at home moves to tighten and tone up the stomach

im starting up ballet again after about 10 years for fun and some excersize but ive realised i have really let my stomach muscles go, what are some really good moves that are quite simple to help tighten my stomach?

does yoga help with tightening and toning also, (i know its good for stretching and posture)?

i would really love some tips


  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
  • karenoneill94
    karenoneill94 Posts: 12 Member
    My disabled teen daughter's PT integrated planks in her core workout after she got "floppy" sitting in her wheelchair for several years. She highly recommended them. They look easy, but they actually work those muscles pretty hard, and my daughter got very good results.
  • ChristineE63
    ChristineE63 Posts: 105 Member
    Time and consistency with ab exercises, I have been doing a series of 4 exercises for 33 days now and the results are tiny, I started at near ideal weight, but a pudge, I think it will take at least a year of daily exercises that focus on my Ab's for me to have that flat belly, but I'll keep at it.
  • Shae3891
    Shae3891 Posts: 53 Member
    I love to do youtube ab videos. Cassey Ho is great and her website has a couple of 30 ab challenges with a print out of exercises to do at home. I do mine each night when I give my daughter a bath.
  • dogs_n_wine
    dogs_n_wine Posts: 57 Member
    Butterfly kicks, Russian twists, cross body mountain climbers, crunches and reverse crunches. And of course eating right and cardio.
  • kelsgrif84
    kelsgrif84 Posts: 9 Member
    Butterfly kicks, Russian twists, cross body mountain climbers, crunches and reverse crunches. And of course eating right and cardio.

    Yes. I agree, minus the cardio for me. I add weight to a lot of my ab exercises as well. Deadlifts and planking are also really good for your core. I've lost 6 inches off my waist in 7 months by incorporating these basics moves into my regular routine (could've been more, but i like beer
  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    An abs circuit can be helpful.

    Kayla itsines BBG has some good ab workouts. Each workout is 28 mins of work. There are 2 circuits that are 7 minutes each and you repeat each 7 minute circuit twice with a minute or so rest in between each 7 minute circuit. You can usually find her workouts for free online
  • dogs_n_wine
    dogs_n_wine Posts: 57 Member
    kelsgrif84 wrote: »
    Butterfly kicks, Russian twists, cross body mountain climbers, crunches and reverse crunches. And of course eating right and cardio.

    Yes. I agree, minus the cardio for me. I add weight to a lot of my ab exercises as well. Deadlifts and planking are also really good for your core. I've lost 6 inches off my waist in 7 months by incorporating these basics moves into my regular routine (could've been more, but i like beer

    That's awesome! I love food, beer and wine! So it has been super hard for me to give those things up! Once I got in the habit of my diet, I don't even really crave a cheat day! I almost ordered pizza for my cheat last week, but I changed my mind once I realized how much work it would take to burn off a couple slices. Lol
  • kelsgrif84
    kelsgrif84 Posts: 9 Member
    kelsgrif84 wrote: »
    Butterfly kicks, Russian twists, cross body mountain climbers, crunches and reverse crunches. And of course eating right and cardio.

    Yes. I agree, minus the cardio for me. I add weight to a lot of my ab exercises as well. Deadlifts and planking are also really good for your core. I've lost 6 inches off my waist in 7 months by incorporating these basics moves into my regular routine (could've been more, but i like beer

    That's awesome! I love food, beer and wine! So it has been super hard for me to give those things up! Once I got in the habit of my diet, I don't even really crave a cheat day! I almost ordered pizza for my cheat last week, but I changed my mind once I realized how much work it would take to burn off a couple slices. Lol

    It's impossible for me to give up certain things. I want to stay healthy and fit, but I also want to enjoy life. I cut loose on the weekends so I don't miss out on the things I love (in moderation). Keeping up on my training helps too. I crave more energy efficient foods when I'm training hard. I love me some pizza, but it doesn't make good fuel. My weekends are my free time. I eat what I want and take rest days. I'm sure I would see more gains if I didn't, but I don't want to miss out on taking my daughter for ice cream, or just getting a break from kitchen duty.
  • DaniettaF
    DaniettaF Posts: 212 Member
    Pilates is good if you want something a bit more fast paced than yoga.
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    I do leg lift with a medicine ball, bicycle crunches, iron butterflies, Russian twist with medicine ball, planking for 2.5 minutes while rotating arm lifts, squat lifts with medicine ball, lunge twist with medicine ball, and side planks.

    I have lost several inches in just 2.5 months. Of course this is with eating a healthy diet and drinking lots 9f water.
  • AnneCoolbreze
    AnneCoolbreze Posts: 29 Member
    In addition to the exercises above, I love doing supermans (superwomans) either on the floor or even better on a bosu!
  • AliceAxe
    AliceAxe Posts: 172 Member
    my Physical therapist suggested whenever you are bending you should be thinking about pulling in and tightening you core to support you lower back.
    this advice has been a godsend to me, helping me lift things better I see more definition in my abs as a plus
  • zoemay101
    zoemay101 Posts: 24 Member
    Shae3891 wrote: »
    I love to do youtube ab videos. Cassey Ho is great and her website has a couple of 30 ab challenges with a print out of exercises to do at home. I do mine each night when I give my daughter a bath.

    Awesome idea!

  • zoemay101
    zoemay101 Posts: 24 Member
    I find it hard I get better results doing a guided workout. I'm gonna try some of the ones listed here, but the online ones
    Are perfect for home because you can determine the length and pause. Essential for me with a baby and toddler to respond to as required. I do these in addition to more intense workouts like lifting and classes at the y

    Good luck OP
  • ressapowell
    ressapowell Posts: 35 Member
    I like to do what my cousin calls the dirty 30 when i can't make it to the gym. 30 leg lifts, 30 reverse crunches, 30 butterfly kicks, 30 crunches, 30 oblique crunches, 30 russian twists, 30 sit ups and 30 ins and 3 sets of these. Then I top it off with 5 minutes of planks 60 seconds of each, elbow planks, right side plank, left side plank, standard plank, one leg plank left and right.
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    @ressapowell I ry to make it to the gym everyday.. But on day I do not make it I would like to try all these.
  • ressapowell
    ressapowell Posts: 35 Member
    @wishfullthinking79 if you would like a great gym ab workout for your abs try cable woodchoppers, both regular and in reverse, hanging knee raises, cable crunches and pallof press. I start with a 10 minute stretch and the above workout before I do these and it has been the best ab workout I have ever done. It is important to research proper form when doing cable tower workouts to get the best results. Get ready to be sore though.
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    @ressapowell I do some of these exercises right now but I am definitely interested in doing the others. I googled all of them. So I know what they all are.