Introduce yourself - again



  • elucas6104
    elucas6104 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Elizabeth from Jacksonville, Florida. I currently weigh 355 and want to lose at least 200 pounds. I lost 100 pounds a few years ago but gained it all back during a pregnancy and shortly after. Feel free to add me to your list of friends. Seeing other people on here really helps motivate me to eat less and exercise more. I hope I can do the same and motivate others! :)
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    My name is Jeanne and I am 30 years old. I have a son, who is currently 6 years old, and is very very energetic. I actually joined MFP a long time ago, managed to go from 330 to 290, then got burned out on constantly weighing every single thing. I gained back 20 lbs, and now I am trying again, this time I am trying not to over do it with the weighing. I am exercising by training for a half-marathon. It is scheduled for Mid-November, and at this point I am just hoping to be able to finish in less than 3 hours. Feel free to add me if you wish :)

    Age: 30
    Height: 5'7
    SW: 310lb
    CW: 303.2 lb
    GW: 250 lb
    UGW: ~150 lb
  • jennsy70
    jennsy70 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Jenn from the Bay Area in California. I just recently joined and am looking for groups to learn and be motivated by. I've never been a support-kind of person but a therapist said it is what helps one stay successful so I'm giving it a try. I've lost 100# before and managed to keep it off for a bit but then the creeping started and next thing I know I've gained 80# back. Since I started I'm down 7 and it's definitely due to logging food because it makes me think, do I want to have to log this?

    Good luck to everyone!

    Jenn :)
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Kai. I live in the Capitol area of Pennsylvania. I'm 46 y/o. Married with one adult son, living with us, and a codependent cat. I work as an administrative assistant in a legal office in state government. In January of this year i found out I had leukemia. Now I'm in remission and I'm done with chemo so I'm slowly working on stamina at the gym. Oh, and I have hair again!!! I tend to be a cheerleader so I'd be happy to be friends.

    My stats:

    SW: 326 (this time)
    CW: 318.4
    GW: 170
    Health conditions: High blood pressure and pulse and it looks like I'm heading into Type II diabetes.

    So as you can see, I need to get my act together!

    It's very nice meeting everyone!

  • CrescentEddy
    CrescentEddy Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Kai and hello everyone, a big wave from beautiful Monteal, Canada! I'm a two-year member of mfp, looking to get back into the swing of things. I'm 39, upbeat and hard working... But just can't seem to find a rhythm to healthy eating and weight loss. So I'm here to gain inspiration and support from all of you lovely people, and am willing to Give encouragement and support in return :) please friend me if you think we'd be good health-buddies together. All the best,
  • SlimCuki
    SlimCuki Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! My name is Ellie, I'm 34, I live in Georgia but I'm originally from Puerto Rico. I am a technical trainer for Bankcard managed services company.

    I have neglected MFP for a while, I lost weight (40 lbs) over 2 years ago, gained it back and more. Last week I was at 313, I at 307 right now, and my highest has been 317. I felt I needed to be mentally ready to start again. Last two years have been hectic, and it's really no excuse, but I'm finally at peace, I feel the flow of everything is good. I started cross fit at a gym here at home, been into it for a week and of course, lost some pounds. I have an amazing coach and good support system at the gym. I'm keeping track of all I do on MFP so I can have more visual. Sometimes it helps to have that little boost from online friends doing the same thing. Lots of inspirational stories to read too!

    Please feel free to add me!
  • Hello all, I'm Heather, been on MHP for about a month after my doctor scared me to death trying to refer me for gastric bypass. I've always been overweight but realised it's time to make some changes. Shall changes but it's making a difference as I've lost a but over 30 lbs since July. Even the doctor said keep up the good work which was awesome in my book. Looking forward to working together to get to our goals, have a fabulous Friday!
  • Mozzie610
    Mozzie610 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello, everyone. I am Stephanie. I am 360+ pounds and I really need to get healthy. I am engaged to the most amazing man ever and we want to start a family. While we could start doing this now, there can be complications if I am this heavy. I want to get healthy so that I can have a healthy pregnancy.

    I am 29 and live in Seattle. The last couple weeks I have been focusing on cutting out fast food and junk. I have been mostly successful with that, but I haven't really lost any weight. I realized that tracking my food is necessary to get healthy and get this weight off. I am trying to be patient with myself and be happy with small victories. I hope by joining here I will have some support in that.

    I am glad to meet you all and hope to see some of you on my newsfeed!
  • Cheryl7777
    Cheryl7777 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi I'm Cheryl. I'm 64 and my starting weight was 390 and my current weight is 327, so I've lost 63 already. I need and want to get under 200 pounds. I have been fat my whole life and have lost a hundred plus pounds a couple of times. I need hip replacement surgery and need to get a lot of weight off in order to have the surgery and a safer recovery. I started using MFP seriously about 5 weeks ago and have had a weight loss every week so far. I understand that might change and I shouldn't put so much hope in each weigh in, but right now I can't help it. I live in central Wyoming with my daughter, who is a nurse, 5 rescued Pugs, and 4 rescued cats. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm not to familiar with how all this works, but I'm going to figure it all out. Good luck to everyone on their journey.
  • admegamo
    admegamo Posts: 175 Member
    My name is Sarah. I'm 31 and have been on MFP on and off since 2013. Recently I've been looking at my history and can't believe how close I've come to getting out of the 300's. I now know that I can't do this with logging. I'm 5'6 as well.
  • approvedvex
    approvedvex Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Ruben. I'm 23, 6'2" and my starting weight was 322 lbs. I began using MFP and exercising, after years of neglect, in May. At first, I was focusing on losing fat and gaining muscle simultaneously, however, I felt that I needed to focus more on the losing fat aspect. Since August, I have rededicated my workouts around cardio first and my life has completely changed. We can all achieve our goals as long as we dedicate ourselves!

    Age: 23
    Height: 6'2"
    SW: 322 lbs
    CW: 247.4 lbs
    GW: 225 lbs
  • PudgyPigeon
    PudgyPigeon Posts: 89 Member
    Hello, I'm Lala- I've been on MFP since 2011. It wasn't until recently that I began utilizing the site and app because I joined a Bariatric Weight-Loss Program. I started the Bariatric program back in June for the future family that my husband and I would love to have. There are two options in the program, Medical Weight Loss and Surgical Weight Loss. I am currently on the medical weight loss program. Basically, I would like to lose the weight by diet and lifestyle change. However, I still am not sure if WLS (Weight Loss Surgery) is off the table. The program helps, but it's my support system that is really where the help is.

    I am looking to add motivated people who are working towards common goals. Losing weight, Healthier lifestyle, Family, keeping each other on track and focused, and a bunch more! I'm pretty active in the news feed and hoping to become more active in groups. Please feel free to send me a friend request, the only thing I ask is you include a message that let's me know you're from the 300+ group.

    Age: 29
    SW: 405 lbs
    CW: 366 lbs
    GW: 160 lbs
  • ckozl81
    ckozl81 Posts: 59 Member
    I've been using MFP for a couple months very active the last couple of weeks again and wish/hope to keep it up. I'm from a small town north of Green Bay WI, I'm almost 35 and 5'8". I love Zumba. I'd love to find some new friends to keep each other motivated. I'm working on losing the first 5 pounds, but my ultimate goal is to lose about 150-200 lbs.

  • TMGetfit2016
    TMGetfit2016 Posts: 1 Member
    I want to be more focused with MFP and lose some much needed pounds. I'm 42 and got engaged last year. Need to get healthier and need motivation. Add me as a friend.
  • Hello everyone my name is Christy. Im 47 and have done the lose/regain most of my life. I always feel so good about myself when I'm eating healthy and exercising, and have almost reached my goal weight several times in my life. Something in my always gets off track and I end up gaining it all back. I need to lose roughly 130 pounds and would love the support of others to help me stay on track for good this time :)
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hi to all the new people, i rarely check this thread so sorry it took me so long to say hi :)
  • bevkidd1
    bevkidd1 Posts: 266 Member
    Hello! I just joined and I'm excited to meet all the new people...I'm almost 48 yrs old and have 100+ to lose. Looking forward to meeting everyone and supporting where i can.
  • Jewelsfla
    Jewelsfla Posts: 41 Member

    Started at 310 lbs January 2012, and have about 16 lbs left to go before reaching my initial goal of 130 lbs. I've been looking for a board for those who have lost significant amounts of weight, as it's just as much a mental and emotional shift as it is a physical one!

  • beckyboo8504
    beckyboo8504 Posts: 25 Member
    Ok, here goes. My name is Becky, I'm 30 and a single parent.

    When I was 24 I weighed 298 lbs and then lost over 100 pounds by the time I was 25. When I was 27 I found myself involved with the wrong guy for 6 months, who then left once I discovered I was pregnant.

    I gained back every pound I had lost (and then some) over the past two years due in large part to depression and a small part to the pregnancy.

    I am finally coming out of the other side of the tunnel and ready to start again.

    I now weigh 332 lbs and I am eager to start shedding the weight again. I live with my mother who is also 300+ pounds, and we are going to motivate each other to shed the weight. My goal is to lose at least 104 lbs this year (2 lbs a week-ish).
  • vet_tech15
    vet_tech15 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to this group, and new to working out. I live in Indiana, Im 27 and weight 375 pounds. That's so hard to even see written on here. I recently joined planter fitness and don't even know where to begin. I'm never really been a part of a gym. I've always been the "big kid" but it seems the my weight is just taking over my life. It's getting harder and harder to accomplish simple everyday tasks. I'm just taking to take it 1 pound at a time. Keep trying to remind myself I didn't become 375 over night so I'm not going to see the lower 200s or even the lower 300s overnight either. I know I'm going to need support and probably some help along the way so feel free to add me as a friend!