Introduce yourself.



  • Andtian2_4
    Andtian2_4 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I'm Andrea and I'm almost 31 years old. I'm originally from South Africa, but have been living in the Netherlands for the past 5.5 years now. In that time I've gained about 3kgs (6.6lbs) per year I've been here. So I'm up about 15kgs (33lbs) that I would like to lose. Since being here I get the winter blues and food is comfort, also I'm a homemaker here and not in an active job like back home. Here is to challenges and making new friends.
  • nvygrl
    nvygrl Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, I'm Sonya and I'm 33. I started using this app two Christmases ago. I was at 240, the largest have ever been. I gained a lot of weight when my mom got sick with a rare disorder connected to cancer in 2010, I became her guardian. By September last year I was down to 190. The day after Thanksgiving last year; however, mom ended up in the hospital and on life support. She passed away in December a week in a half before Christmas. Threw the hard times, I gained 30 pounds in 2 months. Then it hit me last week, mom wouldn't want this for me. She would want me to be healthy... so I am working to lose weight again and be healthy for me and my mom.
  • HeatherSpicer1
    HeatherSpicer1 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Heather and I am new to MVP and I just got a fitness tracker. Trying to be healthier and lose weight. My goal is 135lbs or less. I have lost 21lbs so far. Want to look great in a bikni again.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @Nikion901 Great that you are here. Mum went abseiling n climbing for her 70th birthday. Lots of doors open if we can be healthy to take them. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    I did the preassessment and failed misserably at every one of them. This challenge is probably not one I should be attempting as I will not be able to join in on any of the competitions. I've had a couple of responder posts suggesting I try some other challenges instead.
  • blackgold2844
    blackgold2844 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all!
    My name is Laura. I live in New Jersey . I am not new to MFP. I joined about four years ago with a friend and we both did very very together as a challenge against each other. My friend has moved on and I fell off the wagon. My biggest problem is a toss up between portion control and discipline to say the least. I am for the most part active I have a Fitbit and get at least 12k steps a day but I like to enjoy myself too too much. I need to loose at the very least 25 lbs to feel better about myself. So I am hoping this challenge will get me back on track. Being accountable is good for me but it's the discipline that helps me fall down. I am hoping to turn this into my lifestyle again and be able to feel better about myself.
    Thank you for reading my story!
  • khalley888
    khalley888 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello all. My name is Kathleen. I am a 29 year old pediatrician. I have been on MFP almost 4 years now and have lost 10 lbs total since joining. I am about 9 lbs to goal, so I am hoping to accomplish that during the Spring challenge. I lost a couple lbs in the winter challenge, but was mostly happy not to gain during the winter months like I usually do.
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @Nikion901 Great that you are here. Mum went abseiling n climbing for her 70th birthday. Lots of doors open if we can be healthy to take them. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    I did the preassessment and failed misserably at every one of them. This challenge is probably not one I should be attempting as I will not be able to join in on any of the competitions. I've had a couple of responder posts suggesting I try some other challenges instead.

    Hi Nikion901 Even if you failed the pre assessment test, the fact that you tried is awesome. I am 56 and have not been very active for a long time. Last year I started walking around the track. For the first month it took me about 30 minutes or so to walk 1 1/2 miles. Everyone passed me by. But I kept after it and soon it became easier and my pace became faster. A few months ago I joined the gym. There are a few machines for my arms that I could barely do, even on the lowest weight, but I did what I could even if it was 3 reps. But I kept with it, and even though I still cant do a lot, I am able to do a little more because slowly I am getting stronger. As long as you try, you did not fail. If you keep on trying and also do other things you will get stronger. I am in this groups winter challenge and I have been loving it. A lot of people run circles around me, but I am inspired by them. My biggest competitor is myself. I may be slow compared to others walking/jogging around the track, but I am faster then I was when I started. I don't think others was telling you not to do this group, but encouraging you that if you didn't think this was the right group for you, that there are other really good groups to check out or you can even start your own group. You trying means you didn't fail. I just remind myself that even though I am slow, and other people are running circles around me....I am running circles around people who are not doing anything. If you want to be MFP friends we can encourage each other.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    bm1409 wrote: »
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @Nikion901 Great that you are here. Mum went abseiling n climbing for her 70th birthday. Lots of doors open if we can be healthy to take them. Looking forward to hearing from you.

    I did the preassessment and failed misserably at every one of them. This challenge is probably not one I should be attempting as I will not be able to join in on any of the competitions. I've had a couple of responder posts suggesting I try some other challenges instead.

    Hi Nikion901 Even if you failed the pre assessment test, the fact that you tried is awesome. I am 56 and have not been very active for a long time. Last year I started walking around the track. For the first month it took me about 30 minutes or so to walk 1 1/2 miles. Everyone passed me by. But I kept after it and soon it became easier and my pace became faster. A few months ago I joined the gym. There are a few machines for my arms that I could barely do, even on the lowest weight, but I did what I could even if it was 3 reps. But I kept with it, and even though I still cant do a lot, I am able to do a little more because slowly I am getting stronger. As long as you try, you did not fail. If you keep on trying and also do other things you will get stronger. I am in this groups winter challenge and I have been loving it. A lot of people run circles around me, but I am inspired by them. My biggest competitor is myself. I may be slow compared to others walking/jogging around the track, but I am faster then I was when I started. I don't think others was telling you not to do this group, but encouraging you that if you didn't think this was the right group for you, that there are other really good groups to check out or you can even start your own group. You trying means you didn't fail. I just remind myself that even though I am slow, and other people are running circles around me....I am running circles around people who are not doing anything. If you want to be MFP friends we can encourage each other.

    Thanks ... I'm in! I won't know how well I can do until I try. I have a specific goal to reach before my 72nd birthday, which comes around in 2017 and I need to do everything I can to reach it.
  • Nana2527
    Nana2527 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, my name is Adriana. I am 30 yr old stay at home mom and have noticed that it is sometimes much harder to be healthy when your home rather than working.

    I have used MFP in the past and it really helped me lose weight so I'm back and ready to drop a minimum of 20 lbs.
  • flickarsg
    flickarsg Posts: 8 Member
    Willing to try, sounds fun!
  • freyjathorsig
    freyjathorsig Posts: 3 Member
    Hiya! This is my first challenge, it seems cool!
    I'm Freyja, I'm 28 years old and I live in Reykjavik, Iceland.
    I recently had a nervous breakdown, and going to the gym is one of the methods I use to get my head back on track - and I also have some kg's to lose. 20 of them, more or less.

    Last year I ran a 5k and a 10k charity run. This year I'm doing 10k (June) and a 21k charity run (August). I'm by no means a runner, but I love a good challenge.

    I work with horses for a living, but I'm on a break now because of the breakdown I had, so I'm "just" a student - working on becoming a qualified tour guide for Italian and English speaking visitors in Iceland.

    I look forward to going on this adventure with you all!
  • obxsrfrgrl
    obxsrfrgrl Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there. I'm Jenny, 36 in NC. CW is 160 and GW is 130. I'm 5'6. I put on the 30 pounds last year during injuries where I was unable to exercise and then just threw in the towel on my healthy eating habits as well. I had neck surgery in December and am cleared for training. I have a half marathon end of April, so I'm hoping this challenge will be helpful in keeping me motivated. Not looking for a PR this race, just a finish.

    @brynncody09, I love to run too! I was GW prior to last year's injuries, so I know how much even 10 pounds off can help keep your body injury-free. I totally think you can get down to 145 by July. Let me know if you'd like an accountibilibuddy!
  • Ginellesmom
    Ginellesmom Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hello I am Janet mother of one, wife and nurse. Have let myself and my health go by the way side for to long. Looking forward to some extra accountability doing the challenges etc. Excited to see where I end up
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Greetings! I'm Sharon... 52... Married... Grandmother, and the Crazy Aunt everybody warned you about.

    After a very disappointing check up at my doctor's office about a year ago, I caved in to peer pressure and sibling rivalry and joined my step mom, sisters and brother (all of whom are much smaller and more fit than me) to do the Cocoa Beach half marathon last October (walking, not running.) I finished, the finish line was still there when I got to it, but I was a good 45 minutes behind the rest of my team and about half dead. It was supposed to be a one time bucket list sort of thing, but somehow I'm signed up to do it again this year! I'm working on getting my pace up and building some strength and flexibility. Also scheduling some 5 and 10k events between now and then to keep me honest.

    Since last March I've lost 40 pounds, I have a long way to go, but I'm officially medically no longer "morbidly obese" so that's a good thing! I'm pretty much tackling this ten pounds at a time.

    Looking forward to the challenge to keep me motivated. It turns out I'm much more competitive than I ever thought I was, so I hope to be a good team mate!
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am Melissa, 36, from southeastern PA, married and proud cat mom to 4 wonderful kitties! I am 5'8" and currently 232 pounds. I was at 249 on 12/30. I have been down this road a few times and I hate myself for letting it all go after I worked so hard to get down to 205 in November of 2014. GRRRR!

    I love challenges like this, I am currently part of 2 other challenges/groups here that are running for the entire year. I can't wait to see what this challenge will hold for me. I love trying new things!
  • JackRemi
    JackRemi Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Jack, 29, living in New Zealand so it's an autumn challenge for me rather than a spring one! I spent six months in the UK over their winter eating a great deal and not doing any exercise at all. Now I'm home I want to lose the 5 - 10 kgs that I gained, plus get back to rugby fitness, while I battle my sweet tooth which lately seems to be getting even fiercer. Hopefully this challenge can keep my motivation up!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,843 Member
    @obxsrfrgrl I'd love a buddy! Do you really surf in NC? Surfing is something I've wanted to try for the last few years. I'm moving back up to Philly this summer and I know surfing is big in Jersey so I'm hoping to try it soon!
  • sodonovan74
    sodonovan74 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi all, I'm Sinéad, I'll be 42 next week, I work full time and have four children who are very sporty so find myself taxiing them to games and training quite a lot and find I don't haver time for me! I did a challenge on here last year and found it very motivational so I can't wait to start again with you all, best of luck everyone
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    @brynncody09 @LastChanceRobin @obxsrfrgrl @celtikgirl and any other runners.....feel free to send a friend request if you would like another running friend for support and motivation. I've been running a few years, mostly for fun - I'm not that serious, or fast. My longest distance is half marathon, and I've got one coming up in just short of two weeks. After that I'll begin triathlon training.
  • kaitkolo
    kaitkolo Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Kaity and I'm 26 years old in Ohio. I graduate in 10 weeks from dental school so as you can imagine, the past 4 years have been full of studying, managing patients and lots of stress-eating. I am ready to get back to healthy habits and a healthy weight! One of my New Years resolutions was to do some sort of exercise at least 4 days per week and I have stuck to that so far, so I'm hoping that this challenge keeps me on track with all of the excitement coming up in my life!

    I have lost 9.2 pounds in the last 8 weeks but I get frustrated since I am very bad about my eating habits on the weekends and end up gaining and losing the same pound over and over. I am hoping to find a little more self control!

    I'm super excited about this challenge... It'll be perfect timing to kick-start my new, real person life!