Team 8 - Amazing Race



  • AnnmarieSimmons
    AnnmarieSimmons Posts: 51 Member
    Good Morning Team 8,

    Hope everyone has a good day, we can do this!!
    I'm very tired this morning, but I am planning on exercising again tonight after work.

    @Brynncody09 - thats good I'm a creature of habit, I've had Greek yogurt the last 2 today's and to be honest will probably have it again today :smiley:
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    edited March 2016
    Morning Crew! I had a great workout last night, Dumbbell challenge D2, cardio and a bodyweight circuit. I have greek yogurt pretty much every day, so that challenge will be a no brainer! As for today, I am going to try to fit in a walk at some point, or may just call it a rest day. Work and kids activities have me pretty busy.
    Hope you all have a lovely day!
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    Yesterday was an off day for me, but they pushed me hard again at PT this morning and I'm hoping to go for a nice walk this afternoon - it's beautiful out by me!
  • 6DeDe6
    6DeDe6 Posts: 116 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hello :) it's really great to see everyone working hard. My day was ok wen to the gym, did the arm and squat challenge. I had some grapes as snack. Good luck everyone!! Let's keep going
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    hey Spring Race Crushers!! Hope you are all having a great day. I have 40 minutes of cardio in so far, half way through day 10 of squats, am working on the roadblocks and still need to do the arms challenge. I am not even attempting the no sugar thing.....
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    Also wanted to add that seeing the weigh in numbers is very motivating to keep going!! I don't want to be the one who doesn't reach my goal or come close!
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    wahmx3 wrote: »
    Also wanted to add that seeing the weigh in numbers is very motivating to keep going!! I don't want to be the one who doesn't reach my goal or come close!

    I'm counting any weight loss or healthy lifestyle changes as a success :smile: That being said, I'm counting on you guys to celebrate with me once I get below 200! (Because that WILL happen!!)
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Looks like a great day team 8! Keep going. I will try to log if i can figure the spreadsheet out from my phone. If not may need help later this week. Hoping exercise numbers will go up as a travel and sightsee this week. May need some willpower to stay on track. Got my greek yogurt in and posting here and on a teammate next so accountability will be done for today. No exercise in as packing and prepping took my day and now a cross country flight. Tomorrow we WALK!
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Great job guys! It was so nice out I went for a leisurely 3-mile walk on one of my favorite trails. Now I'm heading out to the gym for arms and abs class.
  • jermari284
    jermari284 Posts: 31 Member
    My legs are jelllloooooo completed 70 minutes woop woop.. Now if only I can get up from the floor and walk to my shower lol. Only bad thing to was cramps and I'm starting to bloat scale will not be my friend this week lol
  • jermari284
    jermari284 Posts: 31 Member
    Oh my I've been checking in on here but not the spreadsheet I can't edit from my phone :s help
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    jermari284 wrote: »
    My legs are jelllloooooo completed 70 minutes woop woop.. Now if only I can get up from the floor and walk to my shower lol. Only bad thing to was cramps and I'm starting to bloat scale will not be my friend this week lol

    I feel you on all of the above!
    As far as the spreadsheet I only do it from my computer, but from reading other comments I know a lot of people have trouble when using phones/tablets. I can start updating the spreadsheet with your info since you can't get it. Whatever you post here I'll add to the sheet.
  • Ahollowed
    Ahollowed Posts: 22 Member
    jermari284 wrote: »
    Oh my I've been checking in on here but not the spreadsheet I can't edit from my phone :s help

    If you download the sheets App you can edit from your phone
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Hey all..didn't get much time to workout today. Just got home, but I did fit in a quick 10 minute walk. Not much, I know. Wasn't even going to post it, but thought...why all adds up!
  • kaitkolo
    kaitkolo Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone! I fit in a quick 30 minute cardio workout today but I had a meeting to get to afterward. I did the squats and Dumbbells when I got home though! Hopefully tomorrow I can get a little bit of a longer workout in before clinic in the morning
  • sepoep2
    sepoep2 Posts: 27 Member
    Group leader may want to reach out to those who have not logged any exercise on the spreadsheet to see if they need their time entered for them.

    Today was a good day. Logged 105 minutes of exercise. Had a great ReFit (revolution fitness) class and logged over 15k steps on Fitbit. Keep up the great work everyone!

  • Ahollowed
    Ahollowed Posts: 22 Member
    How are we logging walking? I walk about 5 miles a day just getting my kids places since we dont have a car. I thought about doing 15 min per mile but that seems like alot.
  • Ahollowed
    Ahollowed Posts: 22 Member
    I went to the gym today for 40 min, we pretty much did arms there so arm challenge dine, accountabilty and greek challenge done as well. I' m giving up on the sugarless one
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Ahollowed wrote: »
    How are we logging walking? I walk about 5 miles a day just getting my kids places since we dont have a car. I thought about doing 15 min per mile but that seems like alot.

    15 minutes per mile is fine - that's a moderate pace. I try to take note of the times when I start and stop each thing I do.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Morning everyone. As much as I enjoyed my rest day yesterday, I am looking forward to my workout today. Especially after seeing how much all of you have done! Great job!!

    Question -Your top 3 songs to workout to?

    New Orleans is Sinking - Tragically Hip
    Dance Floor Anthem - Good Charlotte
    Bad Romance - Lady Gaga

    LOL - a little bit of everything in that list!