Needing a replacement for breakfast.

FatMomma89 Posts: 81 Member
I always eat cheerios or rasin bran for breakfast. I don't cook in the mornings. (So eggs and bacon won't work for me.) Does anyone know what can take the place of my usual?


  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    If your doing LCHF diet then I usually have 2 cups of bullet proof coffee and beef broth threw out my mornings and that keeps me full till lunch
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    edited December 2015
    If you can't handle no cereal in the morning, then try "keto cereal":

    If you put enough cinnamon on it, it almost tastes like the grain-made junk ... ymmv :)
    This is a fancy version. I have done just plain pork rinds, a few almonds, kefir and sweetleaf drops with cinnamon sprinkled on top. It worked, sorta!
  • JustMe2C
    JustMe2C Posts: 101 Member
    Cheese, deli meat, hard boiled eggs made before and stored for "whenever", leftovers, low carb smoothies, bullet proof coffee, yogurt with some berries.

    Hope that helps. :)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I have a bullet proof hot chocolate made with protein powder instead of coffee. Keeps me full til lunch.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited December 2015
    JustMe2C wrote: »
    Cheese, deli meat, hard boiled eggs made before and stored for "whenever", leftovers, low carb smoothies, bullet proof coffee, yogurt with some berries.

    Hope that helps. :)

    I love to eat leftovers for breakfast! Had an apple glazed pork chop just a couple of days ago, it was so good. A lot of foods are better the second day anyway, after the flavors have had the chance to really meld together well.

    I like Bulletproof Coffee pretty well but Christine's hot chocolate version sounds even better and I'm going to try it this morning!

    Hard boil a dozen eggs to have handy. (I put a tsp of white vinegar and a few drops of red food color in the water so that the shells turn pink, so that I can tell them apart from my regular eggs in the fridge! You know, apart from the smell, haha!!!)

    I've made This Low Carb "Granola" and it is AMAZINGly good. I could eat it by the fist-full for days. In fact I often do just eat a serving or two for snacks! To make it a more filling part of a meal I like it on vanilla yogurt (you can make your own if you have time/desire to do so - I do - but the Carb Master yogurt you can get at Kroger stores is nice too and way easier!).

    If cereal is your love, Mellissa at I Breathe, I'm Hungry has this recipe for Cinnamon Faux-st Crunch Cereal that you could make to have on hand, I haven't tried it myself but it has rave reviews.
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    Crust less quiche made in a muffin pan
    Warm up nicely in the microwave
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I mix unsweetened coconut flakes, sliced almonds and shaved 86% dark chocolate together in a baggie and eat it like a trail mix with a spoon straight outta the bag for a snack sometimes. You could probably pour almond milk on it in a bowl for a cereal. Maybe even add a few more ingredients.
  • LahLahLeslie
    LahLahLeslie Posts: 8 Member
    I buy hard boiled eggs that already have their shell taken off. 10 eggs in a bag. They're more expensive, but I feel they are worth it. It's quick, easy, and keeps me full until lunch time.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    fludderbye wrote: »
    Crust less quiche made in a muffin pan
    Warm up nicely in the microwave

    I have to try that. What a great idea.
  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    fludderbye wrote: »
    Crust less quiche made in a muffin pan
    Warm up nicely in the microwave

    I have to try that. What a great idea.

    This is a staple for me. So many variations you can do with quiche. To make it even easier and less calories (no need to oil a pan), I use this - works great!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,414 Member
    I have a bullet proof hot chocolate made with protein powder instead of coffee. Keeps me full til lunch.

    Can you share the recipe please? :) Sounds good!!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,414 Member
    I usually have crustless quiche (from the Atkins website) I just make a bunch and freeze it. You can also do full fat cottage cheese with pecans!
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    I cant cook daily so on Sundays I make up a bunch. I have a pan with 12 small square openings, so I crack an egg in each one, use a fork to break the yolk and stir, then sprinkle shredded cheese and bacon bits and salt/pepper over the top of them. Bake at 350 for about 10-13 minutes. Like baby omelets. I put them in pairs in snack size baggies, then grab a baggie or two every morning to take to work. Microwave for a minute or two. Takes 15 minutes to make 12 of them.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    :p I, too, would love to hear more about the BP hot chocolate. !!
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Cooking on the weekend (I also like crustless quiche or egg bake/egg muffins) is clutch! I wouldn't ever eat breakfast if I didn't have it ready to go in 2 minutes.
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    Phrick wrote: »
    JustMe2C wrote: »
    Cheese, deli meat, hard boiled eggs made before and stored for "whenever", leftovers, low carb smoothies, bullet proof coffee, yogurt with some berries.

    Hope that helps. :)

    I love to eat leftovers for breakfast! Had an apple glazed pork chop just a couple of days ago, it was so good. A lot of foods are better the second day anyway, after the flavors have had the chance to really meld together well.

    I like Bulletproof Coffee pretty well but Christine's hot chocolate version sounds even better and I'm going to try it this morning!

    Hard boil a dozen eggs to have handy. (I put a tsp of white vinegar and a few drops of red food color in the water so that the shells turn pink, so that I can tell them apart from my regular eggs in the fridge! You know, apart from the smell, haha!!!)

    I've made This Low Carb "Granola" and it is AMAZINGly good. I could eat it by the fist-full for days. In fact I often do just eat a serving or two for snacks! To make it a more filling part of a meal I like it on vanilla yogurt (you can make your own if you have time/desire to do so - I do - but the Carb Master yogurt you can get at Kroger stores is nice too and way easier!).

    If cereal is your love, Mellissa at I Breathe, I'm Hungry has this recipe for Cinnamon Faux-st Crunch Cereal that you could make to have on hand, I haven't tried it myself but it has rave reviews.

    I just had a good laugh about the pink eggs. Many years ago I worked in a kitchen
    at a Boy Scout camp. Every morning we would boil eggs. Every other week when we
    got new kids in the camp, I had to put a raw egg in with the boiled.
    It never got old. >:)

    >:) or o:)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited December 2015
    Here's my bullet proof hot choc recipe, I use a 500ml soup mug :lol:

    -25g protein powder- I alternate between quest chocolate and peanut butter.

    - 15g butter

    -15g coconut oil

    -15g thickened cream

    Fill the cup 1/4 the way up with boiled kettle water and blend using a hand immersion blender, then fill to the top with the rest of the hot water. A filling creamy cup of deliciousness!

    Comes to 385 calories

    Sometimes I also add 15ml of coconut cream
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    That sounds fantastic @Christine_72. Thank you for sharing.
  • cynlyn2010
    cynlyn2010 Posts: 73 Member
    I also make up eggs and bacon ahead of time, usually fry both for the following day as I'm making dinner for the evening. There is NO way I would get up early enough to cook anything before
    I also have coffee with heavy whipping cream, it really has a way of filling you up and holding you over until lunch time and sometimes beyond.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    lithezebra wrote: »
    fludderbye wrote: »
    Crust less quiche made in a muffin pan
    Warm up nicely in the microwave

    I have to try that. What a great idea.

    This is a staple for me. So many variations you can do with quiche. To make it even easier and less calories (no need to oil a pan), I use this - works great!

    I love silicone bakeware, so easy to clean!