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Friendship & Intro Thread



  • cherylann747474
    cherylann747474 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Cheryl. I'm 41 years old and live in Michigan. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto (underactive thyroidism) about 20 years ago. Since the diagnosis my weight has been going up and I'm fed up with it. I know that I can lose the weight if I really try hard. That's my goal for 2016, to be able to feel & look good. I look forward to getting to know everyone and making new friends. :)
  • donutbears
    donutbears Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone! First post ever on MFP as I just signed up yesterday. I was first diagnosed with hyperthyroidism a decade ago. I was one of those unfortunate ones who ended up gaining weight instead of losing. I've recently had a relapse in thyroiditis and hyper again. Per my endocrinologist, she says I'll have a difficult time losing weight (gained a bunch). Which truly is unfortunate timing as I'm getting married in a few months and started working out 3-5x a week last July 2015 thinking that was ample time. This is the heaviest I have ever been in my life. Unfortunately, I haven't lost any weight at all and so now I'm using MFP to strictly monitor my calories.
  • lisacarraway
    lisacarraway Posts: 12 Member
    Hey would love to get your diet sheet. I just found out my thyroid is not working last in December. Trying to lose a about 50 pounds .
    Hi everyone! I am 32, mother of 2. I stay at home and homeschool my oldest. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 4 years ago. I switched my medicine from synthroid to Armour last year and have had a much improved symptom set. I have gained weight after each of my children, and need to lose it. In January, I asked my dr for a diet plan that would help me get rid of the extra 50+/- pounds I had. I started that diet Jan 12, and lost 20 pounds in 7 1/2 weeks. I am stoked!! I also recently had a deficiency in potassium that sent me to the ER with heart palpitations. I need all the help I can get to have a nutrient-rich diet that will not mess up my thyroid and still help me lose weight. I average a 10 pound weight loss each month. I would like to at least maintain that if not increase it. I still have about 40 pounds to lose.

  • lisacarraway
    lisacarraway Posts: 12 Member
    Hey new to group just found out my thyroids is not working. They found this by ex Ray only everything else looked good. I am on synthroid 75 right now .
  • friendlygirl316
    friendlygirl316 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone. I have hypothyroidism which is genetic. I also have lot of other health issues. Sometimes I wonder off they're all related somehow. Currently take 150 mcg Synthroid.
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    Hey all. Been on MFP for a few years and have had some good success. But, like a lot of us, I've backslid over the last few months. Time to get back at it and lose some more weight. On the thyroid front, I was diagnosed with Graves several years ago. After playing around with a bad endocrinologist who wasted a year playing with meds, I went the iodine route and shut off the thyroid (I didn't want a scar). I'm currently taking 175mcg synthroid daily. Once I'm back at the gym my normal routine is @2000 calories/day, weight training 3 times per week and cardio 3-4 times per week.
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    Hashi patient here. Used to live in Vancouver, B.C. but retired to Campbell River to a house on the ocean.
  • mefatpat2
    mefatpat2 Posts: 14 Member
    Good morning all. Did anyone else have a problem with the holidays? I have found that my problem (other than everything else) seems to lie in the amount of sodium I eat so if I keep that really low apparently everything else works well. I do have under-active thyroid and take meds but I wonder if there is anything else that could be affecting how sodium affects my body. The holiday (July 4 here in the US) - really undermined my low sodium diet but then it was maybe worth it. Back to the starting point - I gained three pounds in three days.
  • mefatpat2
    mefatpat2 Posts: 14 Member
    :) Happy day for me. Lost 2 lbs (water I am sure) since yesterday. Tuesday is one of my big exercise days - league bowling. Always helps me lose weight. Hope everyone is doing well here. Not too many people seem to be posting but that is the nature of life.
  • AvrilC1971
    AvrilC1971 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi All. I'm Avril. 45 from Ontario Canada and today is day one of my life with Graves Disease. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all so I'm looking forward to reading stories and getting advice from all of you...
  • mefatpat2
    mefatpat2 Posts: 14 Member
    With the new grandson it is very hard to keep track of eating. Will do the best I can but at least again today I have not gained!!
  • najones87
    najones87 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I just joined. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism a month ago and am still getting used to my meds. I have had symptoms for years but finally a doctor listened to me. But now I need to get off all the weight I put on because of it. I am hoping for motivation to do it!
  • btmumma
    btmumma Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everybody! I just found this group. So excited. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism way back in 1994. In 2008 I finally learned I has Hashimoto's. End of last year we found that I was also dealing with hyperparathyroidism due to a vitamin D deficiency. Oh let us not forget the severe cervical stenosis, herniated lumbar disc, osteoarthritis of the spine and fibromyalgia. Weight is so hard for me now.

    The hyperparathyroidism is under control now. Now my last TSH was only 0.2. So doc has ⬇️ the levo to 100mcg and added citomel. The rheumy has added d-ribose 2x/day for the fibro and my psychiatrist has changed all my other meds too. Ugh.
  • Aruba08
    Aruba08 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi everyone. Graves disease here, never lost an ounce. I struggle with hunger and palpitations but all is suddenly getting under control with meds. Back to MFP to log and take ownership of consumption. Heart is struggling so it will be all diet based rather than exercise until things have safely leveled out.
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    I have Hashimoto's.

    I was symptomatic for over 3 decades before finally being diagnosed; during that time I was treated to the "mental illness" model of thyroid treatment, which as many of us know involves antidepressants and lots of counseling revolving around one's alleged lazy, negative attitude towards life.

    I was then treated to 20 years of Synthroid, which did little to alleviate my symptoms -- but again, I was told that these must necessarily be in my head because my TSH was"in the normal range."

    Finally I went to a licensed N.D. who suggested that I insist that my doctor run a full thyroid panel instead of the TSH-only testing he had been doing. He had to grudgingly acknowledge that I don't convert T4 into T3, and put me on desiccated thyroid.

    It still isn't easy street because I have horrible insomnia, but it seems that as time goes by and I play with my dosage, my health is improving slowly -- but I can't lose weight. I suspect a lot of it is water retention because I seem to swell up and down, but I definitely can't lose weight, either.
  • svranch
    svranch Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone...I am turning 50 this year and have a lot of weight to lose but I have not been officially diagnosed with hypo thyroidism....A holistic dr. thinks I may have Hashimotos but I don't have the money to a dr yet. Several years ago my thyroid count was at a 3 but my then dr said that it had to be at a 5 to get meds. Weight gain, tired, loss of thought, and a very low body temp among other symptoms tell me that I need to have something done. I am looking forward to learning from each of you. I would love to have some friends that can advise me.
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 183 Member
    I have had hypothyroid issues since I was a child. Periods of time where I was on meds and then taken off and lived with lots of symptoms for yrs. Finally had a dr that an took interest in me. In time I was put on Armour with an adjusted prescription. Fine until he retired and now we are regulating the prescription again. What I have learned is that when I was walking about 2 miles a day 5 to 6 days a wk I lost about .25 of a lb a week. I also kept a running diary on MFP coupled with my Fitbit. I ended up losing 15 lbs though I still have another 15 to go. Life is on hold again since I have been told to stay off my feet (plantar fiscitis) thus seeing my wt going back up 3 lbs. I am really having to watch my salt and bread (glutin) intake because that tends to really put my wt on. Also have to watch my sugar intake too because that tends to make a difference. Its all about exercise and eating no processed foods, plus watching the food portions. Good luck with this ladies...
  • LauraCoth
    LauraCoth Posts: 303 Member
    edited August 2016
    svranch wrote: »
    Hi everyone...I am turning 50 this year and have a lot of weight to lose but I have not been officially diagnosed with hypo thyroidism....A holistic dr. thinks I may have Hashimotos but I don't have the money to a dr yet. Several years ago my thyroid count was at a 3 but my then dr said that it had to be at a 5 to get meds. Weight gain, tired, loss of thought, and a very low body temp among other symptoms tell me that I need to have something done. I am looking forward to learning from each of you. I would love to have some friends that can advise me.

    The idea that treatment is not given until TSH is 5 is nothing short of patient abuse. Most thyroid patients feel their best when their TSH is within the 0.5 to 1.5 range. Waiting until someone is very ill cannot even remotely be considered good health care.

    Where do you live? Are naturopaths licensed in your area/country/state/province? A licensed naturopath (i.e. one who has been to medical school) can prescribe thyroid medication.

    Otherwise, you could try to find a more enlightened doctor who knows how to diagnose and treat thyroid disease.

    If not, and you can't get a doctor to budge on treating you, you could at least take L-tyrosine and selenium, both of which can give your thyroid some support.

  • DaizyBell
    DaizyBell Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am Rona, and I am 37 years old, married and living in Ireland. I was diagnosed with Hpothyroidism back in 2006, and am on 75 mcg of Eltroxin.
    I am also on Vitamin D, and Iron. Plus I suffer from depression and am on meds for that. I am also attending the hospital and getting tests done to see if I have PCOS.

    Anyway, just wanted to say Hi to you all, please feel free to add me. I could do with a buddy or two that is going through the same thing. I am desperate to lose weight, and finding it a struggle at times. I started on Slimming World about a week ago and am going to get weighed in a few days to see if I lost anything, fingers crossed that I have.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!

  • darrost88
    darrost88 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I just joined I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism over 10 yrs ago I am an obese lady who is determined to change my life I don't like my body anymore LOL I was on weight watchers the first time I decided i didn't like what I seen in the mirror and was doing really good but then my thyroid decided to go under active and I started gaining weight a little here and there and then I stopped weight watchers because I was so frustrated Here I was trying so hard and not getting anywhere. I was also working to jobs 1 full time one part time so when i was exhausted all the time and could fall asleep anywhere I just chalked it up to working to much There were other symptoms that I ignored or simply didn't pay attention to until I was diagnosed like my hair thinning I still have a spot on each side of my head that is extremely thin,,, OK I have 2 bald spots at my temples. My feet hurt I explained that off as I worked 2 jobs and was on my feel a lot. My Dr missed my symptoms too as I do have a family history when my uterus swelled and I couldn't stop crying she decided to test my thyroid. I had some more health problems and am not on disability I walk with a cane and suffer from chronic pain. I don't let that stop me I just do what i can and I still even on the worst days get out and walk because I have a little dog, She is the best thing that has ever came into my life. I would like to find a on line buddy so stop by and say HI
    I live in the lower main land/ Vancouver BC