Paleo/Primal/Low Carb?

CaroleH15 Posts: 23 Member
Anyone out there like me? This is where I feel my very best. Happy New Year everyone!


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    Carole, I have been eating low GI/GL, which most people consider low carb for years now, just getting more strict again as DH has been labeled diabetic recently.

    Hoping the new year treats you kindly, I know you had some rough spots last year.
  • keyauwee
    keyauwee Posts: 22 Member
    The scales just weren't moving on low calorie, so I have been doing keto for five days. Have lost the 2 pounds gained (that I didn't report) while I was snowed in for 3 days. Like you, Carole, it just feels right to me. My body is adjusting well. Can almost feel the fat burning!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi Carole - I keep my carbs on the lower side, to manage my blood sugar. Generally I have no more than 30 carbs per meal or 15 per snack, and my daily limit is 90. My doctor and nutritionist recommended this as I strayed over the border from pre-diabetic to diabetic in 2014. Since then I have normal FBS and A1C by sticking to my plan.

    I am just now reading "How Not to Die" by Michael Greger. He, like several other doctors I have read, recommends going vegetarian or vegan to really get blood sugar under control. I am (reluctantly) considering this - I love meat but, it may be my approach to low carb has been too meat-based!

    That's my story :) ... Happy New Year to you! ~ Kathy

  • Bikerchickmomma
    Bikerchickmomma Posts: 99 Member
    I try to follow Dr. Gott's No Sugar/No Flour plan. The preferred foods are less processed and contain nutritional value. (Protein, dairy, fruits, and vegetables.) What I like about the plan is that it allows oatmeal, corn, rice, and beans. Everything, of course, in moderation.