Recipes using packets



  • ESueM67
    ESueM67 Posts: 56 Member
    Beware of making the Hot Cocoa hot. I did this for the first time this morning (I usually drink them cold), and instead of hot cocoa, I got runny brownie bread pudding!
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    110toLose wrote: »
    Beware of making the Hot Cocoa hot. I did this for the first time this morning (I usually drink them cold), and instead of hot cocoa, I got runny brownie bread pudding!

    The hot cocoa snack, the 70cal one? I make it hot all the time and have no issues. Although any of the full meal replacements can only be made hot if you have a blender of some type otherwise the protein clumps. I make hot drinks all the time straight from the keurig, but I blend them in my ninja travel mugs. My clinic says if you want things hot you should make them cold and then microwave them.
  • ESueM67
    ESueM67 Posts: 56 Member
    110toLose wrote: »
    Beware of making the Hot Cocoa hot. I did this for the first time this morning (I usually drink them cold), and instead of hot cocoa, I got runny brownie bread pudding!

    The hot cocoa snack, the 70cal one? I make it hot all the time and have no issues. Although any of the full meal replacements can only be made hot if you have a blender of some type otherwise the protein clumps. I make hot drinks all the time straight from the keurig, but I blend them in my ninja travel mugs. My clinic says if you want things hot you should make them cold and then microwave them.

    --I made the meal replacement hot cocoa cold first in the blender and then microwaved it; i do the same thing with the soups. I'll try the hot cocoa hot again one day when I am feeling lucky. :)
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    I don't think my clinic even sells the hot cocoa meal replacement. I love the mint hot chocolate snack though. It's so good. The snack cocoas and cappuccino disolve in hot water just like normal instant mixes.
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    As a beginner these tips give me hope that I won't be so bored doing this program! I have copied them to a Word document. Thanks!
  • marallewis
    marallewis Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 20 days in and have been a purist so far, but I just started adding a shot of hot sauce to the veggie chilli and it has made me so happy. Was totally getting bored with the food. I haven't been flavoring water or anything. My only vice is making my morning chocolate shake with black coffee - if I didn't do that, I think I would have died by now. Karen, any chance you can shoot me the pdf of recipes? I'm at
    My clinic pushed me thru the start phase pretty fast and even with the meetings, I still feel like I am kind figuring things out. I am on VLCD - just went from 4 meal replacements to 3 (although I struggle daily with that) and down 22lbs in 20 days.
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi marallewis!

    Congrats on your weight loss! I am 31 days in, down 27 pounds on 4 replacements/day (that is our clinic's guideline but I get behind sometimes, especially if I sleep in later (I am an RN and work different shifts) then I have 3. I have more of a savory-salty tooth than a sweet tooth so I've been craving more of a balance.

    I also was not a big water drinker. The clinic says I have to have my body weight/2.2 to equal the number of ounces I had to drink, not including the water used to make the meals. OH MY--that's a lot of water! I use the 0 carb liquid sweeteners and that has really helped. I have also changed up the flavors of the vanilla puddings with extracts which I also make with more water as a shake.

    Yesterday I made Chicken Biscuits as I have been craving something chewy with the creamy chicken soup packet. I had high hopes and they looked so cute and yummy but sadly the chemical taste was too strong and they were really dry. I did enjoy chewing them though! It made 10 mini biscuits. I ended up tearing the last 3 into chunks and using them as croutons in my chicken bouillon!

    I also mix one packet of chili with the packet of sloppy joe mix, they taste better together than separate and I also don't boil the water down so much so it's more of a soup.

    We were given a 41 page packet of recipes our 2nd week. It's got a lot of great looking ideas but haven't gotten into the recipes too much. Like you the first month I was figuring things out.

    You said you are down to 3 meal replacement now and read that others have been on 3. The dietitian at our clinic said we really had to have one every 3-4 hours and needed to have all 4. Maybe because we are a lot heavier in my group and we need the extra calories? I told her sometimes I only have 3 and she said as long as that doesn't happen too often but told me less isn't better. I would like to cut down to 3 and have 1/2 bar for a snack if I needed it to speed the process up but that would be discouraged at our clinic!
  • erock0628
    erock0628 Posts: 30 Member
    bhinton919 wrote: »
    Hey Ladies - my nutrition center provided recipes which I ignored until last week. Just curious if you have recipes for chicken chips, pizza and cookies? If not, I will certainly share!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart:

    If you can send it to I would appreciate it so much.
  • erock0628
    erock0628 Posts: 30 Member
  • sarahlyd
    sarahlyd Posts: 24 Member
    Lesson learned of the day... The Pineapple-Apricot powder does not make for tasty pancakes. :-P I was really looking forward to having something solid-ish to eat. I figured if you can make pancakes with the vanilla, the pineapple would work. Nope. It brought out the chemical taste and was pretty much inedible. Oh well... now I know. :)
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    sarahlyd wrote: »
    Lesson learned of the day... The Pineapple-Apricot powder does not make for tasty pancakes. :-P I was really looking forward to having something solid-ish to eat. I figured if you can make pancakes with the vanilla, the pineapple would work. Nope. It brought out the chemical taste and was pretty much inedible. Oh well... now I know. :)

    You can make cookies with pineapple apricot. Try a packet of pineapple apricot and 1-2 tbsp of water to make a thick dough. Go slow with the water because if it's too watery they don't work. You will have to kind of smoosh the water into the packet vigorously in order to not add too much and get runny goop. Drop by the spoonful on a shiny paper plate sprayed with Pam and microwave for 45-60 seconds. I used to carry these around with me in a baggie and snack on them when I would go to the movies or planned to be out for a long time.

    *If your clinic allows it add 1/2 - 1tbsp of psyllium husk to the packet before adding water. The psyllium adds some extra heft to the cookies but is 0 net carbs because of the fiber count. Psyllim sucks up water so you may need to add a little more just go slow.
  • yellowdaisy3321
    yellowdaisy3321 Posts: 107 Member
    Lava cake is another good recipe, but requires 2 packets.

    Mix one packet of chocolate pudding and one packet of chocolate shake with 1/2 cup water. Pour into microwave safe dish like a ramekin that you sprayed with pam. Cook for 60-90 seconds in the microwave. Surprisingly this is very good and the center does turn out like a lava cake.
  • sarahlyd
    sarahlyd Posts: 24 Member
    @yellowdaisy3321 The lava cake sounds promising! Thanks for sharing.
  • kallemia
    kallemia Posts: 4 Member
    any way to get that pdf file of ND recipes? Please send to - thanks!