Is anyone else terrified to exercise?



  • Napier_mum
    Napier_mum Posts: 88 Member
    I used to work a bit in rehab and with back problems, depending on what the issue was it is often related to core strength.
    I like to swim so I go to the pool a couple of times a week. I do some aqua aerobics type classes but there are loads of people who walk laps in the water. Really low impact but high resistance!
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    My core is definitely an issue. The pt exercises I have work that area without doing crunches, any form of sit up it too much for my neck. I am getting a lot of tension from the pt exercises caused a headache last night so I'm being rather cautious. As long as I don't get any spasms I should be ok
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    That's what I have seen also. Anytime I work to build core muscles, I strain my neck, causing headaches, therefore the reluctance to try again! Any neck building exercise recommendations (that are gentle) would be appreciated. I've done PT for this, but I feel since there's a time crunch (wonderful insurance limiting number of visits) they add the core, and arms in my case, too soon! Which leads to an aversion to all.

    Maybe try just the neck, and build until ready, then add arms, or core (one at a time), hopefully leading to tolerance of all! (This is really advice to myself, but can help others too). I'm open to ideas too!
  • thubten1
    thubten1 Posts: 29 Member
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    I'm not sure how bad your back problems are but doing core work (like crunches) can help strengthen your abdominals and support your back.

    This.Weak abs=back pain,poor posture.Try planks,if only for a few seconds,not allowing your low back to sag.Do them from the knees to begin.check your posture in a mirror or have a spotter/partner.There is also a pelvic rotation exercise called cat/cow which is very helpful.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I've always been info lifting and not overly fond of cardio but sadly I'm coming to terms with the fact that I can no longer lift due to RA. It causes too much joint pain and triggers a flare. Plus any activity where my arms are raised triggers muscle spasms in my neck. So for now I walk and hike. I just started doing the online Barre3 workouts which are kind of a blend of yoga, ballet, and Pilates. So far they seem to be kind to my joints so I'm going to focus on those with hiking when weather permits.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    This is one exercise I do that I learned in pt. I guess it's too strengthen abs. I don't have my back on the wall when I do it though, I stand a few inches in front of it.

    You twist from side to side and touch the ball to the wall. It gives a nice stretch for my upper back area.

  • ndvoice
    ndvoice Posts: 161 Member
    Yes, I was scared!! Contact your doc and ask for a PT referral. I worked with PT until I felt stronger & then set up some sessions with a trainer at a gym after that. (I had back surgery last year after 20 years of issues). My trainer helps to make sure I'm using proper form, so I don't hurt myself & shows me how to modify the things I should be modifying. After about 10 sessions, I now have the strength & knowledge to start group classes, which I recently did. I'm always going to have to modify some things, but at least now I know!