Introductions & Welcomes



  • blue_byrd
    blue_byrd Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Birdie. I'm a 33 year-old mother of one little-one, who has seen the pounds creep slowly on since getting married and having a baby. I love to work out, but because of my lower energy, I find myself doing less and eating more. I joined because I don't want 12lbs to become 120lbs, and because I really need some encouragement. I've tried to lose this weight before and have fallen off the bandwagon. I lose focus, but I also feel like my relationship to food needs some help. I am food educated- I eat well- but I eat too much often for reasons other than hunger. I'm hoping to learn some new tricks and get a better perspective. Thanks for having me. :)
  • AtomicCupcake1
    AtomicCupcake1 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi guys! I'm Ashley, 32, mom of 3 and 2 stepkids, from Arkansas. Just getting started and hoping to lose 43 lbs (lost 4 of that so far), and get my figure back. I'm tired of having a mom butt! Lol! I want to say I'll exercise, but I'll pretty much a couch potato, besides the usual chasing my 11 month old around and running errands all over town. Right now I'm taking it slow... Less eating, watching what I eat, and that's about it. I now have diabetes, as well as other health issues, so I'm just tired of this lifestyle and who I've become. Feel free to add me if you'd like!