Keto breakfast



  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    breezy178 wrote: »
    I then fry half an avocado (sliced) in the same pan...and it's got an interesting taste. It tastes like a donut - so weird! It gets brown and crispy on the outside and stays soft on the inside

    Interesting! And avocados happen to be on sale this week; hmmm..............
  • breezy178
    breezy178 Posts: 11 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    breezy178 wrote: »
    I then fry half an avocado (sliced) in the same pan...and it's got an interesting taste. It tastes like a donut - so weird! It gets brown and crispy on the outside and stays soft on the inside

    Interesting! And avocados happen to be on sale this week; hmmm..............

    Try it! It was so weird the first time I tried it that I wasn't sure if I liked it. But then I had it again and I was hooked. Don't forget to add salt to the avocados!
  • Yogi_warrior
    Yogi_warrior Posts: 5,464 Member
    Why do you need breakfast?
  • larissamalcolm
    larissamalcolm Posts: 15 Member
    This is gonna sound non-breakfasty buuuuuut when I was doing keto every morning I ate:
    A hard boiled egg (sometimes with the yolk sometimes without), a pack of tuna or salmon, half an avocado, with a little bit of crumbled white cheese (blue cheese, feta, or goat cheese). Sometimes I would put a little muffalatta spread on it.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    ^^ That sounds nice, especially the muffalatta spread, nut, as @Going_The_Distance said, if you're not truly hungry, why eat?
  • larissamalcolm
    larissamalcolm Posts: 15 Member
    @ChoiceNotChance it's really good.
  • Ladyboomer2
    Ladyboomer2 Posts: 19 Member
    My hubby and i start the day with a BPC-just 1 tbsp butter and he has 1 tbsp MCT oil-i can't take on empty stomach so i use 1 tbsp coconut oil. We are good to go till lunch time-12.30.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    After adaptation I lost the desire for breakfast. I drink coffee with heavy whipping cream each morning, then have my first food around 2pm.
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm just finishing my first week on keto, and I've found that I cannot function at all without some sort of breakfast. I cannot imagine (so far) only eating once a day. Do others just eat late in the evenings so they're not fuzz headed in the morning? Or does your appetite just wane once you've been on keto for awhile?
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Most people report that appetite does wane over time, but the breakfast thing is pretty subjective. Keto doesn't have to be about IF, but the 2 just happen to work well together for a lot of people.
    And I think a lot of people counteract morning fuzziness with caffeine ;)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    Most people report that appetite does wane over time, but the breakfast thing is pretty subjective. Keto doesn't have to be about IF, but the 2 just happen to work well together for a lot of people.
    And I think a lot of people counteract morning fuzziness with caffeine ;)

    kimbo8435 wrote: »
    I'm just finishing my first week on keto, and I've found that I cannot function at all without some sort of breakfast. I cannot imagine (so far) only eating once a day. Do others just eat late in the evenings so they're not fuzz headed in the morning? Or does your appetite just wane once you've been on keto for awhile?

    For me, I need to start my day alert, well hydrated, and not hungry for best success. Some days, the not hungry occurs naturally. If so, I just roll with a fast until I am hungry, whenever that is. If I'm hungry, I eat. As long as I ensure it's true hunger and not emotional eating/boredom, etc., I eat. That's what I'm learning to do again - eat when I'm hungry, don't when I'm not.

    Well hydrated includes plenty of fluids before bed, and plenty upon rising - as well as the normal throughout the day water. Also, I find that if I'm too low on sodium, I'll get really dehydrated because my body with either dump or retain/stash/store extra water to maintain that balance.

    Alert - good night's sleep, good quality sleep, and if necessary, caffeine, B vitamins, D3/K2, etc. If I start the day fully awake and alert, my chances of success in all things food/drink related is significantly increased.

    As for intermittent fasting, I've done it sometimes, and yes, it comes with time. Personally, I don't recommend doing it as a regimen until you're adapted a full 12 weeks, and then only if it happens naturally. Drink some water, and if you can continue with out eating, try it. You'll get some amazing bursts of ketone clear energy. But if you're hungry and water doesn't tide you over, eat. Simple as.

    For me, eating when you are not hungry and not eating when you are hungry are both disordered eating.... Obviously those apply to true hunger, but our bodies create these signals for a reason. As I said, if the hunger is easily postponed, then it's not a true hunger...
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    For me, I need to start my day alert, well hydrated, and not hungry for best success. Some days, the not hungry occurs naturally. If so, I just roll with a fast until I am hungry, whenever that is. If I'm hungry, I eat. As long as I ensure it's true hunger and not emotional eating/boredom, etc., I eat. That's what I'm learning to do again - eat when I'm hungry, don't when I'm not.

    Well hydrated includes plenty of fluids before bed, and plenty upon rising - as well as the normal throughout the day water. Also, I find that if I'm too low on sodium, I'll get really dehydrated because my body with either dump or retain/stash/store extra water to maintain that balance.

    Alert - good night's sleep, good quality sleep, and if necessary, caffeine, B vitamins, D3/K2, etc. If I start the day fully awake and alert, my chances of success in all things food/drink related is significantly increased.

    As for intermittent fasting, I've done it sometimes, and yes, it comes with time. Personally, I don't recommend doing it as a regimen until you're adapted a full 12 weeks, and then only if it happens naturally. Drink some water, and if you can continue with out eating, try it. You'll get some amazing bursts of ketone clear energy. But if you're hungry and water doesn't tide you over, eat. Simple as.

    For me, eating when you are not hungry and not eating when you are hungry are both disordered eating.... Obviously those apply to true hunger, but our bodies create these signals for a reason. As I said, if the hunger is easily postponed, then it's not a true hunger...

    I think there is a lot of wisdom here. Great guidelines for getting stress free about diet.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Oh, and I should note, the D3/K2 is a supplement I take every single day. Just it's timing changes depending on energy needs.
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    Thank you Knit, your post helps to clear some confusion. :smiley: