New to retirement

Hi all. I am new to retirement as I am 60 years old and it was sort of "forced" on me by major back surgery and being physically limited as a result. Prior, I had been very active and athletic, not planning to retire until the standard age of 66. I had never been a "stay-at-home" person, having worked full time since I was 18. I am having difficulty (mentally) adjusting to my different status, particularly the disabled thing. I have gained weight due to my rehab over the past months and I struggle to find a new routine and eating plan to accommodate my "at-home" status. I am looking for friends and support. Come on down!


  • ardenbeachlvr
    ardenbeachlvr Posts: 8 Member
    Making the adjustment to a new normal will take work but there are all kinds of new opportunities. I have been retired a little more than a year and enjoyed the freedom to set my own schedule. I actually enjoy cooking now that I have time to prep and try new recipes. Cooking with an eye on healthy recipes can help get your energy back.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    BikerCchickmom, welcome to our group. Retirement is great. I did get to choose when however. It does suck when you have says so in the timing.

    Have you asked your Dr. for a referral to physical therapy, to help you stay active despite your injuries?

    Our announcement area has a recipe and tips thread if you need some new ideas.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Welcome @Bikerchickmomma . It's amazing the new hobbies we can acquire or reacquire once we retire. One of mine is adjusting the myriad recipes we've collected or created over the years.
  • Bikerchickmomma
    Bikerchickmomma Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks everybody, for responding. It's nice to get the support. I do plan to devote more time to cooking as I have the time for it. I did go for physical therapy and took it as far as I could. I continue to be as active as I am able to regain my flexibility. (If you don't use it, you lose it.) I am hoping to ride my bicycle (successfully) this summer. Keep in touch and I will too. See you all on this site!!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    @Bikerchickmomma - I've been offline recently and missed saying a friendly "welcome!" to you! I am not yet retired, but being self-employed, I have been cutting back some ... I look forward to the completely free schedule that retirement will bring. Just not sure when it will happen.

    Glad you are with us ~ Kathy
  • Bikerchickmomma
    Bikerchickmomma Posts: 99 Member
    Hiya Kathy, nice to meet you too.
  • fxgs
    fxgs Posts: 41 Member
    Sorry for the late welcome.
    I took an early retirement at 63 and relocated to Florida.
    After 6 months I got bored and was able to find a part time job with the municipality in which I live. I love the job, work from 6 am to anywhere from 10:30 - 12. It gives me the rest of the day to enjoy.
    I go to the gym 4 -5 times a week and am probably in the best shape I've been in years.
    Good luck with your bike riding and keep a positive outlook!
  • Fizbi
    Fizbi Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks everybody, for responding. It's nice to get the support. I do plan to devote more time to cooking as I have the time for it. I did go for physical therapy and took it as far as I could. I continue to be as active as I am able to regain my flexibility. (If you don't use it, you lose it.) I am hoping to ride my bicycle (successfully) this summer. Keep in touch and I will too. See you all on this site!!

    Bikerchickmomma, I'm not there yet, but looking forward to retirement. I would love to spend more time cooking and trying out some recipies that I find here at MFP. At 61, I find myself still busy with work and many hobbies. Enjoy!
  • evesmom2
    evesmom2 Posts: 231 Member
    I was forced to retire in December. Lost hubby of 40 yrs exactly one month later. Now I'm keeping busy by doing all the chores around the house. I was going to go and look for another job, but finding a job at 61 is tough. So far I am not bored but who knows what the future will bring.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Sorry for your loss.

    AARP maintains a list of companies that prefer hiring older workers, you might want to check out that list on their website. Hopefully, you don't NEED to work, that you can be retired in comfort without working, but want to keep busy and engaged.
  • evesmom2
    evesmom2 Posts: 231 Member
    Thanks, I'll check out the site. And I don't need to work but I certainly don't want to be bored. Now that Spring/Summer is here, I can garden again
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Gardening should keep you busy for the next few months.

    Have you considered volunteering to do something you enjoy? Also this is a great time to build on your strength and balance, that is so important after you hit the big 60. Now is a great time to expand your circle of friends, volunteering and going to a rec. center are great places to meet others with common interests and lifestyles.

    I manage to stay so busy not sure how I had time for my job :)
  • evesmom2
    evesmom2 Posts: 231 Member
    I thought I posted a reply but I guess it didn't go through.
    Gardening will be good...I'm going to try to grow different veggies this year. As to the future, I'm avoiding thinking about it cuz this widow thing is too new (3 months) but I will keep your suggestions in mind.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Hello BikerChicMom, I am so READY for Retirement, I'm 64 presently and can wait until the ripe old age of 66. My advise is to what ever you wished to do when did not have time for it!
    Good Luck and welcome, this is a great group!
  • Akgramma
    Akgramma Posts: 66 Member
    edited May 2016
    I retired February 29, 2916 and am very fortunate to have a good retirement pension. I am now wondering how I ever worked with my schedule! My husband and I have stayed busy remodeling our home and have some work planned at our cabin this summer. The weather here in Alaska has been beautiful! I already have flowers blooming (usually this doesn't happen until the end of May!) It is so great not having to worry about and requesting time off from a job!