pretty intense work out with lots of sweating, although that is due to the heat. It feels more like a strength training session than walking though. I've seen claims online that one session can burn up to 1000 calories although that sounds ridiculous. This article is about a study that claims it's closer to 300-400 calories

    So say it burns 300 calories, would that be like walking still?
  • bnowell724
    bnowell724 Posts: 31 Member
    So I entered in the extra 90 minute walking and it only upped my TDEE by about 30... From 2150 to 2180.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited January 2016
    That's why sweating, and even elevated HR - is not exactly a good indicator of how hard a workout was.
    Can be - but not always.
    That article points out exactly where the high estimates came from - those using HRM's - and not realizing that HR can increase from many stressful body situations that don't have any increase calorie burn going on.
    I'd dare say you get into a hot and humid room and just sit and your HR will start to go up and you'll start to sweat. I sure would. But you aren't burning more.

    As the article points out, it's the same METS as walking 3.5 mph - and that's exactly what that entry in the spreadsheet is using.
    So you are getting 30 x 7 = 210 calorie rating for it.
    So you may be smaller than the folks in the study where she gave actual calorie figures - except the girl in the picture looks smaller too. 5'2" and 125 lbs - yep, lower calorie burn.

    I was wondering which unit they'd give them to wear. Some use bags that collect the breathed air for analysis later. That would have been interesting with yoga. Though I'm sure the contraption they used was anyway.

    So nope, about the same calorie burn as regular yoga - just more stressful on the body so you sweat and have higher HR. Actually, the heat probably makes it less stressful for the stretches - so that's gotta be good.
  • bnowell724
    bnowell724 Posts: 31 Member
    Yeah I mostly want to add it to my routine in hopes that it will help my knee pain. I've found that I cannot run much at all outside of crossfit without causing pain for weeks. I was hoping it would add some significant calorie burn as well...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Ya, that would've been nice side benefit.

    But if it allows better life and/or other workouts - well worth losing time from other stuff probably.
    I know I need to more stretching.
    In fact, good reminder to get my glute while sitting here - thanks.