1/14 - Check In

TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
HEY ALL! Day one.
I was a bad girl. Sort of.
I had a late night and didn't prep breaky so I grabbed an egg mc muffin - no bun and put it on one slice of dry whole wheat toast. And a coffee one&one with an extra espresso shot.

My love myself moment: I am grateful for the mild winter we are having. It's so refreshing to breathe the air and not freeze my nose hairs!


  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Hi, all. My accomplishment for today is...I put away all of my mom's holiday decorations (Christmas tree, nativity scenes, etc). Took them down, packed them up, stored them away. It took a lot of bending, lifting, and stretching.
  • vnsx
    vnsx Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! Let's start this!
    Today I weigh 142 pounds
    Today I have a lot to be happy about! I'm finally advancing in a computer vision project, and I'm already 16 lbs lighter than when I started! So I'm feeling super motivated.
    Best of luck to all you of you, and you're welcomed to add me or message me if you'd like a mfp buddy :)
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,199 Member
    Today's weight: 147.7
    The scale is finally going in the right direction! My biggest downfall is Late Night Sncking, lately that hasn't been an issue, yay!

    An accomplishment about myself, I've learned to love running! It starts my day off with a bang , put on headphones and just let my little legs, fly, <3;):)
  • runnermamaof4kiddos
    Great going MFP friends!!! Grandma Jackie-- I hope I'm still running when they call me grandma! Awesome!!!

    I am so happy and thankful that even though I am eating low carb, I had a lot of energy for a tough workout this morning. Pumpkin seeds, maybe?

    I'm also thankful for the beautiful weather today-- 40 degrees warmer than yesterday!

  • TaraTall
    TaraTall Posts: 339 Member
    40 degrees warmer?! Did you go somewhere?!
  • runnermamaof4kiddos
    no, just crazy chicago weather!!!
  • goodwifey82
    goodwifey82 Posts: 54 Member
    edited January 2016
    This weeks weight: 238
    Had a good day today. On my second week now. Lost 5lb in first week. Had a few days where I have made a few bad choices but today was definitely better. I weigh in on Saturday morning so will let everyone know how that goes. I am going to bite the bullet and go for the full 10lbs before 14/02/16.
  • ma_lione
    ma_lione Posts: 3 Member
    CW: 176 GW: 165 (valentine's day goal)
    I have been able to drop a little over 20 lbs so far with diet only. Since last week I have been making an effort to exercise at least 4 times a week. I'm only 5'3" so this is my current goal but I plan on losing at least 30 pounds by summer.
  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 487 Member
    Hey all :)
    Today I put on a shirt that was 4 sizes smaller that the shirts I was wearing 3 months ago - very thankful for that :)
    Also got gifted some boxing gloves... trying to work out if I should by a boxing bag.
    Weigh in 277 - would love to lose 10+.
  • snugglers562000
    snugglers562000 Posts: 3 Member
    Checking in I'm new mfp community. My name is Patrice and i am excited about this challenge because I could use the additional support. I love my will to hit the gym because there are a ton of obstacles.
  • Becky_44
    Becky_44 Posts: 227 Member
    Hey there! Today I weighed 152.6, it's 3 lbs down from the 2nd, .04 down from yesterday. Means my weekend splurge has finally escaped me. I want to get through this coming weekend without splurging at all. I have my house to clean today and hope to get a walk in as well, on the treadmill today. My goal with this group challenge is to lose 5 pounds. If I can do that, I will finally feel like I have left my self sabotaging behind me. Something I picked up a year or so ago, every time I lose or hit a lower number, I self sabotage, I know why, it's a new issue I was not faced with the other 6 years of being on this journey, but that 5 pound loss would be an incredible victory for me.

    The day before yesterday was an awful day, and so I nearly left MFP. Deleted all my friends. This morning I decided that while I will never give up on my journey back to health, I won't give up on MFP either. So got my head turned around and feeling confident and positive about what can happen for me here at MFP.

    Have a great rest of your day everyone!
  • seattlenv
    seattlenv Posts: 3 Member
    All's going wonderfully. These next four weeks will be a good, flourishing time for us.

    The journey to health is a daily one.. even several times throughout the day. Each time we decide what to nourish ourselves with is an opportunity. If a less-than-ideal choice is made, so be it. There will be another opportunity very soon to make a good one!

    “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” ~Jim Rohn
  • vazquezmom7
    vazquezmom7 Posts: 935 Member
    So today I have recommited to become a healthier person. Hi yall, Carmen from Dallas. SAHM with seven kids, oldest 17 and youngest is 18 months. I was able to successfully lose 30 lbs but sadly have gained about 10 lbs within the last month. I need to get back to working out in the morning, but its hard with this cold weather. Today is very nice out will try to fit a work out in. Good luck to all, feel free to add me. I am doing low carb high fat lifestyle and will try to commit to three workouts a week. Today's weight 165 :smile: -(
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    Today I weigh 147lb. I've eaten well and am 500 calories under my daily burn. Not to much movement though.
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm recovering from a wicked cold, and (with windchill) it's below freezing out. But when my dog looked at me with big, pleading eyes, I just had to take him for a lunchtime walk at the dog lake. We got in well over three miles, even though there were parts where I could hardly walk forward, since the wind was so strong!

  • boncharlie
    boncharlie Posts: 487 Member
    Becky_44 wrote: »

    The day before yesterday was an awful day, and so I nearly left MFP. Deleted all my friends. This morning I decided that while I will never give up on my journey back to health, I won't give up on MFP either. So got my head turned around and feeling confident and positive about what can happen for me here at MFP.

    Have a great rest of your day everyone!

    MFP can be a great supportive place but you have to be protective of boundaries - at the end of the day you are here for you.

    Glad you decided to stay :smile:
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,276 Member
    131.8. Would love to see 123. A minimum loss (.2) but great since first time I've technically lost over the holidays. Lots of stressors but gonna make it to the gym as often as I can. Did 45 minutes of a grueling insanity type workout. Feeling proud.
  • runnermamaof4kiddos
    I'm recovering from a wicked cold, and (with windchill) it's below freezing out. But when my dog looked at me with big, pleading eyes, I just had to take him for a lunchtime walk at the dog lake. We got in well over three miles, even though there were parts where I could hardly walk forward, since the wind was so strong!


    Thanks for sharing the cute picture. It does look cold but at least the sun was shining- that always helps!
  • SSmithConlan08
    SSmithConlan08 Posts: 8 Member
    Today's accomplishment was reaching my step goal by 4:00 PM! I'm often pushing myself at 9:30 to get more steps in. :)
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    Today I made an exercise goal and a definitive weight loss goal (before I found this group :smiley: ). I have a doctors appointment next week and I'm working towards being in the mid to low 180's when I get weighed. Also I got my coffee pot ready for tomorrow so I won't be tempted to stop and buy junk in the morning.