Stage 3 & 5



  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Started stage 5 today! 4 seT's of 4 reps takes a long time! I didn't have time for BWM...but ill try for it tomorrow. :)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    This thread has been quiet but I'll post anyways.

    Starting stage 3 tonight. I'm looking forward to some of them, though the combination of bar row and dumbbell romanian dead is going to be a struggle to put together with how my gym is set up. I'll find a way though. That and the back extension equipment is not near the spot for the YTWL. Will be interesting at least. Can't call it boring, by appearance. :wink:
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited April 2015
    Alright, in the no one will really notice thread... Here are my initial thoughts having done stage 1.

    I wasn't sure on form with db snatch when I tried a lighter weight because all the videos I watched focused on the moment it takes to get it up and I didn't need much with 15 lb dumbbells. Even the 25 didn't take that much effort, not for only 6 reps.

    One leg romanian deadlift, not a fan of because too many people were around and I feel silly doing things on one leg. My balance is still struggling on the left with these. The row was easier to incorporate than I thought, however, because the fixed weight bars are in the dumbbell area. So, I just used one of those and I've done plenty of rows before.

    Plank, I don't do well but easy enough in that I know how to do it. I forgot to look up the wood chop before going, so had to look at the cable thing that shows some of the moves that can be used with it.

    Body weight matrix, yeah that sucks. First half fine, lunge jumps are a no. I tried but struggled and lost count, then I couldn't remember if I was supposed to do 12 per leg or 12 combined. By the squat jump I had to pause often as my knees were mad. Having bad knees and trying to do this timed seems not that great of an idea. I know it took me around 5 minutes for my flailed attempt and I only did it once.

    But it was quite the workout and I did a fair amount of sweating. My little water bottle almost wasn't enough. I might need a bigger one next time.

    Next up is day B on Saturday.
  • Tldavis3s
    Tldavis3s Posts: 83 Member
    I'm currently on stage 3. I've done both A and B one time. I am not a fan of the Romanian deadlift row combo. No matter how light I went to make sure my posture was right I still felt it in my lower back. That scares me, I'm afraid I'll hurt myself so I'm going to really watch those and be cautious. I also don't like the dumbell single leg deadlift. I have horrible balance and these make me feel like I'm about to face plant in front of everyone. I did lose my balance a few times and nearly fall. I am really enjoying the other moves though, I just despise these 2.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @Tldavis3s - How far are you leaning? Maybe it's more of a position issue than weight. Though, I will admit that it took me most of the 12 weeks I spent doing strong lifts to really figure out the row and even with that one (pendlay so tad different form) I'm not confident on them. I always have trouble feeling rows anywhere we're supposed to, also. Had the Grit Strength instructor help me with form and she even put her hand on my back between the shoulders and said they were doing what they should but I don't feel them. And I'm not a fan of any single leg cause even at 11 pm there are people at the gym and I feel silly almost falling over often.

    Alright, time for Day B assessment. Easier overall with all the crunches and what not but my shoulders did get quite a work out.

    I like the deadlift/row combination in part because we aren't doing any balance on one foot nonsense. Although I prefer regular deadlift cause can lift more, I've done rows enough in the past that it was familiar to me. I also don't pull to my stomach when doing bent over row because my stomach sticks out and I just don't feel anything, so I pull the bar a little higher as a PT recommended. It is awkward if you have anyone behind you though cause the whole lean down then row aspect. And I'm pretty sure weight wise, I can RDL more than I can row.

    Partial leg is a no. I used the shortest step (watched videos on it) and struggle not to fall over even with just body weight, which makes me glad it's partial and not a full ATG or anything. However, it makes my knees hurt. On the right, which is my more stable side, I had to clench my hands a couple times from the sudden ache. I may do goblet squats instead.

    I like back extension but feel like the thing bolted to the ground could still fall and cause me to face plant, so have to learn to trust the move. YTWL wasn't so bad. It got better when I rested on my knees on the seat part of the adjustable bench instead of sitting with part of the bench right in front of my face.

    Crunches and flexions - meh. Prone cobra, nothing unusual or different.

    And that's it. Think I'll make it through.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Finished stage 3.

    Day A

    one arm db snatch 25 -- 30
    db one leg romanian 25 -- 30
    bar bent over row 60 -- 80
    db one arm overhead squat 10/20 -- 12.5/25
    db incline bench 20 -- 27.5
    plank 60,60,45 -- 75, 60, 60
    reverse wood chop 10 -- 15
    BWM well over 5 minutes, more like 7 I think -- just tiny bit under 5 minutes

    Day B

    bar romanian deadlift/bent over row 70 -- 80
    partial one leg squat BW -- goblet squat 35
    wide grip lat pulldown 80 -- 80
    back extension BW -- 25
    YTWL 5 -- 7.5
    SB crunch 25 -- quit
    didn't do hip flexion
    didn't do lateral flexion
    prone cobra 90, 90, 90 -- 75, 90, 120

    Some increases, some not so much and a couple eh, I'm probably gonna not do them but overall not too bad for just 8 workouts. Now back to front squats and deadlift from box. :smile:
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    And I'm on Stage 5 now. Though, I will admit that this first day I skipped the BWM because I'd been there a long time and am attempting 40 minute jog tomorrow. I like the 4 rep range so hope to see a little bit more in weight increases. Starting off when I can with where I left off from Stage 3.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    2 more left, then it's Stage 7, which is going to be tough considering the entire thread I just read on it. First to get through the last of the low rep days, which I kind of like. Will try and get some weight increases for Tomorrow and Tuesday.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Some lifts had progress and others not so much, but here are the results from my 8 workouts in Stage 5.

    Workout A
    1 arm db snatch: 30 --- 35 (tried 40 but failed)
    db one leg rdl: 30 --- 35
    bar bent over row: 80 --- 80
    db one arm overhead squat: 12.5/25 --- 15/30
    db incline bench press: 27.5 --- 30
    reverse wood chop: 15(machine 1) --- 50 (machine 2)

    Workdout B
    bar rdl/bent over row: 80 --- 85
    goblet squat: 40 --- 50
    wide grip lat pull down: 80 --- 80
    back extension: 25 --- 35
    YTWL: 7.5 --- 10 (though not great on Y or T)

    So, a little bit of increases. I should have started at 70 for lat pull down and rows just felt heavy but I probably could have done 85 if the bar had been available that night. Very glad to not have YTWL, one leg anything and the deadlift/row combination. I do, however, plan to do romanian deadlifts on their own in the future and some of the other lifts as well. I liked the short rep range too.
  • bakeralison1
    bakeralison1 Posts: 43 Member
    I am showing some strength progress in stage 5 and I know what they're aiming for, but is 120 rest really necessary, because my word does it make for a long fn workout.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    It depends on how you feel. I got bored in the past with longer rests, during stronglifts as well. However, now when I'm squatting or going really heavy, making myself wait 3 minutes or even the occasional 4 minute does help me get ready for the next set. I wasn't quite at that point in NROLFW so I didn't time it exact but now that squat is over bodyweight, I rest at least 3 minutes on those. Other things, I don't rest as long cause I don't need as much time.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Stage 2 finished... Stage 3 commences on Wednesday.....
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Good luck. Tonight was going to be 3A, but a cold has me knocked down. Maybe after tomorrow's run? This is the first break I have taken between.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Almost half way, mus say.. I don't hate any of these exercises really. Even the BWM isn't terrible.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Done as of yesterday (all translated to lbs):
    Workout A
    1 arm db snatch: 23-31 (I had rotator cuff issues early on that got me a bit scared of this one)
    db one leg rdl: 40-60
    bar bent over row: 74-87
    db one arm overhead squat: 15-18 (the heavy weight, still awkward but I think I had it figured with a lower weight to keep my body upright)
    db incline bench press: 48-62

    Workdout B
    bar rdl/bent over row: 77-103 (maybe I should've pushed the rows further)
    prtl 1-leg squat: 40 -55
    wide grip lat pull down: 71-79?? (my stack doesn't have weights on it, simply a guess based on plates and comparing to what I have done)
    YTWL: 9-16

    I am most proud of the BWM, getting from 3 min26 sec to 1 min 37 sec!

    Measurements were a different story.

    Gained more weight (1lb since last time, 2.5 weeks ago, 7lbs up total since my lowest after stage 1) but BF same as after stage 1. Waist, same, thighs same (still big), hips down 0.25 inch (where I carry all my weight, shoulders down 0.75 inch.

    All in all, not looking forward to moving on to even longer workouts and then return back to this one.