Slim Jims Group Chat Board



  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    edited February 2016
    adelinue wrote: »
    Just wondering, did any one take his photo roughly just before we began this group? I have a photo dated the 4th of January (so day one of this group); I was thinking we may post a before and after the day of the finale?

    And, if possible, why wait? If you feel like it, post your progress pictures as of now!
    In the left, me on the 12th of November (both photos), on the right, that was me yesterday lol.

    Wow!! Awesome progress!!

  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 769 Member
    Just posted my weight for this week (week # 6) Hopefully that's the correct week. Down 2 this week. I think I'm finally getting my head into this just in time for the end. Looks like the finale might not be too far off?
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    I'll post my week 6 weight in a bit. I'll also watch the show tonight and post about that later. Hope everyone is having a good week :smile:
  • adelinue
    adelinue Posts: 98 Member
    Deadline is tomorrow, so today's the perfect evening to watch the episode and do the challenge guys!
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    Finally watched the show and got my posting up! Have a great week everyone!
  • texgal927
    texgal927 Posts: 67 Member
    Watching the final
  • SweeteeBri
    SweeteeBri Posts: 494 Member
    I watched it last night and I loved it!! I thought it was awesome that the twins both won. Sarah looked amazing!! I almost didn't recognize her :) It was definitely a nail biter til the end. I also that it was a very smart move that Colby took the money. They did an amazing job on the finale!!
  • adelinue
    adelinue Posts: 98 Member
    I was slighty disapointed actually; Usually the finale for me is a string of WOW! Moments, this year I was only surprised by Sarah, Erin, The twins, Steven and Jacky; even then I was expecting it for most of them (Beside Sarah and Steven, these were the only true WoW moments for me).
    Was glad Colby took the 50k, he was obviously not going to win.
  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    Finally finished the finale!! Sarah shocked me, she looked like a completely different person. Stephen also looked amazing, I thought he was going to win. I'm glad Colby took the money, I really was surprised that he hadn't lost more weight by the finale. Great season!
  • texgal927
    texgal927 Posts: 67 Member
    Yes it was