New to group. Looking for friends.

CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
Hi, have been using MFP for several months, just noticed there are groups! Looking for friends, so please add me if you'd like.

When I was 46, I had a thyroid issue, and now take levothyroxine. I gained a lot of weight (about 60 lbs) as the doctor figured out what was going on.

I started my weightloss journey in July by eating healthier, but that got me nowhere. I dropped about 12 lbs but felt like crap. Was then diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, though I didn't think that was the problem.

Long story short, my dr suggested low carb in late September, and I jumped right in. My life has turned around. No more pain from fibromyalgia, and I'm losing weight left and right. Overall, I've dropped over 30 lbs, and find the lifestyle change is pretty easy. I love meat, and while I miss breads and pastries and such, I have good self control.

I still have about 30 lbs to go. For exercise I ride my horse, and try to do so at least 4X a week. Any other equestrians here, would love to get some calorie burning info to compare to what I have.


  • SeriousPC
    SeriousPC Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there and congratulations! Sounds like you have things figured out well and are on course to succeed!

    What does your diet look like over a regular day? How talk are you and what is your calorie intake? Hope you don't mind the questions... I'm 48 and about 30lbs overweight.. the extra is taking soo long to leave my body lol

    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'8". I'm eating low carb, per Dr's recommendation. A typical day for me is this:

    1 cup coffee with 2 Tblsp heavy cream
    Starbucks instant coffee in a protein shake

    2 eggs scrambled in butter
    Baked chicken breast
    1/2 cup Cauliflower with butter
    2 slices turkey breast with 1 oz Cheese

    80/20 grilled hamburger with either mustard or 2 Tblsp bleu cheese dressing
    Broccoli Or cauliflower

    1 oz cheese (cheddar, havarti, port salut)
    Small handful cocktail peanuts

    These are my main go-to foods, and there's much more variety, especially with dinner, than what's here.
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    Forgot to add, my calorie intake is about 1200 a day, and I'm rarely hungry.
  • SeriousPC
    SeriousPC Posts: 23 Member
    AnnieHowes wrote: »
    Forgot to add, my calorie intake is about 1200 a day, and I'm rarely hungry.

    Thanks for sharing! I am 5'7 and 187lbs right now... I am focusing on 1200 calories a day but it doesn't seem enough when you add in the exercise. I'm not hungry but nothing is moving and I'm wondering if my body is hitting starvation mode. I try to wear my fitbit so I can eat the extra calories earned.

    I guess I'm just venting... its not like I'm special LOL Everyone on here is used to the slow process...

    Thanks for listening! lol
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    Hi Annie I sent you a friend request
  • Al48feelingreat
    Al48feelingreat Posts: 36 Member
    I am not really a diet fan however i can give you loads of tips and tricks to tone up your body all day everyday
    I'm new to this myself so don't know how to add you lol
  • birthdaysexy
    birthdaysexy Posts: 1 Member
    Annie I sent you a friend request
  • witzind1995
    witzind1995 Posts: 3 Member
    46 years old 5'2" at 170 right now started MFP late September with a calorie goal of 1500 . Looking for a support system to help along the way . Weekends seem to be difficult for me .
  • rn4laughing
    rn4laughing Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to make friends. I need support and encouragement and would like to be your cheerleader too!
  • CoryBIsMe
    CoryBIsMe Posts: 74 Member
    Add me! 42 mom of 3. I also was diagnosed as hypothyroid and take synthroid. Unfortunately also had gained 60 lbs before figuring that out. I'm not gaining anymore but really need to lose. I'm the same height too. :) No horses here though. I joined a gym and do aerobics classes, work a desk job so life is pretty sedentary if I'm not super careful.
  • ehallahan99
    ehallahan99 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi me too. Hypothyroid. But I was diagnosed as a teenager. It was easy to stay skinny young! After college and working in NYC and age going up, so did scale. Nice supportive group!!

    One I hit 40 boy is or so so hard to budge even half a pound! I keep tracking at trying. I think though at least I'm at a point where I stopped gaining. I look for the little positives
  • TanyaAngelique
    TanyaAngelique Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there. I am new to this group and looking for support. add me!!!
  • richard883
    richard883 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi just logged in tonight looking to join a group for poss support on our quest
  • raulsgirl75
    raulsgirl75 Posts: 36 Member
    Looking for friends also
  • lawhergirl7
    lawhergirl7 Posts: 2 Member
    Would love buddies. Used MFP before lost 80lbs. Life got in the way ..bad breakup, job loss, relocation ..violins playing :) . Gained it back and then some. Started low carb have lost 50lbs. Got another 30 to go and could use and will give support.
  • sxcbut
    sxcbut Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everybody! Just logged back in
    Trying to keep it at 1200 a day
    Been at it 2 weeks. Down 8 lbs. 20 more at least to go, I could use some buddies too!
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    I love new friends :)<3 XOXOXO
  • jenniferbushey69
    jenniferbushey69 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi there I have been on MFP for several years now. Its been a great tool to help me keep myself in check :) I am always open to new friends, especially the 40 plus group since thats where I am at. I find this age takes you to a whole new level grr lol That 5 to 10 pound flux I usually dealt with all my life is MUCH harder to lose now. lol Anyways look forward to meeting you guys :)
  • frikfourie
    frikfourie Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I have lost quite a lot of weight the past 10 months by doing the LCHF (Banting diet) but have been stalled for the last 4 months. I still have about 45 pounds to lose, and have lost 77 pounds already. I would like to make some friends - its nice to share your experiences and ask for help when you need it, so feel free to add me as friend. I have again started using MFP only yesterday and have found my problem why I have stopped losing weight. What a great app!
    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    edited February 2016
    @frikfourie I've adjusted my meals when I hit stalls. I added protein to my breakfast, and lunch is my biggest meal. Dinner is typically a Caesar salad, with or without a boiled egg.

    Also, for whatever reason, I've noticed that if I have an 80/20 burger (I have 1/4 lb) patty at lunch, and the salad at night, I seem to overcome a stall. I have no idea why, it's just a pattern I've noticed.
  • crispaholicshaz
    crispaholicshaz Posts: 79 Member
    CMYKRGB wrote: »
    Hi, have been using MFP for several months, just noticed there are groups! Looking for friends, so please add me if you'd like.

    When I was 46, I had a thyroid issue, and now take levothyroxine. I gained a lot of weight (about 60 lbs) as the doctor figured out what was going on.

    I started my weightloss journey in July by eating healthier, but that got me nowhere. I dropped about 12 lbs but felt like crap. Was then diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, though I didn't think that was the problem.

    Long story short, my dr suggested low carb in late September, and I jumped right in. My life has turned around. No more pain from fibromyalgia, and I'm losing weight left and right. Overall, I've dropped over 30 lbs, and find the lifestyle change is pretty easy. I love meat, and while I miss breads and pastries and such, I have good self control.

    I still have about 30 lbs to go. For exercise I ride my horse, and try to do so at least 4X a week. Any other equestrians here, would love to get some calorie burning info to compare to what I have.

    Fantastic that your feeling better & getting fitter.. add me if u like.. i wanna loose about 25lbs more...
  • Shalynlink
    Shalynlink Posts: 45 Member
    Nice to meet you! Excellent weight loss and props on the horseback riding - riders are so strong with legs of steel!
  • Demed70
    Demed70 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi All, 45 from PA, near Philly. I'm working on losing about 25 lbs. I'm very active, cycling, HIIT and starting Crossfit. I'm looking forward to getting to know others in this group.

  • M_ishy
    M_ishy Posts: 13 Member
    Hello! I'm new to 40, and making new friends would be great.
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    Hi, still looking for friends ? Feel free to add me. I am of the belief, the more the support the better the success

    45 is quickly coming and I have 40+ lbs to get rid of
  • virgogardener
    virgogardener Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I'm going to be 44 and I've lost 30 pounds and still have 20 to go. I love to hike, walk my dog, cycle and do almost anything that will burn calories...and yes, it includes cleaning
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    I love new friends <3 Please add me :) XOXOXO
  • marie59847
    marie59847 Posts: 2 Member
    I am looking for friends too. I'm on a lower carb and so far have lost 12 lbs. I've been on this for 2 months now :smile: Anyone feel free to add me. I love having a support system and being able to support others
  • Dids1975
    Dids1975 Posts: 8 Member
    Just started my fitness pal , turned 40 Oct last yr and joined local gym started doing 2 classes a week, has now progressed to doing 5mornings! Previous did 5:2 before starting exercise but now struggling with low cal days as definitely need more cals and then feel I pig out over compensating. Deciding need to focus more on daily good eating and going to try and log a bit more seriously now to track macros... getting confused and having a Costco pizza for lunch maybe wasn't best day to start!
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    Add me :)<3 XOXO