December 13th - 19th



  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Stayed on track last week - AND got to have pie. What??? Yes, it is possible to have it all. Ok maybe not all, as I didn't eat all of the pie. But still there was pie and it was glorious. Just took a little planning, exercise and paying attention to my body in the moment. Yay!

    This week my goal is to add in two weight sessions (the weight being my own body), and two full yoga sessions. Get'n strong!!

    @NewOR2015 - So...I did a boudoir photo shoot a few years ago. I was not at my very fittest, but I did it for myself because so often my view of my body has been terribly skewed. It was scary, but INSANELY powerful. The women I worked with were amazing and they really knew how to make you feel beautiful and the pictures are something I will treasure when I'm 80. I could see for the first time my own beauty, flaws and all. I owned it all. I would highly suggest this for every woman at any weight or fitness level.

    And yes, I did have a bit of liquid encouragement, which was part of the fun.

    Hey, wtg being able to incorporate pie into your routine! I'm a firm believer in not depriving ourselves of anything as it always seems to backfire.. instead of one slice, it'd be the whole pie if we didn't indulge here and there, right??

    omg... I give *anyone* credit for doing the boudoir photo shoot! Even with liquid encouragement, I"m not sure I'd get up the courage, but can imagine it *is* empowering if you are able to! The ones I've seen of other people always look beautiful ... but admittedly, I'm usually able to better see that in others than myself.
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello everyone! I did meet my goal last week of working out five days during the week. I did Monday - Thursday and then Saturday. My goal this week is to continue working out at least five days per week. I would like to work on my eating a bit as well, as the holidays and my brother in law's visit have brought a lot of opportunities for yummy food. Realistically, I am not expecting to lose anything during the holidays but my goal is to not gain anything.

    We went to Napa on Saturday and I definitely enjoyed myself, with food and liquid form. I probably drank more calories than I ate, which is often the case when we go wine tasting. :) On Thursday this week I have a staff holiday luncheon and that evening, a holiday social for my Jewish women's group. I plan on enjoying myself but not going overboard.

    Have a great week everyone!

    Napa sounds wonderful! :) I'd love to visit California someday. Never been and there are so many places I'd love to see out there!

    I think holding steady during the holidays amidst all of the parties etc. is a reasonable goal. Just a few more weeks and all of the New Year resolutions will be in full swing, so we'll have a lot of company! :)

  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Enjoyed last week's trip out of town, but it's good to be home this morning. Was able to stay on target by doing some snack and restaurant pre-planning and by doing a ton of walking/sightseeing/shopping while away. Looking forward time at home this week. This trip has encouraged me to continue walking a lot more at home. Have a great week everyone!

    Welcome back!!! Good for you for being so vigilant and pre-planning while out of town. Not always easy! I have been walking on the treadmill every other day and feel so much better for doing so! We'll keep at it! :)

  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    I haven't posted in a couple weeks, but I've been on track. Worked out every day for 30 minutes minimum the past two weeks. And I've stayed within my calorie deficit this week. This week I'm on business travel. My goal is to keep up my workout program, minimum 30 minutes a day, and to maintain my weekly deficit. Business travel has been difficult on my diet in the past, but I've gotten off to a good start. Healthy week everyone!

    Stay strong! Sounds like you've been doing really well and have some good momentum going. Safe travels!
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    NewOR2015 wrote: »
    Regarding the corset and/or boudoir photo...I won't say never...but that's not happening anytime soon. :)

    ^^^ This. LOL You never know though! Maybe we'll surprise ourselves someday! ha!
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    It's amazing the difference it makes in my day/weight loss to simply get 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night. It's also amazing how illusive that can sometimes be. :|

    I hear you. The only things that really seem to help me are a hard workout and fresh air. I'm an incredibly light sleeper so I love when I wake-up and realize it's actually morning and not the middle of the night! lol
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    I have been on a plateau for 6 weeks. It has been very frustrating because I train HARD and generally eat well. I have been doing a similar thing to what worked for the whole year, but I have amped up my training as we head towards competition. I need to be 68 kgs or under to fight in the weight division I want (or I fight at the bottom of the 70 plus division which means I can fight someone MUCH bigger than me.) Today I got on the scale before training and it was nearly a kg down from my previous low 6 weeks ago!! WooHoo. Still have to drop another 2 kgs but I have two months and at least it is moving!

    WooHoo for breaking past a plateau! I know you'll get those 2 kgs off -- you've been so diligent in your workouts and sticking on plan.
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi All,

    I have returned from California, thank you for all your support. I'm still fighting the need to sleep after that quick trip to California. My sister is doing ok and hopefully she will heal in time. It was great to hear from so many people how my nephew touched their lives at such a young age.
    I will make my goal this week just to get back into staying positive,healthy eating and going to gym. Eating here and there for the past week and not the best food. I do not want to look at the scale. Looks like everyone is doing well, glad to see.

    Welcome back.... definitely take good care of yourself and get lots of good rest in when you're able. Sometimes the emotional stress can pile up on us quicker than physical. If you think the scale will just bring you down, maybe just wait for a week? There's nothing that says we have to weigh-in every week.
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Everyone, it's kind of been a stressful week, but I'm trying not to let it get the best of me. Question: How do you deal with someone who is a constant source of negative energy? I really struggle with this. There's this woman I work with who puts a negative spin on *everything* -- she is a fear monger, she's constantly pointing out bad things that are happening, or are going to happen, and doesn't let up. I've tried to disengage -- probably not forcefully enough though. I mean, I understand people needing to vent about things -- but when it's a constant stream, it's hard to take it seriously.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    @KrisM111 - oh those kind of people can be exhausting! I think it is important that you set boundaries - physically and verbally. Let her know that while you understand her frustration, you need her to not come to you with such news, frustrations, etc. Maybe recommend she talk to someone professionally or a religious clergy member? My husband gets like that sometimes and I remind him that I care about his concerns but the constant inundation of the negative energy can be soul-sucking. If you are seated next to this person, perhaps you can be relocated to a difference space?
  • KrisM111
    KrisM111 Posts: 88 Member
    Trish, yes, exhausting! Is your husband responsive to your reminders? Thankfully, we're working from home right now, so I am physically removed from her, but I find myself going on edge as soon as I see her name in my inbox. Lately, she's been telling us we're all going to lose our jobs, even though there's nothing to support that. It's crazy. Yes, a boundary is definitely necessary; I've decided next time she write us, I'm going to respond as honestly as possible without going on the attack. I have to put my own emotional well-being first right now.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    He is usually responsive and then will make an effort to attend meditation on the weekends. Worrying about everything isn't going to change anything. When you respond, just be clear, firm, but respectful. It sounds like this woman needs to just chill out! :)
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Easier said than done...but try to be the positive influence. Steer Ms. Negative away from her negative train of thoughts. Change the subject. Or just listen and let it slide.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    Oh you guys know I work with one of the craziest woman out there. Agree with her if she says you are all going to lose your jobs say Your so right have you applied anywhere? Does anything look good? When she mentions some place go Oh yes I heard of them though I think you would probably do better there than me you know all my faults and all. ;) You always agree with the crazy people cause one day they snap on you. Just play her game and get everyone at your place to play it too. It's working great at our place of work she thinks she's in control and we feel pretty safe. LOL
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    @2020pinktogo I know that saying...Keep your friends close and your wacko BFFs closer.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    The woman I share an office with is psycho. I avoid her as much as possible (weekend work means we often get time off) and when she is there I just smile and nod. Argueing with her gets her offended and then she sulks at me and it makes the office a horrible place to be.

    She signed up to train at my gym because she saw how much of a difference it made and I wanted to scream - that is my space! Luckily she has decided the style of training is not for her and doesn't go.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    There are no wackos in my walking space. And again a beautiful day! I wish I could say my food intake was as good. I did NOT turn down the treats today :( , I have used up my calorie limit, and I am going to my brother's house for dinner tonight.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    @NewOR2015 enjoy dinner with your family and get back on track tomorrow. We can't undo, so chalk it up as one of those indulgence days and begin again.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Thanks, Robin. I tried to drink a lot of water but enjoyed a good dinner as well. I will definitely get back on track tomorrow. I love having this group as a support system.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Dropped into the 150s (159.4) this morning. (Maybe that's more of a dip.) Anyway, excited to add a reward charm to my bracelet! ... and now to be a good girl this weekend! o:)