New to Keto but not MFP

klkateri Posts: 432 Member
I've been on MFP for about 2 years now, Lost 40 my first year, maintained my second year. Now, after a ton of research and many conversations with my doctor he is moving me onto Keto with CICO. Today is Day One for me!! I have to say that so far I like not being nearly as hungry as being just straight CICO but the prep work seems daunting so far! So, just new to Keto and looking to make some new Keto friends on here as well!


  • willrunformargs
    willrunformargs Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat! Not new to MFP but new to Keto. So far is my favorite online resource that I've found :)
  • LeslieRightNow
    LeslieRightNow Posts: 8 Member is a good one. I'm going this one takes off b/c I'd rather just deal in 1 app! Good luck to you both! I did Keto + MFP all of 2014 and lost 60lbs. After gaining 20lbs being lazy in 2015 I decided to kick back up and I started again today. My advice is to use MFP macro goals and nutrient analytics to get the best out of this app! Plus, embrace the withdrawal symptoms!!! Remember they're only temporary and feeling the pain will help remind you not to go back! I'll be regretting being lazy here in 2 or 3 days when withdrawal really starts fighting back, lol.
  • willrunformargs
    willrunformargs Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the advice and encouragement, Leslie! I think I'm finally getting over some of the withdrawal symptoms now which is great! :)
  • tinaisstillwell
    tinaisstillwell Posts: 58 Member
    I haven't had any problems going keto. What are some of the withdrawal symptoms you've experienced? The only negative I've had is the taste in my mouth, which I don't mind, because that is fat being burned from my body!
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    My withdrawl/Keto-Flu symptoms were double crap as Keto threw me into an early period so I had Keto flu and PMS. But, headaches, drymouth, cranky, irritable, and my stomach felt like a brick and I was dragging pretty bad. Most of those have gone away now it's just headaches sometimes but since being on Keto i've had a bout of pretty bad acne. Apparently, this can happen. It's actually worse acne then when I was a teenage.
  • kyrs89
    kyrs89 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I'm in the same boat! I've been on MFP a few years now but I am brand new to the Keto diet. I hope to gain some new friends on here to help with encouragement, questions and hopefully open diaries for recipe ideas! My his is to lose 50lbs so hopefully the Keto diet will help me get there!
  • Angelszophia
    Angelszophia Posts: 127 Member
    Not keto today, lost my keto streak.
  • karavanvossen
    karavanvossen Posts: 3 Member
    Feb. 14 2016. I started Keto on Jan 24th 2016. I had the keto blues the first few days but tapered off. Only eating about 20 net carbs per day. Suprisingly I have lost 11 lbs but the inches are really coming down quick. 4 1/2" off the belly and 4 1/2 off the hips. An inch everywhere else. Haven't done any kind of workouts as of yet but will soon be changing that. Stick to It if you are in the flu! Need to lose 100lbs...oh 89 now!
  • tinaisstillwell
    tinaisstillwell Posts: 58 Member
    My carbs got up to 44 today! I hope I didn't stop my keto streak! Back at it tomorrow! More focused than ever!
  • kelaw1
    kelaw1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey guys! Just starting keto and looking for some tips. I've tracked on and off with MFP and this is my first time tracking since they transitioned to free and premium service. Have you seen any difference between the two?