Reset and can't lift because of injury



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If my workout schedule allowed - I'd do one day eating at 25% of avg weekly TDEE, other days at TDEE.
    That gives a weekly avg deficit of 10.8%.
    I usually have 1 super calm day a week that would fit with eating very little, sadly it follows a day that is usually a hard workout in the evening - so it would never work.

    That would allow for great workouts and recovery and changes from them. Keep body's levels of hormones in check.

    You wouldn't want that day as recovery day to hard workout when body wanted nourishment.

    The effect on hormones would be different between daily 10% deficit, and just one day deficit.
  • wombleval
    wombleval Posts: 36 Member
    You mean hormones would be more affected by daily 10% deficit? That's definitely the cut I'll try so. Hopefully it'll suit me. After a month, if im funding it too difficult,I'll try a simple 10% cut. Thanks so much
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hormones could eventually be effected by a daily 10% cut. That's minor and it could take awhile. Depends on other life stresses to the body too and genetics.
    Some people seem to have a metabolism and daily burn that respond fast - sadly both directions.
    Others are slow both directions.
    And the worst - fast adapting when dieting, slow when coming back out of diet.

    But the study on the 5:2 diet showed they were not getting hormone effects. So 1 day at 25% TDEE surely not.
  • wombleval
    wombleval Posts: 36 Member
    Excellent. My hormones are all over the place anyway! Even ten years ago, I tried low carb diet but I developed terrible body acne and had to take roaccutane so hate messing with hormones if can avoid. Yet again, thanks haybales!
  • wombleval
    wombleval Posts: 36 Member
    Well got the all clear to start back lifting 2 weeks ago as two broken arms finally healed! Started my cut at the same time-15% deficit. Decided not to do Intermittent fasting for now as already having to adjust to being back at work fulltime! Only 5 lbs to lose so cut should only last 2 months. I'm anxious to not lose muscle but I'm afraid to lift too heavy so doing high volume,low weight for a few weeks. So far I've lost 1lb which may be loss of water but surely I've gained water/glycogen by lifting so maybe balancing out? Concerned that the high volume isn't in fact helping me to maintain muscle so maybe I should stop my cut for a few weeks when I'm confident to lift heavy? Again I'm probably overanalyzing :smiley:
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Lift as heavy as you can, cut the volume if being in deficit causes lack of energy to hit same weights on last exercises in a session.

    No high volume won't help maintain strength already gained, it'll help just fine with showing body that muscle is needed and to use food resources to build it back after breakdown.

    I'm more concerned with only TDEE you have known for awhile is the non-exercise one, or at least non-lifting one.

    So is it 15% deficit to that TDEE?

    Or you have estimated new TDEE to include the lifting, and it's 15% deficit to that higher one?

    Or you've been doing other things to take the place of lifting, and merely shifting what the workout is?

    Good job getting back to it.

    Were they clean breaks, or something crazy like spiral breaks?
  • wombleval
    wombleval Posts: 36 Member
    Clean breaks luckily! Tore my calf muscle 3 weeks ago to compound matters so still only doing upper body workout.might try squats next week and see how leg is. I calculated tdee with weight lifting, I'm between 15 and 20% deficit. Id plateaued before my accident with 36kg bench press(3 sets of 8) ,currently lifting 7kg for 5 sets of 15. Thought was safer to do this for another week or so. In another week or 2, I'll go back to lifting for 3 sets of 8 reps of whatever weight I can lift . seeing as hadn't lifted for almost 3 months,am pleased that I'm still alot stronger than I was before I originally started lifting a year ago!!
  • wombleval
    wombleval Posts: 36 Member
    I'm not too pushed about building strength right focus for the next 2 months is to lose that half stone and minimise muscle loss- unclear from your response,will high reps /volume help me maintain muscle??
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Sorry so late - any use of the muscle with a reasonable deficit is enough to tell body you want it - with enough protein.

    3 legs to that stool of no muscle mass loss - reasonable deficit, resistance training, enough protein.

    So high reps/volume will help retain muscle - just not the strength you had.
  • wombleval
    wombleval Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks so so much heybales!!