Love Your Health: Feb Challenge-Week 1 (2/1-2/7)



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Feb 2
    SW: 153.4
    CW: 131.6
    GW: Trying 128.

    Cals: Over. Very hungry evening.
    Carbs: 23 net
    Exercise: Rest day due to back injury. (Should be fine in a week or so if I'm very careful.)
    Sleep: Ugh, stayed up til 11 last night. Need to aim for 10:15 tonight.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    FEB 2

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 219.8 (Feb 1)
    CW: 219.0
    GW for February: 215
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 30: yes
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Listened to my hunger signals last night, halfway through the bowl of Chili Dog soup I knew I wasn't hungry anymore, and then I finished the bowl. Then I tried the Good Dee's cookies after dinner. I didn't like them (they tasted great, cookie-wise, but I never cared for cooled choc chip cookies), but I still ate three.

    My brain has been busy coming up with changes I should make to the nutritional makeup of my meals, but the problem, generally, is that I'm overriding the hunger signals, and my discipline isn't enough to interrupt the conscious decision to keep eating.

    I was going to fast today because I'm going to a Brazilian buffet for lunch, but then I decided fasting would probably make me overeat there, so I had deviled eggs and my 'Mexican' coffee this morning so I wouldn't be famished at lunch.

    Took my measurements with myotape this morning. Up from my last set, which is not that surprising to me, given how I am fully aware I've been eating more than I need.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    edited February 2016
    2/2 summary:

    1. Minimum 64 ounces of water per day. Check! 96 ounces yesterday.
    2. Under 50g carbs per day. Double check! I fasted yesterday and had nothing but two BPCs plus water, salt, and black coffee.
    3. 8,000 steps at least 5 days a week. I did not hit my step goal, but I did work out during my lunch break.

    SW: 236
    2/1: 176.4
    2/2: 174.6
    CW: 172, which is a new low due to fasting--I anticipate regain after the fast.
    3/1 Goal: 170
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    Here's my update!

    February goals:
    1) Eat <20g net carbs a day.
    2) Weigh weekly on Wednesday.
    3) Lose 5 pounds this month.
    4) No alcohol
    NEW 5) Get 10,000 steps a day

    1) I was on track 2/1 but slipped up on 2/2.
    2) Today’s weight 216.4, down 1.2 pounds since last time
    3) 1.2 pounds lost so far
    4) Slipped up and had some champagne last night. UGH. Moving on.
    5) Failed on 2/2

    Disappointed in not losing more and failed on my 10,000 steps and carb goal yesterday. Also had alcohol. Not dwelling on it and ready to just move on because I’m pretty adapted to this WOE now and didn’t use a slip up as an excuse to binge. Progress, not perfection. I will be focusing on tracking more honestly, even on the weekends when possible, taking vitamins, getting water, and getting steps. Also trying to cut back on cheese lately, but that doesn’t seem to be helping weight loss.

    Two people at work have noticed that I’ve lost weight today, so that is awesome! I need to start keeping tabs on the comments I get. ;-)

    Great job, everyone!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    2.3.16 Checking In
    CW: ?
    GW: 142.5 (on 3.1.2016)

    Carbs- Under 30
    Exercise - Yes. Ran 3 Miles last night.
    Calories - Great

    Good day yesterday. On track. Didn't weigh in the morning. I'm am Craving salt today! So far today I've had TWO avocados and a boiled egg - covered in salt. Drinking tea now, so feeling a little better. Didn't sleep well last night. Ended up watching 2 Harrison Ford movies all night. I'm having a thin face day. HAHA.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    @glossbones- good for you for attempting to do this! I, like you, are one who wants her metrics!! It would be a HUGE thing for me to not weigh, measure, log. I wish you success. Keep us posted.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    @glossbones- good for you for attempting to do this! I, like you, are one who wants her metrics!! It would be a HUGE thing for me to not weigh, measure, log. I wish you success. Keep us posted.

    Thanks! I definitely will be updating here because it's as close to a tracking fix as I can get! ;)
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    On track at the moment. Passing out of a stall and attribute new weight loss success to increased efforts to measure everything. Carb creep is real.
    ..Hoping to make some new self care type changes in the next few weeks. Not sure what yet, but need to have more human connections in my life.
    Still plugging away at January goals which are still relevant and may continue all year. And trying to cope with fatigue from busy, physical job demands. Feeling a wee bit discouraged at the moment, but nothing a good night sleep won't cure. Night all..
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Cals: just under
    Carbs: 21gm net
    Exercise: Resting my ouchy back.
    Sleep: Got over 8 hrs last night! Woohoo.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    FEB 3

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 219.8 (Feb 1)
    CW: 216.8
    GW for February: 215
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 30: yes
  • Kahelnet
    Kahelnet Posts: 11 Member
    edited February 2016
    Feb 3:
    1. Sleep at least 6 hours a day checked!
    2. Wark no more than 10 hours a day worked 8:30-19:00, I'm almost there!
    3. Stay below 30g carbs yap, it was 17, but I'm eyeballing my foods, so I leave some for mistakes
  • bnichelle3
    bnichelle3 Posts: 6 Member
    Hope im not too late!

    1. Logging everyday
    2. 20g net 92 pro 1898 kcal
    3. Start day earlier ( i work nights)

    Keto newbie and 3lbs down since feb 1 :)
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    I ate my dinner (xrare rib eye with kerrygold) very slowly last night, and ate probably less than a third of it. I had my 'Mexican coffee' last night and then another coffee with pure heavy cream and didn't even want (but did still drink) most of the second coffee.

    This morning I woke up and decided I don't even remember what true hunger feels like, so I drank my coffee black with ceylon cinnamon and chili powder. I'm drinking broth now for my sodium, and I'll see if I can find bone broth on my break. I started to feel the sensation of hunger, but that may just be thirst because it started fading as soon as I started sipping my broth.

    Yesterday I was grumpy even after the sodium. Not sure whether that was hormonal or what. Today I'm feeling more focused and haven't been grumpy. I do think my stomach, this morning, appeared to have lost some of the recent fluffiness I've had.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @elize7 Love your post yesterday. I've felt the same way many evenings. Keep on keeping on.

    2.4.16 Checking In
    CW: Will weigh in tomorrow am.
    GW: 142.5 (on 3.1.2016)
    Carbs- Under 30 Net
    Exercise - Yes. Ran 2 Miles last night.
    Calories - Whoa dang. Way too much, but I was probably too under previous day. So I think it all will balance out. I was hungry yesterday and made good choices all day. Then for a nightcap I opted for a martini. Not so good. Didn't need that. Ug.

    Rare rib-eye with Kerrygold sounds like what I'm going to do for dinner tonight. No drinkie.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    edited February 2016
    2/3 summary:

    1. Minimum 64 ounces of water per day. Check. 128 ounces.
    2. Under 50g carbs per day. Check! I ended my fast yesterday around 4pm with sunflower seeds, a Kind bar (15g total carbs with 7g fiber), and then for dinner I had chicken thighs cooked in olive oil and chicken broth with some garlic and herbs and spices, and a cup of stir fry veggies. I also had a couple Tbsp of peanut butter (Gah! I can't leave that stuff alone!) But I ended the day at 1,385 calories and 32g total carbs (20g net carbs).
    3. 8,000 steps at least 5 days a week. Nope. Only 6,811 steps yesterday. *hangs head in shame*

    SW: 236
    2/1: 176.4
    2/2: 174.6
    2/3: 172
    CW: 170.6 (again, I anticipate a gain--this is after fasting)
    3/1 Goal: 170
  • AbombAe
    AbombAe Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! Starting on Sunday the 7th, my goal and only goal this month is to get into and stay in ketosis. I've been too in and out over the last few months and it's time to just commit.. all or nothing!

    Going to have the 'last supper' of a ton of sushi on saturday night :)
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    SW: 195
    Prior W: 189.8 (1/22)
    Prior W: 187.2 (1/29)
    CW: 186.8 (2/4)
    GW: 160-165

    Since 1/31 I've done 2 weight training circuit sessions and 1 run. I tweeked my neck muscle and am thinking I might opt to try an ab workout tomorrow or even Saturday and use today and tomorrow to get in my 2 additional runs for the week.

    NSV - I LOVE that I can see my center ab line coming back! Hoping that as I stay diligent that I'll see some more abs appear. YAY!

    My downfall this week was that the hubby took me out to our local taphouse and filled our growler, so I had an 8 oz. glass of strawberry hard cider mid-week. I also finished off a half a cup of ice cream from a treat that my husband got for me 2 weeks ago and I had, up until this week, only been taking a small spoonful probably every other day of it. Well, it's gone now! Hoping that I will be able to stay the course in the coming week as I have two large events that make eating LC a bit of a chore because I'm at the mercy of what's presented to me, but I will be bringing LC snacks in both cases and hoping that I will not go off the rails.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I might end up having an evening snack but I'll go ahead and post now while I'm thinking of it.

    SW: 153.4; Keto SW 150.6
    CW: 131.4 (down 19.2 lbs in 3 months on keto)
    Original GW: 133
    New GW: I'll know when I get there. ;) BF% of 24%

    Cals: I have plenty to spare. ;)
    Carbs: 13 total
    Exercise: Walked for about 15 mins. Back is still healing.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited February 2016
    Coconut carnivore today. I don't know if this is real or just a placebo effect, but I swear I am less hungry when I skip carbs, even avocado. I have a hard time believing just cutting back from the 20g of carbs that I was eating before would make a difference, but maybe it does. Or maybe it is all in my head. Either way, it works for me. LOL

    I do love having BG measurements of 4.3 after a meal. Yay!
    glossbones wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Yesterday had more veggies than planned (for my easing out of veggies week). I had half an avocado with lunch and added some broccoli to my plate because the kids were asking about "Why no veggies, Mom?" Apparently I have issues with encouraging my kids to eat veggies and it feels hypocritical to go without veggies. I guess I better get over that soon, eh? LOL

    Why don't you let your kids go carnivore with you? Tell them, "You don't have to eat your veggies, if you don't want them. But you can't replace them with cookies!"

    That would sort of work except I worry about them filling up with starchy carbs like rice or potatoes instead. My second son especially. I swear her just eats the colour beige...

    I am pushing more meats on my kids now a days. Gotta feed those growing boys. ;)

    BTW What is your Mexican coffee?

    @macchlatto congrats on blowing by your old GW!