April 2016 babies

anyone due in April 2016? How many calories are you eating? I'm starting off 10kg heavier than I wanted to and am trying to stick to 1600 a day and even that feels too much. I did eat ice team yesterday but didn't bust my limit


  • vanessa007
    vanessa007 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm due April 2016, I was gonna try and stick to 2000 calories but I've really been lazy and eating too much, so I might have to eat a bit less for a while. 1600 is a good goal, how's it going?
  • mishsayshi
    mishsayshi Posts: 13 Member
    Im due in the end of april. I eat about 1940-2250 with an off day every now and then which takes it higher. I have gained about 7-8 pounds so far. Right where i need to be =). Time is flying by so fast, i cant wait to hold my love nugget
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    I'm due April 7 and I eat about 2200 calories a day. I've gained 15 lbs so far and I'm right on track for a "normal weight" person pre-pregnancy. I totally indulge when I want to but make sure it isn't such an overage on calories that I feel guilty. I eat healthy everything day with plenty of fruits, veggies, protein, iron and fiber. Just trying to adjust for me b/c I went from about 1200/1500 cal a day to 2200. some days I don't eat all of them and some days I eat more. I'm still exercising so I hope that is offsetting some of the calories :) I use the elliptical at home and have a dvd that I love!
  • vanessa007
    vanessa007 Posts: 12 Member
    I've already put on about 13lb and im only 21 weeks. Ned to cut out the refined sugar to get back on track
  • ElizaKat001
    ElizaKat001 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi ladies! My little girl is due on April 19, 2016! I just re-joined MFP today, after a very long hiatus! I’ve been letting my eating and exercise habits slowly slip down, so I’m trying to hold myself accountable again. My calories are set at 1930, but I may adjust if I think I need to. I’ve already gained a little more than I hoped I would at this point, so I want to focus on making sure the rest of my pregnancy is healthy and active. Feel free to add me, I love new friends
  • kay_2016
    kay_2016 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello!!! I'm due April 21st with my first baby!! Iv put on too much weight already (15lbs) and really need to start being healthier for baby and I!! Looking for friends to keep each other accountable!!
  • leahestey
    leahestey Posts: 124 Member
    I'm pregnant with #4, baby boy due April 15. Gained 20 pounds so far at 24 weeks. I'm going to try to maintain it as much as I can. MFP says 1600 a day for me. Anyone can add me if you want! I would like to have pregnant buddies!
  • demilade
    demilade Posts: 402 Member
    I'm due April 12, 14 and 15 - they can't decide
  • vanessa007
    vanessa007 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm trying to have a fresh start today as I've been sooo bad over xmas. Noticed a few more stretch marks and it's made me realise I need to start being healthier, especially as I'm too tired to exercise.
  • lynn2064
    lynn2064 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello! I'm using mobile and might be messing this up a bit with the groups so if I multi post please forgive me!

    I'm 35 and 28 weeks pregnant with my first. I've been a bit afraid to exercise and have an addiction to candy. Other than that my diet is healthy with minimal processed foods or dining out. I've gained 30lbs so far and am looking for friends to help me stay on track for the rest of this pregnancy and to help motivate through post pregnancy. I'm due 4/3/16 please feel free to add me :)
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Hi Ladies!! 28 weeks today and I'm feeling great! How is everyone doing heading into this third trimester? I've gained 20 lbs so far. I continue to walk every day, get on the elliptical a few days a week and do a prenatal workout dvd the other days. How about you??

    We've started painting the nursery and I have my first baby shower in two weeks!! Time is flying! Can't wait to meet our little bundle.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Hey ladies!! 29 weeks, how is everyone doing??!!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    leahestey wrote: »
    I'm pregnant with #4, baby boy due April 15. Gained 20 pounds so far at 24 weeks. I'm going to try to maintain it as much as I can. MFP says 1600 a day for me. Anyone can add me if you want! I would like to have pregnant buddies!

    Wow! This is pretty much me! Pregnant with #4, due April 16. Gained 20 lbs at 24 weeks. I'm now 28 weeks end according to my scale at home I'm up 24 lbs. Hoping to stay under 35 lbs total. I might be able to do it! Disappointed since I gained 22 and 23 lbs with my 1st & 3rd pregnancies (Bwahahaha 46 lbs with #2). But I'm at my lowest starting weight of all 4.

    Really slowing down now. I'm tired of pregnancy. This is my last.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Just had my 30 week check-up and sugar test. Hoping all goes well and no further testing is needed.
    Baby's heartbeat is excellent at 151 bpm. My blood pressure is good and my weight gain is right on target. I've gained 23 lbs so far. How is everyone else doing??? We've only got a little over two months left!!!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    edited January 2016
    I had my 28 week test today and my glucose test. I too hope no further testing will be needed. This was my 8th time taking the test (between 4 pregnancies). I hope to never do it again. I had gd with my first but not with my other two. I'm worried it's gender related for me (boy was +, girls - and this is a boy). She said she'll call tomorrow with results so at least I won't have to wait long. I too am up 23 lbs according to them! We got a new pack n play today! Exciting, makes me think we're going to bring another one home!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    @spunkychelsea That's great!! I hope the results are negative and you can keep up the healthy lifestyle.
    We just found out our car seat and extra base were purchased as a gift so we're picking those up today!!!
    I'm so excited. We got our stroller and diaper bag as a gift this past weekend and I've been thrilled to have it in the house.
    I have my first shower (first baby :)) this weekend!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    @amgreenwell I was so thrilled to have the baby shower done with because then I had all this cute stuff to organize and know what wad left to buy! So exciting! Hope you have a great time. :)

    As for me turns out I did not pass the 1 hr. I was 172 cutoff is 140 (online though my nurse said their lab is 130) so I'm probably going to fail Saturday (my 3 hour test). I've done it before, it's not horrible just not fun. I thought losing 30 lbs would be enough of a difference but I justy don't think the hormones of me carrying a boy work well with my blood sugar. We'll see, I'll get those results Monday. ..
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Best of luck!! I still haven't heard anything and my dr. said no news is good news. I'll know for sure by tomorrow at noon. Enjoy your weekend!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Freezer prep for post-baby is starting this weekend. I plan on making a couple things every weekend for the next month or even two. Lots of soups and casseroles on the list!!

    Any ideas from expert Moms out there? Easy, quick and nutritious, please.
  • steph2strong
    steph2strong Posts: 426 Member
    Hi amgreenwell, I'm currently one month post-partum and the only thing I have eaten from the freezer is all the frozen soups... Chicken and wild rice (with mushroom and green onion and peas), chicken noodle, butternut squash, pear and parsnip, borscht, and chilli. I haven't touched the other things (veggie lasagna, cabbage rolls, cannelloni) because I haven't wanted those items. I cook from scratch everyday because it's what I want and what my husband wants but it can definitely be challenging some days. I think if I had some frozen turkey butternut squash sheppards pie i'd eat that (use ground turkey instead of beef and mashed butternut squash instead of potatoes). Chicken and turkey sausages have been helpful, I just throw those on a grilling rack in the oven. Also I love quiches, I make them with a combo of eggs and egg whites, add lots of veggies, sometimes diced meat and a bit of Parmesan or light cheese blend. Those can be frozen.