Jan 31 - Feb 6



  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I can't avoid the scale this month. I need to get to competition weight! I normally don't stress about it too much, but I know I have put on a bit from eating badly... Trying to be strict, but finding that I am just hungry ALL the time!

    On the other hand, I have registered for competition and the training is going super well!!!
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    @CaptainBoing You've got your goals, and you're going for it! Awesome good job!

    I'll be mostly stuck indoors the next couple of days since my mom doesn't go out much. It's a shame because the weather is nice. At least, there's a Gazelle in her house that I can use.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    @CaptainBoing when I find myself always hungry it's usually because I'm not eating enough protein. You could check that out. Good luck with your competition my body is still super sore so I am taking it easy I really don't want to go to the dr's any sooner than the end of march.
    @NewOR2015 great job on walking before driving to your mom's. I have always wanted to use the Gazelle it looks like fun. I'm not the most coordinated person but I'll try anything.
  • TrishV2013
    TrishV2013 Posts: 194 Member
    I didn't accomplish my fitness goals this week but I am okay with that. This week has kind of been off for me. The two year death anniversary of my grandmother was on Tuesday. I was very close to her and miss her a lot. I didn't think it would affect me so much but my energy has just been off this week. I am just feeling really tired, blah, drained. My nutrition has been okay but I think I am going to relax a bit with it this weekend. My husband and I want to go out to a nice dinner with dessert.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Thanks. I'm pretty good on the protein, even taking protein shake these days. It might be a good idea to go back to eggs for breakfast though as that seemed to help my hunger last time.

    Had a great compliment tonight. Our best blue belt told me that I'm going to be very ready for competition! He made various specific comments related to how we were fighting and how well I was doing. He is a belt above me and has been doing this for a good few years. He has competed before as well see he knows what he is talking about. Really encouraging to get feedback like that.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    Congratulations @CaptainBoing ! You work very hard so I can understand how meaningful compliments on your progress are.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend planned!
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    @CaptainBoing Compliments are always nice, especially when they are sincere and come from someone who knows what he's talking about.

    There was rain forecast for today, but so far it's beautiful. My highlight for this weekend? Take my mom to the grocery store. :)
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    Got more compliments on my technique this morning, but more importantly got tips on what I should be focusing on in training. It is really encouraging to get the compliments. I have been putting in lots of time on the mat and it is often difficult to see your own progress. The compliments this morning came from my Sensei, which is really meaningful because he doesn't give them without reason!

    My weekend is crazy busy trying to juggle work, which increased because my colleague caught mumps somehow with training and friends. One of my best friends had a baby shower today, which was loads of fun because she is having a boy and we both love super heroes so I could get ask sorts of fun stuff for him! Tomorrow is work and hopefully get some training in, even if it is just a swim!
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    I was going to "hit it hard" in Feb with a renewed sense of wanting to be healthy. This I did not do : ( I am happy to say I kept up with my exercise everyday which is a big accomplishment because a few months ago I did NO exercise. But my calories on the other hand were enough for two almost every day. A baby shower, late work nights with catered meals and dinner out with my sister last night . . . wine & cheetos of all things and that was before dinner. Not sure how but I only gained 1/2lb this week. Then again you know how scales are, it could be up two pounds tomorrow. I do my best each day and some days I do better than others. All of you inspire me every day, thanks for that!
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    I know how you feel. Been there done that. The great thing is that we are sticking with mfp. There's no giving up anymore. It's a lifestyle change. We'll have some high calorie days, but overall we will continue on our journey to improve our health.
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    Thank you @NewOR2015 your words are my exact thoughts.