50extra - My weight loss journey with all the embarrassing details



  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Or just sit in my steam unit for an hour and a half and sweat out all my bodily fluids so the scale says I lost weight haha. Just joking. I do have faith that what I am doing works but in today's society of instant gratification, I want, well you know, instant gratification.
  • QueenofHearts023
    QueenofHearts023 Posts: 421 Member
    50extra wrote: »
    Or just sit in my steam unit for an hour and a half and sweat out all my bodily fluids so the scale says I lost weight haha. Just joking. I do have faith that what I am doing works but in today's society of instant gratification, I want, well you know, instant gratification.

    Society also said the world will end in 2012... Lol
  • QueenofHearts023
    QueenofHearts023 Posts: 421 Member
    I lost 0.02lb this week... (water weight might be masking some) - I'm so friggen excited that I didn't see 62kg on the scale again! :lol: small victories.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Sweet! 0.02 down is better than 0.02 up!
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    I lost 0.02lb this week... (water weight might be masking some) - I'm so friggen excited that I didn't see 62kg on the scale again! :lol: small victories.

    small victories add up !

    just keep going.

  • I would add you as a friend but have no idea how to do that. I too want to lose roughly 50 pounds this year. I'm not as sure of myself to risk putting myself out there as you have, but in 2015 I lost about 40 pounds so I hope I can continue to slowly work toward my goal. Being so far from family takes an emotional toll. I'd probably be sitting in my bed with a bag of cookies missing home if our positions were reversed. Good for you making this commitment and congratulations on your progress. You're inspiring.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hey Genevieve, I added you as a friend, you should have a notification at the top of your screen if you are on a computer, or in the "more" section at the bottom of an ipad app.

    My entire reasoning for putting my embarrassing pictures on here is because I hate doing it. I hate even going without my shirt in the summer time. If I force myself to post my embarrassing pictures on here every week, I hope that it will inspire me to put in the time and effort that is needed to make a real change. Trust me, I am not the kind of person to take a selfie in a pair of underwear.

    Working away has its ups and its downs. Being away for a month at a time sucks. That's the down side. Oh yeah and I work in a brutal place that is hot in the summer and stupid cold in the winter. The temperature range that I have worked in over here is -52C without accounting for the wind chill and the hottest is around +42. My apartment is warm enough in the winter but in the summer it is unbearably hot.

    The good sides of working over here is I have over six months off a year. During these six months, other than an hour or two worth of emails a day, I am home doing whatever I want. My Mrs. went back to work in the first week in January so I am able to raise my daughter on my days off. Missing things like birthdays and anniversaries is tough but part of the sacrifices we chose to make when I signed up for this. ( I still like to complain about it though) As for missing home, I do every day that I am here but its part of life now. As of tomorrow I have been rotating over here for 6 years. The first few shifts definitely involved some sitting on my bed pouting and stuffing my face with comfort food.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I highly recommend starting a journal of your own so that the community here can help you along.

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well these last two days have been kind of a struggle for me. Let me explain.

    Yesterday I just wasn't hungry and didn't come close to eating my calories. I ended up adding 400 fast calories to my diary just because MFP got mad at me and told me to eat more. Because of the lack of food (i assume) I got home from work and had zero energy. I washed all the dishes and even went grocery shopping at 930pm just to try and waste enough of the night that I wouldn't have time to ride the bike. I came home and was commenting on some motivation journals and posts and decided that if I was going to be qualified to give advice then I had to take my own own and do some cardio. I ended up having a great ride.

    Now today, I woke up tired and my legs were killing me. All day I told myself that I could have the night off from riding because I was going to take last night off and didn't. The difference from today and yesterday is I got home and was starving. I ended up eating over my calories, which I am not dissapointed in because the food was half decent and because of that forced myself to ride tonight. I only went for 31 minutes and refuse to take the over 400 calorie burn that MFP tells me so because of that I posted over. The reason I felt the need to post about tonight is this.

    I DID NOT want to ride, when I got on the bike, my butt was sore and my legs felt weak. I didn't ride near as hard as last night but it wasn't until about the 25 minute mark that I realized that the "easy" pace and resistance I was riding at was higher than I could maintain only a couple weeks ago. That is a huge accomplishment for me and it shows that even if I am not losing weight or inches (even though I have no scale or measuring tape), my body is progressing. I am getting stronger and more fit already.

    Then... to top off the night. For the first time in my life I tried planking. I never realized that it was so hard. I ended up doing five sets of 20 seconds on and 30 seconds rest. I was shaking so hard I was laughing. Although it was only 100 seconds total of planking, my core was burning. This is definitely something that I am going to try and continue doing one my core stops hurting.

    Tomorrow is my next round of pictures. I was looking in the mirror today and I don't see any changes. That doesn't change the fact that when I started down this road, I promised myself that I would post unflattering pictures of myself for strangers to see.

    There will be new pictures up tomorrow night!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and have some successes of your own!
  • smiphette
    smiphette Posts: 177 Member
    Sounds like you are doing great, in spite of the challenges.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    WOW, I just realized I am in denial about the true size of my body and it's not a good thing. I took an electrical cord and wrapped it around my waist (where my jeans sit below my belly) and measured it with a tape measure. It might not be 100% accurate but its close. I figured I would be around a 36-37". I usually wear a 34" relaxed fit pair of jeans with a belt as well as a tighter fitting 36" jean. Nope I have a 39" waist. So then I decided to go around my belly at my belly button and was disgusted with myself. 42" I HAD NO IDEA!

    Hopefully this gives me some motivation to kick it into high gear.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Jesus, just went around my moobs..... 46" :(
  • QueenofHearts023
    QueenofHearts023 Posts: 421 Member
    50extra wrote: »
    Jesus, just went around my moobs..... 46" :(

    You can give me some - my boobies shrink away when I lose weight. :frowning:
  • ncprice1
    ncprice1 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello 50,

    It's hard to be so honest about such personal things. I believe that you will achieve your goal and once achieved, that you will continue that good habits that you learned along the way.

    Hang in there!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Thanks for the vote of confidence NC.

    Queen, you can have them all, I don't even know what a respectable "fit" chest of a guy would be? 34"? You can have 12" of them, please take it. I seriously couldn't believe the measurements.
  • Planks do truly suck. And we tried the really easy lean on the wall kind. Good for you staying committed to this. You're doing great.
  • smiphette
    smiphette Posts: 177 Member
    It is just a starting point. You are already making good progress toward your goals. The measurements will be great to refer back to after a few weeks.
  • mimi2974
    mimi2974 Posts: 40 Member
    Vanity sizing is really bad in the U.S. We think our waists are 2" smaller than they are. That's why we don't realize our true size!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Ok so I have a couple things to talk about today.

    First off I changed the way I rode my bike last night and WOW did it make a difference. I went from having it on a constant level to basically doing high intensity interval training. I usually go on a setting somewhere around 10. My bike has about 30 different resistances. Once I goto 10 I have been riding there at a maintainable pace for my 30-45 minutes and then getting off of it. Last night after I compared the 1 week pictures I got p*ssed off and decided to change it. So what I did was ride for 2 minutes on about 7, then one minute at 17 pretty much as hard as I could go. I was able to do this over and over for a bit over 40 minutes. By the time my ride was over I was completely soaked in sweat and felt awesome about the workout. I forgot my workout gear at home, along with my shoes so I have been riding my bike in dress shoes, jeans and a button up shirt. It doesn't matter too much but last night even my jeans were getting soaked through. I will continue this as often as I can, but its going to take some time because my legs are killing me today.

    Next, yesterday was Monday, and I promised myself I would take photos of myself and post them on here, which I will do. Comparing the photos p*ssed me off because the only gain I can maybe see is my love handles look a touch smaller. I honestly think my belly has gotten bigger. This is the reason I changed how I am riding. I did end up taking pictures this morning as soon as I got up too because in the mornings when I am dehydrated you can clearly see changes in my body but I deleted them and decided to be honest with myself about my progress.

    Although I can't physically see a difference between the first pictures on page 1 and these pictures, I can definitely feel my fat shrinking. Doing a pinch test on my belly fat and my love handles, both pinches are noticeably smaller. Another huge change is when I bend over to tie my shoes, it still makes me a bit red faced but nothing like before.

    The goal at the end of this process is to put all of the weekly photos into a time lapse video and be able to see where I started and where I ended up. I do not want to post these today because they disappoint me, but if I break the promise to myself after one week, how am I going to stick to this plan for the long term?

    So... here they are. This is 1 week in, starting weight 242, current weight I have no idea. I can't comment on inches either because I don't have a real tape to measure. I will get one in 10 days when I get home. Please ignore the boxers in this update and the next. Once I get home I can start taking progress shots in shorts.

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well I wasn't going to but I told my wife tonight that I was working out and trying to change my lifestyle in the process. She now understands why I opted out of a weekend trip when I get home that entails many, many meals out and copious amounts of beer. As I knew she would be, she was super supportive. The only spot we got into a disagreement is when I told her that I needed to buy a new 60" tv to watch my workout videos in the basement. I'm going to have to fight this battle when I get home.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Oh yeah, one more thing to add here. I am getting home on Thursday Feb 11th. On the Friday and Saturday after I get home there is a mobile testing facility coming to an area like 20 minutes from my house. For $50 I can do their Body Composition test.

    It test for:
    Certified weight - good to see if my scale is accurate
    Body fat (accurate within 1-2%)
    Lean body mass
    Snapshot of dietary habits
    Segmental lean mass (how muscle is distributed throughout body)
    Basal Metabolic rate - Daily calorie burn
    Recommended calories to meet my goals - obviously weight loss

    I am pretty sure that I am going to do it, just waiting back from the company to make sure they have room.