New to the group, check in here



  • Seasidemom
    Seasidemom Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Susan. I'm a 46 year old recent graduate of nursing school and I'm a mom to five kids. I've tracked on and off for years, but really need to get serious as I have 30lbs to lose. I can't use school as an excuse any longer. :) I've been trying to keep active, but keep getting sidelined with injuries - I'm back to walking again.
  • ajae1930
    ajae1930 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm Tammy. I am 43 and I try to stay in shape and eat healthy. I have 4 great kids. I'm here to receive and give support when and where needed.
  • karenps21
    karenps21 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm Karen. I'm a 44 year old mom of 3. I have been on MFP for several years, losing and gaining and losing and gaining over and over again. I'm pretty active. I walk, run, do Zumba and a take a few other cardio classes at the gym, but I seem to always gain back any weight that I lose with the exception of about 8 lbs. Most recently, I have gained 8 lbs just since May. That always seems to happen to me during the summer months. I know my eating habits need to improve. I just love my Coca Cola and my sweets. My hobby is baking, so that's also part of the problem. I was very bad this past Labor Day weekend and starting today, I plan to lower my sugar and carb intake. I am hoping I can lose 1 lb per week before my birthday in Dec. That's my goal at least. We'll see how it goes!
  • DianePK
    DianePK Posts: 122 Member
    I'm back again. I was on Weight Watchers as I worked there, and lost some weight, however as soon as I stopped it has crept back up, so here I am. I am 46, 80kg and not happy about it. I have a gym in my unit complex so not excuses at all for not working out. apart from arthritis, which means I have to be careful of my knee and back.
  • LizYork25
    LizYork25 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Liz and 41 years young. I still can't believe it but the years are flying by so fast and I'm a rollercoaster on the scale.
    I have two gym memberships and would like to have a buddy keep me motivated and vice versa. I work with an office of youngsters that are fit and I'm the big girl, it's not good when you're use to being the skinny one. I blew up during an emotionally abusive marriage I became an emotional eater. Now that I'm mentally healthy I'm wanting my body to be healthy too.
  • Runagain_4
    Runagain_4 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi. I'm 45, working my way down from 154 lbs to 125, currently hovering around 136. I started gaining weight around 40 and have gone up and down since; I went down to 117 in 2012, but not in a healthy way, and the weight gradually crept up to my heaviest ever in August of this year. So I'm here and hopefully I've got it right this time. I eat healthy, real foods whenever possible - I follow a meal plan that my family can enjoy too, with no elimination but some restrictions for me on trigger foods like pasta and rice (can't ever get enough!). I walk every day and do Pilates two times a week, which has really helped with chronic sciatica and piriformis. Like the foods I choose, these exercises are sustainable, which is key to making this a lifestyle and not a ''flavour of the week''. It's been slow going, but it's been fairly easy. What's important is to remember that regaining would be even easier ... :neutral:
  • sweet_p
    sweet_p Posts: 3 Member
    I am 44 year old professional mother of three busy girls with a fit/active husband (lucky, I know). I've always been fairly active (I've run 7 half marathons), but not in control of my eating. I need some accountability. My real life friends are either remarkably fit or seemingly content with being heavy. I am neither, but I don't have enough self discipline to do this solo.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Hi, I'm Holly. I'm 44 mom to 4 children 3 daughters 20,8.and 7 and 1 son 18. I lost 30 lbs. a few years ago with MFP and due to stresses of life and laziness I put 15 back on. I have recently rejoined the gym and started keeping track of what I eat. My husband bought me a fitbit for Christmas that I use mainly to make sure that my calories burned are fairly accurate as well as to see how many calories I burn when I'm not working out that day. That number helps me to make sure that I am not over or really under with my MFP settings. I'm looking for friends to help keep me accountable and that may need encouraging too!
  • birtley15
    birtley15 Posts: 44 Member
    Hello! My name is Meghan and I am new to this group and soon to be new to the 40's. 2016 is the year I turn 40 and my goal is weigh 140 (or around there) by the time my birthday comes around in September. I have lost 25 since June but I still have 70 more to go!!

    I have taken up running and try to get to the gym on my lunch breaks 3 or 4 days a week. New year new motivation!!!

    I am always looking for new MFP friends to help keep me motivated. Feel free to friend request me!
  • cynergy30
    cynergy30 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!! its my last year in the 40s going to be 50 this June. Want to look and feel healthier trying to lose weight 50lbs by then. Im single no kids but a pet parent. This is challenging because I have thyroid disease but IM determined. :):#
  • Jadedbyyou
    Jadedbyyou Posts: 3 Member
    I am Angela. 40 yr old mother of 1. I have gained a lil more than 25 pounds over the last year and I just cant stand it anymore! I am looking for some like minded friends to chat with and get advice from. Looking forward to chatting with ya'll!
  • Msmia
    Msmia Posts: 3 Member
    Hello every one. I am Cam, mommy to 3 littles. I am 42 and trying to be as healthy as i can. And sexy too.
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hello! my name is Kim, I am 44yrs old, this is my second time on this site. The last 2 years have been very rough on me and I managed to put approx. 55lbs. My ultimate goal is to lose approx.65lbs. I use herbalife products cause they work for me and I love them. I am currently working out to Shaun T new program CIZE it is a lot of fun and very addicting.
    I would love to meet positive uplifting people.
    if your looking for more people in your friend group (support group) then please add me..
    I wish everyone good luck in reaching their goals.
    Remember weight gain does not happen overnight so neither will weight loss.....
  • tksterling
    tksterling Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone. I am 44 & mom of 2. I have been on MFP since 12-26 logging every day, I have lost about 8 lbs. Looking for some friends for motivation and ideas-I decided to join a couple of groups, feel free to add me as it's a hard journey alone. :)
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    New to group and looking for new friends <3 XOXOXO
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    Hi, I'm new(one week) to mfp and to the group, 45 is only a few months away and I have 42 lbs to get rid of (not by my b-day)

    Our family has had a h&ll of a year, and I realized how run down was getting, and decided I need to look after me to look after my family better

    I've been doing wwers (still go) but have been on a plateau since past September and getting tired of it so I joined here a week ago and was doing great (until Easter dinner yesterday BUT back at it today)

    I don't go to a gym, I live in an area of hills so they are my work out. With spring/summer here soon I'll be outdoors more

    Looking forward to getting to know you all

  • majork29
    majork29 Posts: 701 Member
    Hi all I'm new to this group. I'm 45, married to by best friend with 3 kids. I'm at 176 pounds right now and have a goal weight of 130. I have already lost 60 pounds and maintained it off for 5 years but until recently haven't tried to lose more.
  • smurph1968
    smurph1968 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 47 and I need friends around my age for motivation.
  • centermom71
    centermom71 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone - I'm new to this group and new to MFP. I'm 44 and a mother of 2 beautiful daughters. I'm married to my soul mate who loves to eat but doesn't seem to ever gain weight - sigh. I lost weight before using WW but not finding the new plan easy to use so going to try just reducing calories to 1200. Today is day one and instead of beating myself up for gaining back the weight that I fought so hard to lose, I'm going to try and focus on how much better I felt about myself when I was at a healthier weight. OMG - you don't know how hard that is going to be for me but I need to forgive myself and move on!

    So, anyone out there willing to befriend an introverted pessimist struggling to stay positive and on track?
  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi all. Im 46 yo married and early meno. I've lost inches but the scale wont budge. I hope to lean more about what others are doing - esp. programs etc. I find that my joints aren't taking the aerobics like they used to.
    Stats: 5'8"; 197
    Need to lose 25-30 lbs
    Lost 11 lbs since December.