Super self concious at the gym

Just got back to the gym after a few months and everyone is so skinny!! Feeling super fat and like everyone is looking at me please help


  • aam117
    aam117 Posts: 284 Member
    i know it's easier said than done, but more than likely all the folks you lump in as "skinny" are paying more attention to their own workouts than to what you or anyone else looks like. try to think positively about the fact that you are there and working hard at being healthy and feeling comfortable again will happen when you get refocused. i think we've all been can do it!
  • yuyutu81
    yuyutu81 Posts: 26 Member
    Tune them out. Put headphones on and focus on your goal!
  • Spaniel5
    Spaniel5 Posts: 48 Member
    yuyutu81 wrote: »
    Tune them out. Put headphones on and focus on your goal!

    Exactly what I was going to say. Blast out the negative thoughts with awesome music and drown them in sweat!!
  • AlisonTheNerd
    AlisonTheNerd Posts: 41 Member
    When I'm at the gym I don't pay attention to anyone I don't know. Everyone is focused on themselves and maybe a gym buddy.

    You can't compare yourself to anyone else. For all you know they could have hidden health issues or other challenges. Just focus on yourself, you got this.
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    Do your best not to think about what others think. Believe it or not most people are so consumed with themselves they aren't even paying you any attention. Just focus on yourself and on your goals. That's why you are at the gym to begin with right?
  • sarah231076
    sarah231076 Posts: 2 Member
    I've never met anyone at the gym who is interested in what other people are doing, or how they look. They're there to do something for themselves. When a new person joins a class I always try to be friendly and encouraging because we've all been that new person who hasn't reached their 'goal' yet, whatever yours is. Feel proud of yourself for actually getting to the gym. Most people who want to lose weight/shape up can't be bothered! ☺
  • gilldunkley
    gilldunkley Posts: 11 Member
    One day you will have reached your goal too and look super athletic and newbies will be using you as inspiration! Block out negative thoughts, stay focussed on the goal and feel awesome that everytime you go you are one step closer to being the best possible version of yourself! :)