My vegetarian keto experience- one month in



  • fileshiny
    fileshiny Posts: 149 Member
    KetoGirl83 wrote: »
    Great results, you're amazing for pulling this off! I imagine only vegan keto would be more difficult than what you're doing.

    Please keep us posted. And I totally get the cauliflower thing. First time I had cauli mashed "potato" I ate so much I felt stuffed the rest of the day (and out of keto, of course, even with all the fat).

    Best of luck!


  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    fileshiny wrote: »
    • My earwax has become a marvel of viscosity
    • My tongue has developed a permanent black/brown layer on it that can't be removed no matter what - seriously, what's up with that?

    Wow. New symptoms!

    Google "black tongue". Apparently harmless, but might be due to foods you're eating or dehydration.

    Ear wax apparently can change with diet. Maybe the fats you're eating?

    I've been having really annoying ear wax build up too! I'm having to use ear drops once a week. And I'm not a vegetarian, so I'm eating very different fats and having the same issue. It hadn't dawned on me that it could be diet related, but I guess it makes sense. My eyes are also constantly bloodshot, like really badly bloodshot. I read that this diet reduces the amount of mucus we produce, so the bloodshot eyes would be due to dryness. I've been keeping that at bay with eye drops now and that's been working. I suppose there could be added dryness inside the ear canal, causing more dead skin to build up, which is an ingredient of ear wax. Or, there could be less mucus going into the ear wax, so it's not as likely to drain out when one takes a shower and it heats up.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    fileshiny wrote: »
    I'm no keto expert, but I eat cauliflower often (with cream and butter). It's really not that high in carbs. I can't imagine doing keto as a vegetarian, you are amazing!

    I'm aiming for a maximum of 20g total carbs a day, and a large head of cauliflower has 45g of total carbs, so it's out for me. And yes, I know I could have a little of it, but cauliflower is like ice cream for me - completely irresistible once I get started.

    How are you possibly making a reasonable calorie goal with 20 total carbs a day and a vegetarian diet? Why aren't you subtracting fiber? Fiber does not effect blood sugar or ketosis and should be subtracted.
  • fileshiny
    fileshiny Posts: 149 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    fileshiny wrote: »
    I'm no keto expert, but I eat cauliflower often (with cream and butter). It's really not that high in carbs. I can't imagine doing keto as a vegetarian, you are amazing!

    I'm aiming for a maximum of 20g total carbs a day, and a large head of cauliflower has 45g of total carbs, so it's out for me. And yes, I know I could have a little of it, but cauliflower is like ice cream for me - completely irresistible once I get started.

    How are you possibly making a reasonable calorie goal with 20 total carbs a day and a vegetarian diet? Why aren't you subtracting fiber? Fiber does not effect blood sugar or ketosis and should be subtracted.

    My understanding is that it does affect blood sugar and ketosis, just more slowly than non-fibrous carbs. I'm tracking both total carbs and net carbs, but aiming for 20g total carbs. Now, I didn't say I was actually meeting that target! I'm usually around 30g total carbs.
  • fileshiny
    fileshiny Posts: 149 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    fileshiny wrote: »
    • My earwax has become a marvel of viscosity
    • My tongue has developed a permanent black/brown layer on it that can't be removed no matter what - seriously, what's up with that?

    Wow. New symptoms!

    Google "black tongue". Apparently harmless, but might be due to foods you're eating or dehydration.

    Ear wax apparently can change with diet. Maybe the fats you're eating?

    I've been having really annoying ear wax build up too! I'm having to use ear drops once a week. And I'm not a vegetarian, so I'm eating very different fats and having the same issue. It hadn't dawned on me that it could be diet related, but I guess it makes sense. My eyes are also constantly bloodshot, like really badly bloodshot. I read that this diet reduces the amount of mucus we produce, so the bloodshot eyes would be due to dryness. I've been keeping that at bay with eye drops now and that's been working. I suppose there could be added dryness inside the ear canal, causing more dead skin to build up, which is an ingredient of ear wax. Or, there could be less mucus going into the ear wax, so it's not as likely to drain out when one takes a shower and it heats up.

    For me, it was a noticeable and very fast difference within a couple of weeks of changing my diet.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited March 2016
    How are you hitting 2200 calories a day, with only 30 grams of total carbs, while eating vegetarian? I know tons of people who try to be vegetarian keto at lower calorie levels and they usually end up at 30-50 grams of net carbs just to make it work

    Can you give an example of what you eat, each day, because your diary isn't public? I am sure it could help a lot of people out here.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have the earwax thing too. I like it, because my allergies make my ears as well as my nose runny, and some drying is good!

    I do eat a lot of cauliflower. This is the first time in my life that I've ever craved stewed celery and leeks, all by themselves. I've eased up on my keto, since not eating sugar seems to be enough to get the result that I wanted, and I'm enjoying craving vegetables for a change.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    baconslave wrote: »

    That's all I've found so far. No one has volunteered anything else when I've asked so I'll have to hunt for some others.

    Sorry, that wasn't a request for info for her (though it's cool you had some things). It was more tagging you so you can use her as a resource for the veggie keto section of the Launch Pad, since this thread had gotten buried pretty quickly.
  • fileshiny
    fileshiny Posts: 149 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    How are you hitting 2200 calories a day, with only 30 grams of total carbs, while eating vegetarian? I know tons of people who try to be vegetarian keto at lower calorie levels and they usually end up at 30-50 grams of net carbs just to make it work

    Can you give an example of what you eat, each day, because your diary isn't public? I am sure it could help a lot of people out here.

    Well, as I mentioned, it's a lot of eggs and cheese and butter. I also make a rather fantastic dip of very high fat sour cream, mayo and high fat plain greek yogurt mixed with salt and spices that goes really well with eggs, and that ups my fat significantly. I have a spring mix or spinach salad every couple of days, with eggs, full fat feta and this dip. Cheese omelettes made crunchy in butter with onion sprouts is pretty crazy good.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »

    That's all I've found so far. No one has volunteered anything else when I've asked so I'll have to hunt for some others.

    Sorry, that wasn't a request for info for her (though it's cool you had some things). It was more tagging you so you can use her as a resource for the veggie keto section of the Launch Pad, since this thread had gotten buried pretty quickly.
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    baconslave wrote: »

    That's all I've found so far. No one has volunteered anything else when I've asked so I'll have to hunt for some others.

    Sorry, that wasn't a request for info for her (though it's cool you had some things). It was more tagging you so you can use her as a resource for the veggie keto section of the Launch Pad, since this thread had gotten buried pretty quickly.

    I know. :wink: I got lucky to have a few sec to investigate. We've needed this for awhile. I figured since she was talking about lack of variety, that would help her a bit.

    I'll probably link the thread in there as well later.
    So people, keep the convo going. :+1:

    I'll look around a little more later. I have to take the kids to a party in a sec...blurgh.
  • landiodo
    landiodo Posts: 69 Member
    I would prefer to be a lacto-ovo keto person, but it is hard to work in the protein. I make mug bread with protein powder instead of almond flour. This way I can eat a cheese and avocado sandwich and a small salad and hit 40 grams of protein. I still occasionally eat bacon and tuna, but it is not one of my long term goals.
  • fileshiny
    fileshiny Posts: 149 Member
    landiodo wrote: »
    I would prefer to be a lacto-ovo keto person, but it is hard to work in the protein. I make mug bread with protein powder instead of almond flour. This way I can eat a cheese and avocado sandwich and a small salad and hit 40 grams of protein. I still occasionally eat bacon and tuna, but it is not one of my long term goals.

    I find it the other way - I have to try really hard to keep the protein levels lower and the fat levels higher. Most of my sources of fat are good sources of protein too, so that's the macro situation I have to keep most in mind.
  • rayn3z
    rayn3z Posts: 19 Member
    I'm also a lacto-Ovo vegetarian on keto diet. I can say that it's the most interesting thing I've done in my life. I love it because it forces me to challenge myself , and be really creative in the way I prepare my food.

    I dropped 6 lbs in the first week (not over 25g net carbs) and now it's stabilized a little bit since I haven't been too strict on the carb count, but never went over 60g (when I wasn't strict).

    But also working out at least 3 times a week doing weight training, so whenever I go over, I work out to burn it.

    I wish you the best of luck on your adventure!
  • auntjenny74
    auntjenny74 Posts: 72 Member
    Another lacto-ovo vegetarian here! I have been doing this for 3 months or so. It is definitely a challenge. I give myself a little more wiggle room - trying to keep under 50 total carbs daily, but I feel like I have been pretty successful so far. The gains I have had in energy and focus and the reductions in hunger/cravings have made it all so worth it!
  • MilllieMoo
    MilllieMoo Posts: 88 Member
    I LOVE cauliflower, but wouldn't eat a whole head of it!, you're committed!! ;)

    I'm vegetarian, keto for about 5-6 months - aiming for (and almost always hitting) 20g carbs or under. Feel free to follow my diary :)
  • fileshiny
    fileshiny Posts: 149 Member
    2g total carbs today! I'm getting the hang of this thing!
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    fileshiny wrote: »
    2g total carbs today! I'm getting the hang of this thing!

    Are you drinking olive oil instead of eating? :o

  • fileshiny
    fileshiny Posts: 149 Member
    KetoGirl83 wrote: »
    fileshiny wrote: »
    2g total carbs today! I'm getting the hang of this thing!

    Are you drinking olive oil instead of eating? :o


    Nah, it was all cheese pretty much yesterday. I have discovered the wonders of Juusto baked cheese and it's crazy good when fried up.