


  • Iwanttobeevil
    Iwanttobeevil Posts: 2 Member
    I'm Traci (Iwanttobeevil). My weight loss process has been a frustrating and ongoing journey. In 2013 I was going pretty well and losing weight but then I had an injury where I managed to mangle the ligaments running from my foot to my large toe. Because of how much damage I did I needed to largely stay off my foot and keep from stressing it. Add to this that I started school full time in addition to working, I was sedentary and stressed out and hence I didn't pay attention to what I ate and thus gained more weight. I feel pretty frustrated overall but I don't want to fail again. My goal is going to be focused more towards strength building along with losing excess fat as my body tends to gain muscle readily.
  • Hi! I'm Jenni, on imgur I am pandaaburr. I am getting married next year in August and I would like to lose at least 50 pounds so I can fit into a nice wedding dress. :) I have tried multiple diets and and multiple days of workouts but my thing is losing motivation. Thanks for being here yall <3
  • Sarilare
    Sarilare Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone! Jenn, aka RubyRhodette, here. 5' 1", 185# as of this morning. I am getting married in January of 2017 so that's a big motivator. Being healthy for my girls is another thing that motivates me. Plus... I'd really like to look smoking hot while naked (Obviously that's my biggest motivation). Hope this helps get me some motivation since previous attempts have failed miserably. I started Whole30 yesterday and so far so good. Best of luck everyone!
  • manateemermaids
    manateemermaids Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I'm Amy aka manateemermaid from the UK. 5'7" and won't know my weight until I get back home after the holidays but it's not going to be pretty! I keep putting off loosing weight because I'm busy/stressed/ill but really hoping to stop making excuses this year and make some progress. Look forward to getting to know you all :) xxx
  • jessimil03
    jessimil03 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I'm Jes and I'm tired of being fat and tired. Last year was hell for my fam, and so I ate my pain away. And ate and ate and ate. Life goes on, and we are healing, only now I'm fat too. And that has go. So here I am. If you're feeling down and need to hear some encouragement, or just want to talk, message me :)
  • inspiritedmama
    inspiritedmama Posts: 13 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hey all, I'm Ash. Inspiritedmama here(obv) and on imgur. The last three years have pretty much been a nightmare, stress-wise. But things started to look up the last bit of 2015, and am excited for 2016!

    I signed up for the gym (just got back from an hour on the treadmill), and plan to go 4-5 times a week with a real focus on cardio. I absolutely loathe diets. I feel like I've been on and off diets for the last decade++ So for 2016 I'm kicking it off with a focus on clean/whole/mindful eating. Lean meats, lots of fruit and veg, and starting on Monday, no sugar/refined sweeteners!

    My goal is 2lbs per week, with 80-100lbs total for 2016.
  • Chromate
    Chromate Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all
    My name is Samantha, smudgymc on imgur. I found this group through my post about losing weight this year. I really need this group to keep me motivated!
  • MECK1980
    MECK1980 Posts: 2 Member

    Meghan aka HazyKitten on Imgur. Want the full dish go read my bio as I just typed it and my fingers are going to fall off. Long story short I'm 5'4. 232 pounds. I want to lose 100+. Nothing terrifying about that. Kill me now.
  • lmitchellf
    lmitchellf Posts: 110 Member
    Chromate wrote: »
    Hello all
    My name is Samantha, smudgymc on imgur. I found this group through my post about losing weight this year. I really need this group to keep me motivated!

    Happy to have you!
  • lmitchellf
    lmitchellf Posts: 110 Member
    Hey all, I'm Ash. Inspiritedmama here(obv) and on imgur. The last three years have pretty much been a nightmare, stress-wise. But things started to look up the last bit of 2015, and am excited for 2016!

    I signed up for the gym (just got back from an hour on the treadmill), and plan to go 4-5 times a week with a real focus on cardio. I absolutely loathe diets. I feel like I've been on and off diets for the last decade++ So for 2016 I'm kicking it off with a focus on clean/whole/mindful eating. Lean meats, lots of fruit and veg, and starting on Monday, no sugar/refined sweeteners!

    My goal is 2lbs per week, with 80-100lbs total for 2016.

    Exercise is so important! I know you can do it this year. Look forward to seeing your progress!
  • lmitchellf
    lmitchellf Posts: 110 Member
    MECK1980 wrote: »

    Meghan aka HazyKitten on Imgur. Want the full dish go read my bio as I just typed it and my fingers are going to fall off. Long story short I'm 5'4. 232 pounds. I want to lose 100+. Nothing terrifying about that. Kill me now.

    Haha! Well we are happy you're here! Lots of different weight loss goals here and lots of support! Good luck!
  • marsdahl
    marsdahl Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! I'm Kate aka tittysprinklesundae. I'm 5'10" and 190 lbs. I've been focusing on lifting and ignoring Cardio and diet so I've got a nice layer of insulation over all my muscles haha. Looking to cut some body fat and up my endurance while still maintaining my strength level. Not super concerned about the actual number of pounds I weigh but it's a good way to check progress I guess.

    I signed up for some hard core bootcamp classes/transformation program and will be going on a paleo diet challenge starting January 4th. I'll be doing weigh ins and measurement tracking with the program so I'll update with those stats later.

    I've been lifting for a few years and would be happy to help anyone who is new to lifting :)

    Yay, another lifter! I've been lifting for a few years, but never consistently. I started COMPLETELY over on Starting Strength last October, but the same as you, not much cardio and my diet hasn't been the best. I'm starting this week with filling in cardio on my "off" days to try and see some fat loss, along with diet changes. I'm 5'9" @196lbs. Good luck! :)
  • goldieberg
    goldieberg Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I'm Sarah from California. I currently weigh 250 and am 5'6" I have some mini goals I want to reach, first getting to 236, which was a weight I was at for a long time. My big goal is to get to 190 and see where I want to go from there. Over the past year I went from 280, to 243 and back up to 250 due to holidays and a lack of self control! But still better than where I was a year ago! I've struggle with my weight my whole life, and and over it. I just want to be comfortable, not a super model!
  • inspiritedmama
    inspiritedmama Posts: 13 Member
    goldieberg wrote: »
    Hi all! I'm Sarah from California. I currently weigh 250 and am 5'6" I have some mini goals I want to reach, first getting to 236, which was a weight I was at for a long time. My big goal is to get to 190 and see where I want to go from there. Over the past year I went from 280, to 243 and back up to 250 due to holidays and a lack of self control! But still better than where I was a year ago! I've struggle with my weight my whole life, and and over it. I just want to be comfortable, not a super model!

    I'm right there with you Sarah. I'm the biggest I've been right now, and just getting under that 200lb mark would make me happy!

    We can do this! What's your "plan of attack"?
  • MichaFran
    MichaFran Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone, my Imgur name is sillypoopies. 2 years ago I was in great shape and only 15 lbs from my "goal". Then I got married, ended up working at a poutine-only restaurant, and now working nights in a group home. I gained it all back and weigh 220.

    I am 6'1", so the weight doesn't show on me like shorter people, but due to being very tall AND plus size, I have a REALLY hard time find clothes I like that fit me! My goal is to get back to 165-170!
  • lmitchellf
    lmitchellf Posts: 110 Member
    MichaFran wrote: »
    Hi everyone, my Imgur name is sillypoopies. 2 years ago I was in great shape and only 15 lbs from my "goal". Then I got married, ended up working at a poutine-only restaurant, and now working nights in a group home. I gained it all back and weigh 220.

    I am 6'1", so the weight doesn't show on me like shorter people, but due to being very tall AND plus size, I have a REALLY hard time find clothes I like that fit me! My goal is to get back to 165-170!

    Awesome goal, what is your plan to help lose the weight since you work in food and at nights?
  • e_boh312
    e_boh312 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! My name is Erin and I am here thanks to "icangothedistance" on Imgur. A couple of years ago I lost 50 lbs and felt great! Then I got a full time job and my baby was now a fully energetic toddler and I found it difficult to find a right time to go to the gym with also having the energy and drive to workout. I lost my motivation. Now I'm back to it, but have gained 30 of that 50 back! :/ I'm 6'0 and weigh 270, my mini goal is to be back to 240 by the beginning of summer. My ultimate goal is 180 but little steps! My routine currently is five days a week, one day is cardio and the other four are strength training. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend! I'm also on fitbit if you want a friend on that as well! Good luck to everyone!
  • SerenityTaps
    SerenityTaps Posts: 3 Member
    Hi guys! I'm Jessica(SerenityTaps on imgur) from Kansas. Fairly new to imgur but have used MFP and quit it several times due to discouragement. I'm trying to make 2016 the year I get serious about my health again. I'm 5'2" and at 220lbs I'm the heaviest I've ever been. Aiming for 160lbs and less sugar to start. Looking to get my eating habits under control and maybe some small workouts. I'm happy to be here and meeting like minded imgurians!
  • jessimil03
    jessimil03 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! @ fackyourusername here :)
    Chromate wrote: »
    Hello all
    My name is Samantha, smudgymc on imgur. I found this group through my post about losing weight this year. I really need this group to keep me motivated!

  • lmitchellf
    lmitchellf Posts: 110 Member
    Hi guys! I'm Jessica(SerenityTaps on imgur) from Kansas. Fairly new to imgur but have used MFP and quit it several times due to discouragement. I'm trying to make 2016 the year I get serious about my health again. I'm 5'2" and at 220lbs I'm the heaviest I've ever been. Aiming for 160lbs and less sugar to start. Looking to get my eating habits under control and maybe some small workouts. I'm happy to be here and meeting like minded imgurians!

    I'm so happy to have you join our group! What kind of discouragement did you face?