Newbie progress :-)



  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    I think you are discovering how stressed your body was and retaining water weight.
    Which is a great sign for the future.

    Congrats on progress, especially the difficult mental aspect of it.

    Thanks haybales ! This weekend has been harder to keep to my planned food and it showed on the scales this morning, but Im determined not to be put off by that number. Its only a little gain and most probably down to pizza last night, and todays roast dinner is most likely to show up tomorrow! but who knows eh. I think I may do a second week on 1500 cals before increasing again.
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    Update: Calories this week - 1700 a day. That seems like such a lot but Im having a real job eating all the protein. I even tried a Protein Fluff recipe to make a sorbet type thing last night but despite following the recipe to the letter, it didnt fluff !! I used Casein rather than Whey too. Sigh!

    My weight has crept up a pound ! This is the first time since increasing calories from 1200 !! I knew it was coming but its still hard to deal with (and its only one lb !). Exercise - hmm havent q
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    Oops - my PC went a bit weird and that ended up being posted before I'd completed my sentence ! Exercise - I havent quite got into the swing of this. I did one Cathe Friedrich session last week and was so sore for the following 2 days that I couldnt go back to it. Then the weekend happened and I was away. Was hoping to leap back into action this week but as yet its not happened!
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    Which cathe DVD do you have??
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Be prepared for the fact that when you do exercise while taking in enough calories to make improvements - the body holds more water for many reasons.

    So good water weight gain that will also increase metabolism, meaning BMR.
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Great job!
    I noticed that when my workouts were sporatic and my calories very restricted I was always so sore. It will get better. :)
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    ambsnic17 wrote: »
    Which cathe DVD do you have??

    Muscle Max - its brutal for someone so new to all of this! but it was recommended by AnitraSota as Cathe has such good form and its easy to see what she demonstrates.
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    Well next week I'm going to be working in Germany. This is always a challenge re food as its exhibition work and I will be freezing cold, starving hungry and the food will be rubbish! No way to log it either! (because half the time I dont even know what it is!). There is no gym so I will have to do body weight exercise in my meagre hotel room - just need to find my resistance band !
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Best of luck. Its only a week. Do the est that you can!

    I'd love to go to germany someday! Its probably different working rather than vacationing, but still...
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    I go three or four times a year every year with work to manage exhibitions. Its duller than dull !
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    michelski wrote: »
    Well next week I'm going to be working in Germany. This is always a challenge re food as its exhibition work and I will be freezing cold, starving hungry and the food will be rubbish! No way to log it either! (because half the time I dont even know what it is!). There is no gym so I will have to do body weight exercise in my meagre hotel room - just need to find my resistance band !

    Walk the exhibition hall too :) That will help keep you warm and burn some calories too.
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    Quick question - i'm doing a reset and have been lucky enough initially to have lost a few pounds whilst raising my cals slowly since early January. When I increase by 100 per week and find my weight goes up, I've stayed a 2nd week on that calorie intake level. I've now just completed by 2nd week at 1800 cals and my weight has just risen all week long. Do you think I should do another week at 1800 to see my body stabilise before moving on to 1900 OR do you think I just need to accept that I am going to gain and get on with it - in order that I dont prolong the pain of gaining ?! Im thinking the sooner I find my TDEE the sooner I can stay there for however many weeks needed and then I can progress to CUT !!

    Here are my weekly scale results - note, I'm not really doing any exercise yet:

    Date Weight Cal_Intake
    18th Jan 162 1400
    25th Jan 160 1500
    1st Feb 160 1500
    8th Feb 159.4 1600
    15th Feb 160 1700
    29th Feb 162.6 1700
    7th Mar 161.2 1800
    14th Mar 163 1800

    I will be starting the Beginner Strength Training plan this week - have been waiting for the gym I signed up to, to open. Im going tonight for a weights room introduction :-)
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    I'd increase weekly. You will gain weight. That is just part of the process. I didn't have the guts to just start eating at TDEE, like some do. You could also do that. Just jump right up to your suspected TDEE and see what happens. Though by doing it slowly, you do get more time to figure out how to eat so much :)
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    You could eat at 1800 until your weight stabilizes (not goes back down), if you are okay with a slow progress. Or if you are still adjusting to eating that much.

    I didn't want a really long procress so i jumped way up- and gained 17 pounds total during my reset.
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    I know this is all about mindset and the bigger picture - but I cant bear the thought of gaining that much weight ! I was already 10lbs more than I wanted to be when I started this process. It is actually very difficult to eat so much and balance the nutrients so maybe thats the reason to stick at 1800 for yet another week BUT now that my weight is on the increase, I dont want to hang around prolonging the pain !! I also dont want a sudden mass increase.

    Oh what to do !!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    2 weeks at one level - then go up another 100 for 2 weeks.

    Because think about it - even if this was your body NOT speeding up from suppressed TDEE to match higher eating level - it would take 35 days plus to slowly put on 1 lb of weight, eating 100 calories over a suppressed TDEE.

    So the weight gain is too fast for fat, and I'm betting it's not the case that your body isn't speeding up along with these increases.

    Had any change of stress during that time?
    Increase of exercise and/or activity while still eating the same amount?
    Less sleep?
    Allergies (they can be incredible stress on body even if physical symptoms aren't that huge).

    I'd chalk it up to something like that. Or just plain ole' retained water for some other reason.

    Do you enjoy stiff drinks?

    Plan a day where a greater % of your macros is carbs, end with a couple of stiff drinks that day. Weigh-in next day.
  • ibtmas
    ibtmas Posts: 111 Member
    Same is the case with me..... I did lose while increasing 1600-1700 but as i reached 1800 cals i gained 4 lbs..... Its my third week now with 1800 cals and the scale is not moving although 1800 is my tdee at 15% cut..... I wonder if i keep eating at 1800 for six weeks with the same activity level will my weight start coming down??
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    2 weeks at one level - then go up another 100 for 2 weeks.

    Because think about it - even if this was your body NOT speeding up from suppressed TDEE to match higher eating level - it would take 35 days plus to slowly put on 1 lb of weight, eating 100 calories over a suppressed TDEE.

    So the weight gain is too fast for fat, and I'm betting it's not the case that your body isn't speeding up along with these increases.

    Had any change of stress during that time?
    Increase of exercise and/or activity while still eating the same amount?
    Less sleep?
    Allergies (they can be incredible stress on body even if physical symptoms aren't that huge).

    I'd chalk it up to something like that. Or just plain ole' retained water for some other reason.

    Do you enjoy stiff drinks?

    Plan a day where a greater % of your macros is carbs, end with a couple of stiff drinks that day. Weigh-in next day.

    Stiff drinks you say !! Yes, I can add these in. I do like gin :-) oh and sherry (shhh - I cant believe I just admitted that)... Change in stress - nope, although i'm pretty sure there are some hormonal things going on at the moment which are a bit of a concern. Increase in activity - last week my weight increased by 0.2lb every day. I did one hour of a Cathe Freidrich DVD during the week, and at the weekend went hiking for 2 hours. So yes, an increase in exercise. Sleep - no change. Allergies - nothing to report.

    I will try the >% carbs + booze idea. Does this work because alcohol dehydrates and therefore helps shift some retained water ?
  • michelski
    michelski Posts: 44 Member
    ibtmas wrote: »
    Same is the case with me..... I did lose while increasing 1600-1700 but as i reached 1800 cals i gained 4 lbs..... Its my third week now with 1800 cals and the scale is not moving although 1800 is my tdee at 15% cut..... I wonder if i keep eating at 1800 for six weeks with the same activity level will my weight start coming down??

    It really is all mindset which is what's so hard. I wouldn't stick at 1800 if you calculated that's your 15% cut. Despite how much weight you are likely to gain, you should slowly up your intake to yourTDEE (2070 in your case ?) and stick there for a period of time (very nervewracking as weight gain is likely - but this is where, to my understanding, your metabolism realises you're not starving yourself any longer and it adapts and learns what to do with the nutrients better (which is why you have to give it 6-8 weeks at that calorie intake level).

    In my view, if you stuck now at 1800 cals your body would adapt to that being your TDEE - meaning you'd have to cut more cals in order to lose weight. A Reset is normally followed by a period of eating at TDEE before a cut should be started.
  • ibtmas
    ibtmas Posts: 111 Member
    I was at 1300-1400 cals before starting EM2WL so i started it fr the tdee cut according to the starter guide...... If i see a fall in weight i should stick but wht if i see a gain continously? wijzbhi0zfc5.jpg