Aquafit Ab exercises

grassette Posts: 976 Member
edited November 27 in Social Groups
This week I started doing my crunches for a full 10 minutes at a time. Wow. Is that effective! I have finally found the exercise that gets my tummy pulled in. These are the ones that you do with the noodle supporting your outstretched arms as you bring your knees to the chest, first from the front, then from side to side, then alternating, with a few minutes of rocking from side to side. I tried doing the pendulum that long, but had to give up when my back started protesting at the 5 minute range. What aquafit exercises do you find that work best on the abs?


  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    I do the same ones with the noodle. The instructor doesn't always have us do that one during class, so on those days I stay in the pool and do them myself afterwards. I usually do at least 3 sets of about 5 minutes each (alternate with other exercises in between).

    I also do the ab crunches with the floating dumbbells. Make sure I'm in pretty deep water and then do crunches with the dumbbells out to each side. I actually find these to be harder (probably more effective) than using the noodle. The last time I did those my abs were sore for 2 days! However, seems like I did have a few back twinges after awhile.

    I'm going to aquasize class tomorrow, so plan to try the dumbbell crunches again and see how I do. I can always drop back to the noodle if my back starts bothering me.

    Do you do the pendulum with the noodle?
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Yes, I pendulum with the noodle/dumbells, but can't do more than a minute or two without triggering back pain. I guess I have to build up slowly. I have not really noticed too much of a difference between the noodle and dumbells for the ab crunches. Doing 10 minutes at a time is fairly new for me, because the instructor would usually have us do them for only 2-3 minutes max. Of course now that I am aiming for 10 minutes, I am seeing the impact, whereas before there wasn't one.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    I thought the same thing (minimal impact with only 2-3 minutes or LESS). One of my instructors would only have us do 10 crunches each way, which I pretty much thought was useless (for me). That being said, a lot of the people in my class are older than me so she may not want to push them too hard.

    We had an instructor that taught Thursday and Friday classes only. I absolutely loved her teaching style and she really pushed us. She would come to class with new workouts almost every week and was always coaching us about correct form. She'd give some of us harder movements that were more challenging. Unfortunately, she got into a personality conflict with the other instructor (who I don't like nearly as well). My favorite teacher ended up quitting on the spot one day. They've had multiple fill-ins ever since so it's been different, but not as challenging. I'm glad I did get to learn some of her exercises, though. I can do them on my own after class is over.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I find that the quality of instruction at my pool varies quite a bit. They hire university students, which is OK, when they have high energy levels. But only one is qualified as being an aquafit instructor. He is heads and shoulders above the others, and his exercises have really restored function in my arms. I square dance twice a week, and the underarm turns can be quite painful if we don't keep our form up. He put us througha routine that was so difficult at first, but as stamina built up, was absolutely great in restoring the ability to move and hold our arms above our heads. A good instructor is prevention phsysio-therapy.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    So I only made it to aquasize twice this week. Pool was closed Tuesday due to power outage, I went on Wednesday, Pool closed again Thursday due to lightning! I was able to go today and exercised for 105 minutes. Might have been a bit too much as I'm feeling pretty tired this evening. I was trying to make up for lost time, I suppose. :p

    New instructor is a young man - university student like you mentioned. He doesn't do the exercises for long enough. He'll have us do one thing for about 20 seconds and then switch to the next one. He also ended class 10 minutes early because I think he ran out of things to do. Oh well, growing pains. I did plank variations with the noodles for about 15 minutes followed by another 15 of various crunches. I used both the noodle and the dumbbells and I paid attention to which was a better workout. I actually like both for different reasons. The dumbbells also seem to workout my arms while doing the crunches, but the noodle is easier on my neck. I think I can relax back into it better, so good to switch it up.

    We don't have aquasize on Saturday, so I'll probably just workout at home. I also play disc golf, so might have a chance for a round if the weather would break for just an hour or two!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I went late today, and we ended up doing aquafit for 2 hours. Lol. Then went out to an Indian restaurant tnat has a smorgasbord. I didn't bother logging. Our community pool is shared with the school, but when the teachers have a strike day, then the pool is open to the whole community for the day. We had 3 strike days this week, and it was great. But I hope for their sakes that the strike is over after Christmas. With the instructors, I don't hesitate to give them feedback. I like it when they use the timing clock to time how long we practice. Tomorrow, I will be square dancing as my workout. We are having a workshop, and I am hoping to get 5 hours of dancing in.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    edited January 2016
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    edited January 2016
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