Looking for friends to start this new journey!

Ojimjams Posts: 14 Member
Hey everyone!
I'm one week in with EM2WL and so far I think it's been pretty good! I haven't lost any weight, but this week I've eaten over 2000 calories every single day, and one day even hit 3000 because that 8oz sirloin steak had been calling my name for way too long. I've got a really accurate activity tracker (TomTom Spark + Cardio) so I can accurately track my TDEE and eat accordingly. Im going for TDEE- 15% at the moment, and then when I get to around 135 lbs will minimise that to -10% then later on -5%. It''s been really exciting in this last week to see that even a shortie like me 157cm (almost 5 ft 2) can eat that much and not gain. I think I may even my able go increase to 2200- 2400 on heavy workout days!
I've been on and off Very low calorie diets probably since I was 13. I turned 21 about 3 weeks ago. I've also been on low carb diets on and off and did manage to lose a significant amount of weight, but obviously I wasn't successful in maintaining the loss, hence why I'm here. Although I'm disappointed that I've spent 8 years being on some sort of diet or another succeeding for a bit and then having to give up because it wasn't sustainable, I feel like each failed attempt was leading me to this point where I'm finally going to do it properly and really for the road ahead as this is a lifestyle change and not a 'diet' in the traditional restrictive sense. I really feel like this will be the time when it comes off and stays off and I'm looking for some friends to go through the journey with!
My goal weight is 125lbs but I'm going to aim to get to 120 lbs so that I have 5lbs room for bloating etc. I have 43 lbs to lose, so it's going to be a long journey, but this time I really feel like I can do it! I lift 3 times a week and well as circuit train and do cardio ( 20 mins 2- 3 times a week), and I'm walking lots more/ taking the stairs.
Please add me if you're on a similar journey, or if you're also just looking for friends too!


  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Hi and welcome.

    Have you read the stickies? Or em2wl.com/start (or the metabolism reset guide?)

    Being armed with this info at the start will help you get off on the right foot.

    Will add as a friend :)
  • Ojimjams
    Ojimjams Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you for the add!

    I've read the stickies and a lot of what's on the EM2WL website and feeling well equipped!