Rock Your Resolution: January Challenge, Week 2 (1/8-1/14)



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    SW: 153.4; started keto 11/2 at 150.6
    CW: 135.8 (trying not to pay too much attention to the scale since I recently started strength)

    Calories: Just under
    Carbs: 26gm net
    Exercise: Did my YAYOG (strength training)
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    JAN 10

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 228.2 (Jan 1)
    CW: 224.4
    GW for January: 224
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 20: yes
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight: 138.2 lbs on 1/1
    Overall Scale Goal: 125 lbs (hoping by late Spring)

    WoE Goals / Life Goals:
    Write - Sitting down to write every day is the key!
    Hydrate - I adjusted my water goal (based on my weight) to 67oz/day.
    Step goals - 5,000 steps per day (moderate challenge based on my lifestyle)
    Activity - Some form of "going out of my way to not sit still." I want to get back to bodyweight strength training, so hopefully I report a lot of that. Basic stuff is just "park far away" (but now that the temperature is dropping even that will be extra effort!).
    Logging - Logging my weight and my food daily. I almost brushed off logging food this month because I'm following the Ketovangelist's meal plan, but it would feel weird to have such a gap in my data. And I'm glad I did, because I didn't realize I need to watch how I combine the recipes so I don't go above keto levels by accident. I think Brian counts net but I prefer to look at total since the numbers are probably lowballed anyway.
    Daily NSVs - Making unique affirmations about the changes I see as a result of this WOE so I don't focus on the scale.

    Friday, Jan 8:
    [ ] Write
    [√] Hydrate: 85.5/67
    [ ] Step goals: 3,361/5,000
    [ ] Activity: Nope, I even parked closer to a store because I was in a hurry!
    [√] Logging: Weight (138.6), Macros C/F/P (6%/78%/16%)
    [√] Daily NSVs: Today I wore a Teefury shirt that I ordered years ago that, thanks to their awful sizing issues, never fit me before! My fellow geek ladies know what I'm talking about.

    Saturday, Jan 9:
    [√] Write
    [ ] Hydrate: 60/67
    [√] Step goals: 7,296/5,000
    [√] Activity: Parking far away, walking the mall, cleaning
    [ ] Logging: Weight (didn't weigh in, omg!), Macros C/F/P (5%/73%/22%)
    [√] Daily NSVs: Easily ate out at a restaurant. Had a bunless jalapeno cheddar bacon burger. Forgot to ask for a substitution on the fries, but sat with them on my plate completely untouched, no problems. Did eye my friend's butter, though...

    Sunday, Jan 10:
    [√] Write - Just barely. I had a food coma and kept falling asleep.
    [√] Hydrate: 86/67
    [ ] Step goals: 4,273/5,000
    [√] Activity: Parking far away, walking the mall, cleaning
    [√] Logging: Weight (138.2), Macros C/F/P (4%/79%/17%)
    [√] Daily NSVs: I totally pigged-out/over-ate today. My carb total was still 25g. :D

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    CW: 155.2

    Still blurgh. This crud needs to go.

    Sun 1/11:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calories: :+1:
    Carbs: :+1:
    Exercise: Rested
    Prelogged next day: :+1:


  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Monday Checking in

    SW 150.0
    CW 149.0
    GW: 5 pounds in January

    Calories- Yes
    Carbs- OK
    Exercise- Any day now.
    Logged - Yes
    No drinks, Friday night and Saturday. Made up for it last night. Darn, fell off the wagon. The upside is that there's nothing left in the house! LOL.
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Goal #1: brush my teeth after each meal at least 5 times a week.
    Goal #2: work out twice a day at least 3 days a week
    Goal #3: save money
    Goal #4: avoid dairy

    Week #2 here I come!

    Goal 1: I managed the 5 times, but didn't do it yesterday because I went to bed early due to a massive migraine. I set an alarm to remind myself, because consistency is the key to creating new habits.
    Goal 2: Got a workout in this morning, and will try to do something tonight, even if it's a few sets of body weight exercises before bed.
    Goal 3: Managed to get lunch comped on Saturday (thank you, local Chipotle, for support! you guys rock!!!), so really all I paid for last week was gas, food and medicine.
    Goal 4: I am failing that one. Had dairy with almost every meal over the weekend, and am drinking coffee with HWC right now. At least I am not eating giant blocks of cheese in one sitting for a meal.

    Ok, Week 2, I am going to brush more teeth more often and keep away from that HWC. It's been a crazy stressful few months, and it's not showing signs of stopping, so I will cut myself some slack, but not let things deteriorate and get out of hand - that's how I gain weight.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Headache was almost gone but it came back in the night. So annoying. I have had worse headaches but this one is throwing off my thinking and my equilibrium too - Annoying. I don't want to do a bunch of work but my vision is zig zagging too so sitting down to relax and read (or do homework with the kids) is weird.

    I was trying to go very fat heavy for a few days and I made some fat bombs. What a mistake! They tasted too good and I think I ate a good 1200 kcals worth. LOL on the other hand, going very low carb is working because I dropped three pounds yesterday while eating a good 2000 + kcal. Water weight be gone! Now I just need more electrolytes... I would have thought i was having enough.
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    January goals:
    1) Eat <20g net carbs a day.
    2) Weigh weekly on Wednesday.
    3) Lose 5 pounds this month.
    4) No alcohol

    1) On track since January 2! (not tracking on weekends, just avoiding sweets, starches, and alcohol)
    2) 226.2, down from 229.2 last Wednesday (1/6)!
    3) 3 pounds lost, 2 more pounds to goal!
    4) On track since January 2

    Had a very productive weekend and even hosted a playoff party yesterday. Made some low carb treats such as bacon cheeseburger dip and buffalo wings--people didn't even notice I was on a "diet," which is what I love about this WOE! So it was probably pretty high cal this weekend, and I didn't track but we will see how winging it on the weekends goes. There are many sweets but I found them very easy to avoid. Same with the booze.

    Dealing with a fussy teething baby right now, so sleep kinda sucks. Thank goodness for this WOE because I need all the energy I can get and I have no time for carb cravings! LOL!

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    baconslave wrote: »


    Ooh! You found snowflakes! Does this mean you are feeling better / life is being nicer to you?
  • bitxbit
    bitxbit Posts: 1,465 Member
    edited January 2016
    Oh!!... This past one was a tough week! Weigh-in is Wednesday, so I'm anxious to see any progress!!
    [ ] drop 10# in January (I have a lot to lose & this is the goal, set by my Dr.)
    [ √ ] stay at 1200 calorie / 30 carb limits
    [ √ ] keep H²O at 64oz or more p/day
    [ √ ] log all food, everyday
    [ √ ] stick to personal Bible reading goal (1/11 = day 9)
    [ √ ] be busy about some area of my home, everyday
    [ ] squats & medicine ball (Tues, Thurs, Sat)
    TODAY = 5/5 :-)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Keto SW: 150.6 (11/2)
    CW: 136 ... or something. I'm trying to ignore the scale since I've gone up a bit this month. I'm pretty sure it's the strength training.

    Calories: a wee bit under goal
    Carbs: 21gm net
    Exercise: 20 min HIIT
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    JAN 11

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 228.2 (Jan 1)
    CW: 224.4
    GW for January: 224
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 20: yes
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member

    SW: 150.0
    CW: 149.0
    GW for January: 5 pounds
    Calories Goal Met: Nope.
    Carbs, Macros Met: YES!
    Exercise. Does thinking about it count? Nope.

    I went crazy last night and ate over a pound of ribeye steak. It was so good, I had seconds and thirds. It logged as 1,156 calories and 0 carbs. LOL. I'm going to rein it in today.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited January 2016
    glossbones wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »


    Ooh! You found snowflakes! Does this mean you are feeling better / life is being nicer to you?

    Naw. Life is life. I've just managed to pull myself up by the bootstraps so to speak. Life is gonna life. It's how I manage it and respond to it that makes me and my experience.
    So I found a pretty little snowflake, and stopped letting life make excuses for me.

    I do wish this congestion would go. I'm still tired. But I don't care. Going to power through. Keep trying to figure it out. And make things happen to spite it. I have the power. I'm not giving it to anything else.
    RAWR! :lol:

    Mon 1/12:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calories: :+1:
    Carbs: :+1:
    Exercise: Kettlebells. :+1:
    Prelogged next day: :+1:


    CW: 153.8
    Down from that nasty 159! I peed gallons yesterday it seemed like.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    My headache broke with a minor symptoms of hypoglycemia. My BG is finally falling again (was in the mid to high 5's, or low 100s, and was a 4.4 (just an 80). Weird, eh? I finally get my BG lower after a few days of very low to almost no carbs, while having a fairly bad headache even though my salt intake was high, but the headache severity broke when my BG fell. Weird. I just wish it would have left completely. ;)

    I haven't had a chance to check BG today because I forgot to charge my glucose metre. :blush: It should be out of that prediabetic range. I have trace ketones which is good for me; I rarely go above trace ketones anymore. Feeling better with more energy and less bloated. For me, ketosis is good. :)

    Anyways, food is on track. I'm not doing much for exercise lately beyond coaching Saturday and today. I'll get more on it when the migraine is actually gone. This is day 5 or 6 so it should be any time now!
  • ShootingStar72
    ShootingStar72 Posts: 183 Member
    Mini goals for this week:

    - Get carb creep under control! Will be much easier to accomplish once DH goes back to work tomorrow after his long Christmas break.
    - Exercise indoors, big storm on the way so walking will be hard.
    - Cut way back on alcohol...
    - Get furniture ready to consign... anybody want a grandfather clock? And clothes together for Salvation Army drop-off.
    - Get resume ready and apply for internal job posting
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Was getting my threads crossed here..

    Starting Weight: 138.2 lbs on 1/1
    Overall Scale Goal: 125 lbs (hoping by late Spring)

    WoE Goals / Life Goals:
    Write - Sitting down to write every day is the key!
    Hydrate - I adjusted my water goal (based on my weight) to 67oz/day.
    Step goals - 5,000 steps per day (moderate challenge based on my lifestyle)
    Activity - Some form of "going out of my way to not sit still." I want to get back to bodyweight strength training, so hopefully I report a lot of that. Basic stuff is just "park far away" (but now that the temperature is dropping even that will be extra effort!).
    Logging - Logging my weight and my food daily. I almost brushed off logging food this month because I'm following the Ketovangelist's meal plan, but it would feel weird to have such a gap in my data. And I'm glad I did, because I didn't realize I need to watch how I combine the recipes so I don't go above keto levels by accident. I think Brian counts net but I prefer to look at total since the numbers are probably lowballed anyway.
    Daily NSVs - Making unique affirmations about the changes I see as a result of this WOE so I don't focus on the scale.

    Monday, Jan 10:
    [√] Write (little bit of writer's block about a scene but I did write some notes to try and get through it.. oh! And I wrote POETRY for the first time in YEARS, inspired by Bowie's death and Black Star album)
    [√] Hydrate: 85.5/67
    [ ] Step goals: 3,361/5,000
    [√] Activity: Parked far(ish) away and such, took extra trips to the kitchen at work (one for the bathroom, one for my water bottle refill, one to get tea, etc)
    [√] Logging: Weight (140.0), Macros C/F/P (6%/79%/14%)
    [√] Daily NSVs: My fat cat helped me realize I've lost weight equivalent to him (18lb), his sister (9lb), and a brick of butter (1 lb). Okay maybe that's a scale victory but when you actually GROK what that means, it is more than a gravitational measure (except that the realization came when the fat cat was sitting on my stomach when I had overeaten the night before and that was definitely all about the crushing weight of Earth's pull on my cat)!

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Hit new low weight on scale. Yay! Reallly following my eating plan, logging, battling inner binge demons and coming out on top. Feels good.
    Plans for todays productive activities completely tanked. It was a day of boob tube/facebook bliss. Oh well. Chalking it up to...human!
    Back to work tomorrow.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Keto SW: 150.6
    CW: 135.2
    Calories: under
    Carbs: 16gm net
    Exercise: Rest day.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    JAN 12

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 228.2 (Jan 1)
    CW: 223.8
    GW for January: 220 (new) (was 224)
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 20: yes