Fitbit Calorie Adjustment wrong



  • WilsonFilson
    WilsonFilson Posts: 83 Member
    edited February 2016
    zinatara wrote: »
    This is exactly what is happening with me.

    Make sure you open a ticket with the help desk so they fix this asap. More noise they hear, the higher the priority it will be.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    zinatara wrote: »
    I was about to post here that mine was behaving today, and then it did this:

    These were snapped literally five minutes apart.

    This is exactly what is happening with me.

    Lucky you -- mine went from giving me 1300 calories to 900 calories for the day, this after walking a mile and putting in 6000 steps walking around my university campus dragging a roller bag full of books. Fibit's giving me 1574. MFP has negatively adjusted me to 900. I think it's subtracting exercise calories rather than adding them.
  • benevempress
    benevempress Posts: 136 Member
    edited February 2016
    Despite their claim that they fixed our problem earlier today, in the last 30 minutes I got three different, all erroneous, adjustments. One was automatic, then I tried the "add some other fake cardiovascular to force resync with fitbit then delete" strategy. While the fake cardiovascular was there I got a different number, and after deleting it, a third still wrong number. I say they are all wrong because the "Myfitnesspal calories burned" is different for each and all three Myfitnesspal calories burned numbers were too high.
  • Oceantech
    Oceantech Posts: 7 Member
    Still Broken. I just ended up using the Fitbit site which has is correct. It would be nice if they would fix this issue.
  • MrAstro
    MrAstro Posts: 24 Member
    edited February 2016
    Yes still broken it's been mucking up for about 3-4 days now. It loses all of my additional calories on a regular basis and reports that I've done no or very little exercise even though I might have done 800-900 calories worth - then later on it might put back half of the calories and still later on maybe it might look sort of correct - only to becoming incorrect all over again.

    I know how it ought to work - I've been using it for half a year - obviously in that time there have been other glitches. There have also been times where it works perfectly for weeks - so I'm not making this stuff up.

    Very frustrating.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    @cbkm2k12 - I'm beginning to think you are on to something after all - MFP has just implemented it poorly and incorrectly.

    I'm wondering if they are attempting to mimic a Fitbit using MFP smartphone app for those without a Fitbit.
    Watch steps and assigned calorie burn based on impact.
    Adjust daily burn based on that activity.
    But since doing it themselves - no need for it to show up as an exercise adjustment - just change what should be a base static number.

    Then again - it shouldn't be used at all if you are already syncing in a 3rd party site/device stats doing the exact same thing - but better probably.

    And again - it would totally confuse probably majority without Fitbit's to have their base NET number changing on them because the daily burn figure the deficit comes off of is changing.

    This would be an effort to keep people from needing a Fitbit - or perhaps in preparation for their own labeled daily activity device, so as not to share the ad revenue.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    @cbkm2k12 - I'm beginning to think you are on to something after all - MFP has just implemented it poorly and incorrectly.

    I'm wondering if they are attempting to mimic a Fitbit using MFP smartphone app for those without a Fitbit.
    Watch steps and assigned calorie burn based on impact.
    Adjust daily burn based on that activity.
    But since doing it themselves - no need for it to show up as an exercise adjustment - just change what should be a base static number.

    Then again - it shouldn't be used at all if you are already syncing in a 3rd party site/device stats doing the exact same thing - but better probably.

    And again - it would totally confuse probably majority without Fitbit's to have their base NET number changing on them because the daily burn figure the deficit comes off of is changing.

    This would be an effort to keep people from needing a Fitbit - or perhaps in preparation for their own labeled daily activity device, so as not to share the ad revenue.

    This is a very interesting conspiracy theory... I haven't bothered to check if the dynamic base calories are correlating in any way to my increased step counts/calories burned on FitBit...
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    Good morning - I just posted this in the duplicate Fitbit entries thread but thought I would post it here as well -

    So watching closely - last night I noticed that MFP once again had their setting showing too many calories burned (I am set as sedentary on MPF, desk job, usually only clock 2500 steps with no exercise) so it was giving me low Fitbit calories.

    This morning when I logged in, that count has been adjusted correctly but now there are duplicate Fitbit entries. Their formulas for those two things seem to be off and somehow interconnected. Frustrating, I hope it gets fixed soon!

    Anyone else notice this? On my Fitbit app everything seems to be clocking correctly.

    I'm going to open a ticket as has been suggested in this thread. Thanks everyone!
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    edited February 2016
    zinatara wrote: »
    I was about to post here that mine was behaving today, and then it did this:

    These were snapped literally five minutes apart.

    This is exactly what is happening with me.

    This is what's happening to mine now. Earlier this week it was duplicate adjustments, now it's this issue where the MFP burn increases to the point it zeros out the fitbit burn as though I have increase my MFP activity level setting or something. I was under the impression the lower, MFP, number was only supposed to change if I changed my activity level, which I have not. Sent an email last night, no response yet...

    ETA: My fitbit, dashboard and app, has been working perfectly fine. I think this is an MFP issue.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    I finally received a response, they want screenshots. I haven't had any issues though since doing what I explained on page 2 of this thread so I don't have anything to give them.

    So make sure you include screenshots of the problem when you contact support to speed the process along.
  • GSV3MiaC
    GSV3MiaC Posts: 22 Member
    Oceantech wrote: »
    Still Broken. I just ended up using the Fitbit site which has is correct. It would be nice if they would fix this issue.

    Yep, still broken, despite the 'help' posting which says they have rolled back their recent change (the one that broke it), it is actually still as broken as ever. Almost every time I refresh the MFP food page I get a different (by hundreds) and wrong, calorie adjustment from fitbit.

    The fitbit page is right .. or as right as it ever is .. I dislike the way it 'expects' me to eat at a rate to match my calories burned .. the MFP display of what I have got left is much nicer, but only when it works, which it hasn't for a week now.
  • WilsonFilson
    WilsonFilson Posts: 83 Member
    I gave them screenshots yesterday (same ones I provided above) and heard back from them that they have sent it on to the developers to investigate.
  • WilsonFilson
    WilsonFilson Posts: 83 Member
    zinatara wrote: »
    I was about to post here that mine was behaving today, and then it did this:

    These were snapped literally five minutes apart.

    This is exactly what is happening with me.

    I think this is an MFP issue.

    Totally agree.
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    its so weird. struggling to make sense. like it says i have a negative calorie fit bit adjustment of 146 so it adds to my net calories which it then deducts from my Calorie goal..along with what i've looked as eaten. i must be thinking about this wrong or something..just can't get it thru my head.
  • clevelandkat40
    clevelandkat40 Posts: 16 Member
    Just realized mine is doing something similar to this too.....if I look at the info pop-up by my fitbit calorie adjustment, it acknowledges how many calories Fitbit believes i've burned (yesterday was around 2700) - but it isn't updating my calorie consumption goal accordingly. So yesterday it said I should have consumed 1400 calories for a 2700-calorie burn. I'd fall into a dead faint if I actually did that. It's doing it again today as well - except when I first logged in, it was showing the CORRECT goal - and once I entered food, it dropped the goal to a much lower number than it should have been. Very frustrating. I used to use the Calorie Count program, and they had a similar issue with syncing with Fitbit. Their solution? I'd have to delete my account (which I'd had for three years) and start over. No thanks.
  • katesmash
    katesmash Posts: 30 Member
    I thought I was going crazy last night when I got off the treadmill after an hour, hit almost 12,000 steps for the day, and only got a 100 calorie adjustment on MFP. Glad to hear that it's not just me! It's frustrating as all heck though.
    Glad I have at least a month of "correct" data to compare to so I know what my adjustment should be, and I never eat back all my exercise adjustment anyway.

    Hope they figure this out soon though!
  • mommananie
    mommananie Posts: 5 Member
    I'll go in and delete my new post about this. It looks like it is an ongoing problem. Mine is doing the same thing. Two or three extra adjustments a day.
  • whitdobe
    whitdobe Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2016
    After about 18 months of logging on MFP, I give up. I know I'm not really in the red, I can see on Fitbit that I'm well below my limit. But I'm tired of looking at the red that's a result of my Fitbit exercise calories not being imported into MFP. This morning I started logging my food into Fitbit and I'll discontinue use of MFP logging.

    It's really too bad. It worked perfectly for months.
  • I'm with y'all. It's really demotivating when FitBit says I have a 489 calorie burn workout, and when it hits MFP... 76. No way.
  • metalheaddoc
    metalheaddoc Posts: 5 Member
    Yes. I have had trouble with my calorie adjustment suddenly changing in the wrong direction. I have also had a problem with double counting. Sometimes, when I check the MFP app, I have two calorie adjustments for the exact same amount.