January 18-23



  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    Today I threw a tantrum like a hangry toddler. I am tired of meal prepping, calorie counting, macro counting, weighing, measuring, logging...you get it. I want eggs benedict, mimosas, and salt. It's my TOM and I.am.done. So I am listening to my body and allowing myself what I want. No excuses, no bargaining, I just am. That's all. Afterward, we're going grocery shopping for the week and I will be back on my routine. I just need a break.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    @MrsVelapanur Been there done that. As long as it's just one day and you get back on the road to good health.
    @Living360 Thanks. I did go out for a walk after all.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    @MrsVelapanur Log it or not, definitely enjoy it and get back on track tomorrow. If you're going to do this for life long health you will have days when you eat foods that may be less healthy than others. The good news is Eggs Benedict isn't hard to count if you choose to do so and there is Vitamin C in Mimosa's. It could be a lot worse, you're craving could be for an entire chocolate cake.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Now I want chocolate cake. Just kidding.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    @NewOR2015 Shame on you, very funny though!
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    So I'm working 7 days and double shifts again. Our resident whack a doodle insisted on being put on the schedule. Yesterday she called and said Nope she wouldn't be back. She got a new puppy. My boss is furious I laughed I'm really looking forward to jury duty. LOL
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    How long is your boss going to put up with her?
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I have a question. I joined another group, and the creator/leader has not participated after the first couple of days. Is this something common that happens? Do people create groups and just leave them, or is it just a coincidence that the two groups I decided to join had this happen?
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    @NewOR2015 I think this is coincidence, but leaving after the 1st couple of days really doesn't make sense does it? I think it's difficult for people to commit and stick with it, just like dieting. One day you're into it, you throw out all of the bad foods in your house, you grocery shop and buy all the vitamins and tools you need, you start and the next day you are totally over it. Sad, but the group can go on without the originator yes?
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Yes, it can. At least, this group will continue. My other group was only a one month commitment. It has 74 members with only 4 or 5 participating. Oh well.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Out of curiosity does anyone else have a crutch food something you eat everyday gets you through the day or you work into your day? Mine is Whoppers candy I work them in every day. My meals are basicly the same day in and day out with some switching but the candy is always there.

    Coffee, but as I take it black with no sugar I don't even log it. And fruit. I once tried a week with no fruit and ate three McFluffys - I have a sweet tooth, but fruit keeps it under control!