How many calories are you eating now?

DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
Hi everyone,

I had vsg on 12/20/12. SW 325, LW 195, CW 246. As you can see, I fell back into old habits and Im dealing with that now. Down 6 lbs so far. :smile:

My question is, how far out from surgery are you & how many calories a day do you generally eat?

I know everyone is different, but Ive been a bit removed from the wls community & just trying to get an idea. Met with a nutritionist recently, due to high blood pressure, and was put on an 1800 cal meal plan. When i was eating crap, i could easily blow through that amount in one meal. Now that im making better choices, im struggling to reach 1800. So just wanted to check in with everyone else.

I apologize if this question has been asked recently. I searched & scrolled back a few pages and didnt see anything.

Thanks in advance!


  • dlmciver
    dlmciver Posts: 149 Member
    I'm 60, 5'5" and maintaining at between 1350-1400 .
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
    dlmciver wrote: »
    I'm 60, 5'5" and maintaining at between 1350-1400 .

    Thanks for responding. :)
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,760 Member
    317# Feb'13
    277# Jun'13 @ VSG surgery
    137# Mar'15
    167# Sep'15 - saw the creep and started fighting
    159# Now
    Want to lose 15# - 1#/month is good
    Eating 1200-1600 calories - 5'9" 63yo
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    317# Feb'13
    277# Jun'13 @ VSG surgery
    137# Mar'15
    167# Sep'15 - saw the creep and started fighting
    159# Now
    Want to lose 15# - 1#/month is good
    Eating 1200-1600 calories - 5'9" 63yo

    Thanks for the info! Nice job on the loss since September. :)
  • TryingTeresa
    TryingTeresa Posts: 54 Member
    I'm going to try and eat around 1500 calories. I say try because I am starting over TODAY! Sleeved May 2013, SW was 360, LW 172, CW 204 - I am stopping these bad habits NOW!! So today I have a meal plan written out and its around 1500 calories, but more importantly I am tracking my macros this time: protein (40 %), carbs (35%) and fats (25%). Its easy to track your macros on the app - for some reason I can't find it on the website.
    Good luck, keep us posted! We can do this!
  • tugsandpulls760
    tugsandpulls760 Posts: 206 Member
    Sw 390 vsg 9/28/15 cw 289 i dont count my calories religiously but i try stay around 1200 to 1500 and i exercise 5 to 6 x a week for 30 to 45 min
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
    I'm going to try and eat around 1500 calories. I say try because I am starting over TODAY! Sleeved May 2013, SW was 360, LW 172, CW 204 - I am stopping these bad habits NOW!! So today I have a meal plan written out and its around 1500 calories, but more importantly I am tracking my macros this time: protein (40 %), carbs (35%) and fats (25%). Its easy to track your macros on the app - for some reason I can't find it on the website.
    Good luck, keep us posted! We can do this!

    You can do it Teresa!!! What an awesome loss youve had, even with the regain (which i know all too well, lol). I figured I'd set mfp at 1800 cals like the nutritionist wanted, so that when I see her again on the 29th she sees Ive taken her suggestions seriously. But mentally, i think im ending up around 1300 cals, max 1500.
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
    Sw 390 vsg 9/28/15 cw 289 i dont count my calories religiously but i try stay around 1200 to 1500 and i exercise 5 to 6 x a week for 30 to 45 min

    Thats awesome Andrew! 101 lbs lost, congrats! :smile: keeping up with the exercise is hard for me. I tend to go 200% and burn myself out, so this time I'm tyring to be mindful of that. I have a 10 min yoga dvd for relaxation & flexibility that i aim to do every morning & night. Im also trying to walk briskly at least 30 mins 5 days per week. Last weekend I did 3 - 10 min workouts (back to back) of kickboxing & a total body sculpt, since i didnt walk. I really love these '10 min solutions' dvd series. It allows me to do as little as 10 mins or as much as 50 mins & still get a nice workout. Keep up the great work! :smiley:
  • Stephaniev51697
    Stephaniev51697 Posts: 163 Member
    I eat between 700-800 calories a day. VSG 3/4/14 SW 230lbs, CW 131.8. I struggle to eat every day, so I eat every 2 hours. My surgeon says that's ok but that I should be eating more calories.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I am not counting cals right now, but when I was, I was around 1600-1800 and was losing a little and/or maintaining pretty well.
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
    I eat between 700-800 calories a day. VSG 3/4/14 SW 230lbs, CW 131.8. I struggle to eat every day, so I eat every 2 hours. My surgeon says that's ok but that I should be eating more calories.

    Hi Stephanie, thanks for sharing that with me. Im the opposite, emotional eater who binges. But i guess in a sense, were both struggling to find some balance. :wink:
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
    Thaeda wrote: »
    I am not counting cals right now, but when I was, I was around 1600-1800 and was losing a little and/or maintaining pretty well.

    Hi Thaeda, thanks for responding. Thats what i was thinking. 1800 seemed more like what I should be eating to maintain, not for losing. I know everyone is different, so I'll figure it out eventually, but everyones responses have really helped. :smiley:
  • tweety4bonnie4
    tweety4bonnie4 Posts: 40 Member
    How close to your goal weight did your dr increase you calories?
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm 21 months post op,and have been at goal for one year now. I eat 1500-1900 calories per day.
    I'm fairly active, but don't always exercise everyday. The days I do exercise I feel awesome no matter how much I eat. The days I don't, I feel yucky, and I feel like i'm struggling.

    Tweety, my dr never changed my calories. I see a dietician, and she has always been happy with my progress. My calories just slowly went up the further I was from surgery.
  • tweety4bonnie4
    tweety4bonnie4 Posts: 40 Member
    Oh ok. I also see a dietitian at my surgeons office and I think she may adjust my diet but not sure. I see the surgeon and dietitian on March 29th. I will have to see what they do when I see them. I hope your doing well. Take care and I wish you all the best.
  • ujuoba
    ujuoba Posts: 20 Member
    The creep was creeping higher and higher at 1800!! I've taken myself down to 1200, though I haven't met that goal yet. My creep came as a result of not logging my food and snacking on carbs all day. Still trying to STOP the carb snacking. Being British, I use tea time as an excuse to have a carbo snack. Guess we are all appreciating what alumni told us....the surgery was just a tool, not a solution. Though the downride was amazing, wondrous, and encouraging...when recovery is complete, sneaky old habits that want us back start trying to derail us. I'm here as a support for anyone that asks.
  • EmeryRuin
    EmeryRuin Posts: 5 Member
    HW 250 lbs
    CW 166 lbs (also low weight)

    I'm 15 months out (12/17/2014). I have my calorie goal set at 1500 calories/day. Some days it's lower and every once in a while it's higher. I still aim for >60 gms of protein a day, <100 gms of carbs a day, etc. (all the things my surgeon told me). I have not banned any foods, just eat in moderation, knowing that my average calories in a week must be 1500/day. I'm still losing, but it's really slow, about a lb/month. My goal is to lose 16 more lbs, but if I don't I'm okay with my size now and I'm okay with my eating plan. I feel really confident that I can keep this up for the rest of my life (as long as I continue to log my food in every day in MFP to keep me accountable). I haven't done so well on the workout front. That's been hit or miss for me. Right now I'm at 1 or 2 times a week for the gym and trying to stay active everyday around the house.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    about 1400-1500 per day. i'm about 1.5 years out and put on 15 lbs recently. i joined weight watchers and i like it. 32 points works out to about 1400-1500 calories per day.
  • dlmciver
    dlmciver Posts: 149 Member
    I'm almost a year out, 60 years old, 5'5" and maintaining in my target range of 130-134 at 1450 calories per day.
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    I haven't logged lately but when I did I was usually 2300-3000 per day. I'm at the "ideal" weight my surgeon recommended and all my labs are good. 14 months since surgery.
  • joysie1970
    joysie1970 Posts: 415 Member
    I'm a year out, still losing although much slower (actually been in a bit of stall but not gaining for last month or so) and I get just under 1400. I imagine when I enter maintenance I will be around 1500 - 1600, I struggle some days to get the 1400 in, I try to eat clean and gluten free (I do make bad choices every now and again - today I had some white pizza for lunch, so it's shrimp and salad for dinner to make sure I hit my macro plan). I work out 5-6 days a week - strength or cardio training. I am down 101lbs, my HW was six years ago 387 SW 272 CW 170, I'm 5'1". I feel I can lose another 20lbs or so, my surgeons goal was 190 :)
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I am 2 1/2 years out. I crept up a bit so now I am doing a little damage control. I am down about 200-ish lbs from my start weight. My surgeon has me on 1300 calories, and he said I will likely have to stay around there. I do cardio 5 times a week, yoga twice a week, and strength training two or three times a week. I have found that carbs just don't work for me, even if I stay within my calorie range. Since I cut out all carbs again, I am starting to lose again.
  • ssbeadlady
    ssbeadlady Posts: 126 Member
    I am 13 weeks post op and just today I did the math of calories in and burned over the past 2 weeks. I ride a bike about 4 to 7 miles 4 to 6 days a weeks. For the last 2 weeks I took in an average of 610 calories a day and exercised an average of 796 calories. I have been in a 2 week stall. This is my 3rd stall in 13 weeks. Since my surgery I have lost 40 pounds.
  • arjeffries136
    arjeffries136 Posts: 51 Member
    I had mine done 1/27/16. Started at 272 surgery day and I'm at 224. I eat 800 to 900 calories daily and I usualy walk or ride a bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes. My weight loss isn't linear. It's stop and go depending on the week.
  • diazwoman
    diazwoman Posts: 24 Member
    i had my surgery the same time you did, 12/5/12. Highest weight 260, lowest weight 175, goal weight 140 and current weight 190. I am doing damage control, let myself get off track and my carbs went up and up and here I am. Just decided to really get my mind in the game May 1st, I am tracking macros , trying for 1500 calories and a 40/40/20 split ,
    at least 8 glasses of water and at least 30 minutes of some type of structured activity per day.
    However its a learning curve so starting small by concentrating on logging everything and prep of meals.
  • tugsandpulls760
    tugsandpulls760 Posts: 206 Member
    hw 400 sw 389 cw 271 i eat around 1300 a day and im 8 months out
  • TamaraC81
    TamaraC81 Posts: 2 Member
    I try to stay right around 1000 calories for 5 days of the week, and the other 2 days I allow myself 1600 calories. On my 1600 days Sometimes I hit it, other times I blow it (way to high like 2000), and the most days I fall 200-300 calories short of 1600. My surgery was 12/18/12. Starting weight 242# lowest was 180# current is 216.5#.

  • loriloftness
    loriloftness Posts: 476 Member
    I am 1 1/2 yrs out from the sleeve. My clinic would have me stay at around 800-900 calories if I wasn't exercising. If I am exercising, I go more for about 1000-1200 calories.
  • Cinzano1959
    Cinzano1959 Posts: 16 Member
    ujuoba wrote: »
    The creep was creeping higher and higher at 1800!! I've taken myself down to 1200, though I haven't met that goal yet. My creep came as a result of not logging my food and snacking on carbs all day. Still trying to STOP the carb snacking. Being British, I use tea time as an excuse to have a carbo snack. Guess we are all appreciating what alumni told us....the surgery was just a tool, not a solution. Though the downride was amazing, wondrous, and encouraging...when recovery is complete, sneaky old habits that want us back start trying to derail us. I'm here as a support for anyone that asks.

    So true!
    Im down 107Lbs since surgery 2 years ago, still not at target but the calories have increased and I have stayed the same best part of 6 months. Not writing it down! Back on track now and keeping to about 1200-1500 a day with regular exercise. I work full time in an office so sitting down most of the day, damn they keep bringing in cakes :) But i have resisted so far.
    Here for support if needed.
  • streaky52
    streaky52 Posts: 3 Member
    ssbeadlady wrote: »
    I am 13 weeks post op and just today I did the math of calories in and burned over the past 2 weeks. I ride a bike about 4 to 7 miles 4 to 6 days a weeks. For the last 2 weeks I took in an average of 610 calories a day and exercised an average of 796 calories. I have been in a 2 week stall. This is my 3rd stall in 13 weeks. Since my surgery I have lost 40 pounds.

    You are not eating enough, that's why you are stalling. Try to get in 1100 - 1300 cal daily ( and drink lots of water) and the stall will stop. Your body is in starvation mode for the amount of exercise you are doing.