Hey everyone!

My name is Vanessa and I joined OTF last month and so far love it! How long has everyone been going? What have you accomplished?


  • yvettem128
    yvettem128 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Venessa I also joined within the last couple of months. I'm definitely seeing inches starting to be shred but not so much on the scale. I recently bumped up my membership to unlimited because I'm absolutely hooked on Orange Theory. What stated are you in?
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    I just joined in Minnesota. I'm only going 8 times a month, because I actually LIKE lifting and I was concerned that I would lose strength gains if I only did OTF.
  • AnAmericanGirl2
    AnAmericanGirl2 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all! Just joined within the last two months. 10 classes under my belt, had to take a little time off but going back tomorrow.

    I'm curious, do you ladies have any problems with your HRM? My very first class I achieved 20 splat points, 11 orange and 9 red. Now I'm lucky if I can get 5 orange, and I never get any red. And I'm running at an 8.0 on the treadmill! I've switched out my band, switched out my HRM, changed bras (lol!), not sure what the problem is. I'm not getting fitter to the point that it would change this much, trust me.
  • Hi all, thank you for the replies! Great to hear from you all. yvettem128 That is great progress!! Love hearing everyone's feedback. So Far I think My HRM is working. That is crazy that you are running that fast and not getting high- wondering if you have a very low resting heart rate? Make sure it is wet prior to putting on and I wear mine slightly under my left boob lol. seems to work good. Where you wear yours?

    Anyone else noticing a huge change in their periods. Since eating under my goal most days and working out a lot I barley get a period.. Not sure if this is normal?
  • Jlyn3333
    Jlyn3333 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! Been doing Ot for several months now- started once a week and now bumped up to 2xs for last 5 weeks. Has anyone else noticed weight gain of s few lbs? This is frustrating.
  • yvettem128
    yvettem128 Posts: 7 Member
    I do have issues with my HRM band. I also am able to run at 8.0 when we are above base pace and sometimes it never gets up there but like the previous post, but I have tightened mine up a bit and it seemed to work better. Never thought about switching mine out. I'll have to look into that. Vanessa I have seen a slightly lighter period mine so wonder if it's the physical part.
  • Masugimoto
    Masugimoto Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I just completed my first week of Orange Theory. I love it!!!
  • saigrundy
    saigrundy Posts: 14 Member
    just joined this week. i do like it and my overall health is improving. i'm about 5 days in and have gone every day. I plan to go every day this month. Will check back in with results (in inches. to hell with lbs)
  • saigrundy
    saigrundy Posts: 14 Member
    oh, and i'm with above poster who said not seeing inches move on the scale. in fact, i weighed in at my OTF gym and was shocked as to the readout on their digital scale (it's as high as i was a year ago, when i was at least 2 sizes bigger).

    tape measure is my friend, scale is my enemy.
  • Masugimoto
    Masugimoto Posts: 11 Member
    I totally agree with taking measurements vs scale weight to see true results. I've completed my 3rd week and am hooked! My goal is 4 times a week since its an hour away from my house. I love the feeling of getting stronger.
  • robertg1701
    robertg1701 Posts: 4 Member
    I joined about two months ago and go once a week. I think it makes a real difference.
  • I joined over 6 months ago, just added MFP. I love OTF, lost 25+ lbs, but the best is when I started if I ran my HR was 92+ and would never come down. This week I ran a mile in 8min 35 sec and my HR only went red in the last .2 when I started to sprint at 9 mph. No worries about the scale. My heart health is my indicator!

    I like the detail of in intake this app has, but now a bit worried about my sodium intake. Anyway if it isn't one thing it is another.
  • mck125
    mck125 Posts: 3 Member
    Is there any easy way to import your workout results directly to MFP without doing it manually?
  • kimberlynolimits
    kimberlynolimits Posts: 2 Member
    Morning everyone!
    OTF junkie here! Been with OTF for a couple of months and I just joined the new location downtown and am loving what I'm seeing. My resting heart rate is lower and returns to baseline so much quicker now.
    Hoping to get my diet in check so that I can see better results on the scale.
  • ph3n1xrise
    ph3n1xrise Posts: 5 Member
    joined 12/18 after very first class...I am
    hooked! it's the best thing I could've done for ME!!! glad to have found this group
  • goodigirl2
    goodigirl2 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm so glad I found this group!

    I'm going 8x a month because I still enjoy doing spin class and running/walking on my own. It's the strength and HIIT piece I won't do alone! I'm a data freak, so I love the stats that we get during and after the class. You can't argue with the numbers!!

    And I agree with ph3n1xrise...I've had a few friends criticize me for spending so much on exercise (OTF and speciality spin gyms, plus my regular gym for the pool and b/c it's cheap) but I get bored easily. It's the best thing I can do for ME, and since I finally have a little bit of money to put towards my health, I don't feel so alone in the endeavor. I gained about 30 pounds between grad school, first teaching job, getting married, etc. Now that I can, I'm putting my money where my heart is! ;)
  • stiglich2002
    stiglich2002 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I've been going once a week since May 2015. I really enjoy the classes and am losing fat and gained muscle tone. All the instructors are great and inspirational!
  • kellyj227
    kellyj227 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I joined at the end of October and just upped my membership from 8x a month to unlimited. I finally found something to get me out of my 2 year rut! I gained a little weight at the beginning but am sure it was muscle because I feel so much better! I recently lost the few pounds I gained when I started focusing on nutrition which is why I came back to myfitnesspal. Would love some friends here to help me be accountable. I need to lose about 20lbs.
  • tendumom
    tendumom Posts: 17 Member
    I just started this month. Today was my third session. I signed up for 8x a month. I definitely lost a pound with just the 2 works outs and no changes to my diet. I am not back to tracking food intake yet but have not made any other changes. I may have lost more than that as the scale dipped even lower, but I am only counting a pound for now. :)
  • ASN2615
    ASN2615 Posts: 50 Member
    I joined in December and started with 8 classes per month. In January, I upped my membership to unlimited and now go 4-5 times a week. I have lost 18 lbs and 4 inches from my waist so far. I am obsessed and anyone that listens to me, I tell them all about it!!