15-20 lbs away from goal?



  • dbkass
    dbkass Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a 50ish busy working wife, mom, grandma needing to lose15-20 lb. Looking for similar friends for mutual support. Friend me and we'll share the journey!

  • dbkass
    dbkass Posts: 7 Member
    How do I friend you? I'm new here
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    I'm actually 23lbs from goal weight. (cw:168 gw:145) I'm hoping by being in this group I get one step closer to my goal.

    I plan to weigh on Thursday 1/14...fingers crossed
  • Zosh28
    Zosh28 Posts: 7 Member
    I've got 10 pounds (cw: 181) to get to the range I feel best in (gw: 170), and even then I know I'll lose more with proper diet and exercise. These pounds are the WORST!

    I'm new, so some background: 31; from NJ; not married, no kids.
  • OkieSuperMom
    OkieSuperMom Posts: 7 Member
    I am in! I have about 15 to loose and need help sticking with it and staying motivated!
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    I've lost 20 lbs and have 20 left to go before I reach my goal weight of 120! At 5"4 and 140 lbs I'm on the higher side of healthy BMI and still have a fair bit of fat around my tummy, but the motivation has definitely waned now that I'm not disgusted when I look in the mirror. I need to remember that I shouldn't settle for looking just ok when I'd look great 20 lbs lighter, but it's not quite enough to keep me motivated...
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Zosh28 wrote: »
    I've got 10 pounds (cw: 181) to get to the range I feel best in (gw: 170), and even then I know I'll lose more with proper diet and exercise. These pounds are the WORST!

    I'm new, so some background: 31; from NJ; not married, no kids.

    It can be done! Stay focused.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    sanfromny wrote: »
    I'm actually 23lbs from goal weight. (cw:168 gw:145) I'm hoping by being in this group I get one step closer to my goal.

    I plan to weigh on Thursday 1/14...fingers crossed

    I cheated a bit....I weighed myself this morning. Although its 2 days early I guess I wanted to see if I was on track. I have two more days until I officially weigh but I was happy this morning!
  • sonyapita
    sonyapita Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new too! I have a goal of losing 20 pounds ! I'm at 156 now, trying for 136...wish me luck. I have been logging in all this week and am really hungry...;), working out 4 times a week, with 2 kids, FT work, it's hard, but this is our year 2016! We can do this!
  • jm70614
    jm70614 Posts: 28 Member
    aniucha83 wrote: »
    I'm less than 20lbs away from my ideal weight. I'm starting c25k tomorrow anybody wants to join me?

    c25k was life changing for me! I struggled through the c25k program last spring and now I can run 5 miles straight. Never thought I'd be able to say that! What's more, I actually enjoy running now!
  • MPK0406
    MPK0406 Posts: 3 Member
    MPK0406 wrote: »
    MPK0466 I joined a bootcamp class that offers classes at 5am and 6am. That helps me fit it in. My kids have busy schedules too and I feel like I never have time for myself unless I do it before they wake up.

    That was a thought for me ProfDawnLee but the class they offer at the local gym is at 5:30 and my husband leaves for work at 5:45.
    Have you tried any at-home workouts? Like Piyo or other beachbody workouts?
    MPK -
    I'm with you. My baby is 6mos and now I'm trying to lose the baby weight (20-25lbs). I have also just stopped breastfeeding in the last couple weeks. Working FT with 2 kids it is so hard to fit working out into my day. After my first I did Beachbody's Insanity workouts. They were HARD but made a huge difference. I also bought PiYo right before I got pregnant and then didn't stick with it. I'm just starting to workout again but am hoping to add some of that into my routine. I am signed up to run a 1/2 marathon in June so I need to get my butt off the couch.

    It is so hard but I know I need to do it for myself and my kids. I found out about Sparkpeople.com and they have a similar set up to this app but they have free workouts. I am currently doing the 28-day challenge and I can stream all the videos through Youtube on my smart TV. It is super convenient and each day is different so I don't get bored. The longest workout is 25 minutes. On the days I don't hit 25 minutes I add in some light weights, planks and squats.
  • sarahlynwalters
    sarahlynwalters Posts: 36 Member

    mix a table spoon of peanut butter into plain greek yogurt

    dip grapes, apples and carrots


    LMK if you try and like!
  • sarahlynwalters
    sarahlynwalters Posts: 36 Member
    having a ***** star day!
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    sonyapita wrote: »
    Hi, I'm new too! I have a goal of losing 20 pounds ! I'm at 156 now, trying for 136...wish me luck. I have been logging in all this week and am really hungry...;), working out 4 times a week, with 2 kids, FT work, it's hard, but this is our year 2016! We can do this!

    How much water are u drinking? Might new be enough. Sometimes u think you're hungry but u really just need a cup of water. U can do it!
  • AshZ816
    AshZ816 Posts: 2 Member
    New to this group..and back to tracking my calories AGAIN...i'm 15lbs away from the ideal weight. I really want to do it this time..i've come very close then summer came and i ate it all back!! I love food way too much and i have NO will power to say no! But tonight i'm back to going to the gym at least 3 times a week!
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    New to the group. Lost 95 pounds about 4-5 years ago and have picked up 25 pounds in the last 2.5 years thanks to a job change and my relationship - love my job and my boyfriend but they've both been hell on the gym schedule I had. I refuse to go back to 215.

    I've lost 5 and 20 more to go before I'm back at the weight I was when I met my boyfriend.
  • sarahlynwalters
    sarahlynwalters Posts: 36 Member
    Today I stepped on the scale and had not lost any (my weigh in day isn't until sunday) I have a problem of stepping on the scale too often and then if the results are undesirable, wanting to eat a bunch of crap (today the incredi-urge was gas station pizza...it's bad guys). Somewhere along the ride to the gas station though, I realized that I was just reacting to be disappointed and that this pattern of disappointment followed by eating crap is what is keeping me from reaching my goal. OK, so I know the pattern, and admit that it's a problem...and that's the first step. I think the second step will be moving the scale to the basement so I'm not tempted to weigh myself so often.

    Does anyone else here have that problem, and if so do you have any solutions? I don't want to be obsessive about the scale, esp not that I realize this unhelpful series of events overweighing is a part of.
  • christierenea
    christierenea Posts: 18 Member
    I've already lost 45lbs and I'm currently at 147lbs, Id like to lose about 20 more. I feel like I've just been in the 140's for awhile now, ready to lose these last few pounds.
  • judydj1220
    judydj1220 Posts: 79 Member
    Dang it! I was at goal weight 2 years ago (aaahhhh). :) WTF did I do to myself????!!! :s This is the absolute last time!!!!
  • eliotwaugh125
    eliotwaugh125 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ladies! at 139lb I have 14lbs to go to get to my goal weight. As an emotional eater in a frustrating place in my life, it's been rough. I've put on 10lb over the last 2 months from moderate binging. *sigh* 3lbs lost already this month, I'm going to keep kicking butt!