Do you snack?



  • JessiokaFroka
    JessiokaFroka Posts: 149 Member
    I don't snack anymore. After the first 5 days or so, I was not hungry between meals and I didn't get that "itch" to eat at all.
  • tinaisstillwell
    tinaisstillwell Posts: 58 Member
    No desire to snack. On the rate occasion that I do get hungry or need a little something, I drink a cup of chicken better than bullion. Always does the trick.
  • olivebeanhealthy
    olivebeanhealthy Posts: 127 Member
    When I don't eat sugary food I snack way less.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I do still have days when I am hungry. I have keto friendly things around for this reason. I've learned that as long as I keep the carbs under twenty a higher calorie day here and there doesn't bother me. I've learned to accept the fluctuation in hunger without wrecking my woe with higher carb choices!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    I do sometimes but not as a general rule. However my meals are pretty substatial.
  • mao1962
    mao1962 Posts: 33 Member
    I think I snack more out of habit rather than actually being hungry. I love being free from constant hunger/cravings!!!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I usually snack once or twice a day. I especially tend to get hungry in the evenings ... related, I think, to being a night owl.

    When I started on LCHF, I saw all these posts on here about not eating hungry and only eating one or two meals a day and being totally OK with that. 4+ months in and I haven't gotten to that point, but it's been fine. Overall my hunger level is a lot more manageable than it was on other WsOE. I do tend to get hungrier and have more cravings if carbs creep up though.
  • WhatLouAte
    WhatLouAte Posts: 155 Member
    I rarely snack, if I do it's usually a babybel or something to tide me over if I am starting to feel hungry. Before keto I snacked allllll the time.
  • bcedl1982
    bcedl1982 Posts: 140 Member
    I keep nuts on hand at home and at work for the times I want a snack. A new snack I discovered: Parmesan Whisps! Crunchy and delicious! The bags lasts a long time because I don't snack often and they are very rich.