Weird dreams...magnesium maybe?

dietbepsi Posts: 136 Member
Oh my goodness, I had the craziest dreams last night! They were wacky and terrible! The only thing I did different was take magnesium before I went to bed. Has anyone else experienced this?


  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I was taking about this last week to. I thought maybe keto was causing out but someone mentioned magnesium can cause that. It's interesting lol
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Sleeping deeper keeps you in the dreaming phase longer! Whacky the dreams may be, but at least you're getting better sleep! :smiley:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Vivid dreaming with magnesium is a thing. :smile:
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I could see that. Magnesium is relaxing. Possibly allowing you to achieve a deeper sleep where dreams happen.
  • mandycat223
    mandycat223 Posts: 502 Member
    My magnesium count must be low. My dream life has been very humdrum and boring lately.

    In my younger days, I used to dream in musical comedy fashion. As in an old MGM musical, I and my fellow dream-mates would periodically burst into song and dance numbers, to help further the plot. I was particularly melodic and talented. (In my dreams.) I miss those.