Find Your 'Not That Heavy' Twin!



  • 29diamond
    29diamond Posts: 30 Member

    Age 32
    Highest Weight: 195
    Current Weight: 155.3
    Goal Weight : 130-135

    Hope I find my twin :)B)
  • 29diamond
    29diamond Posts: 30 Member
    Hello, I think your the closes to be my twin :) only difference is the age :D
    im 32 years old
    CW: 155.3
    GW: 130.135
    Hi everyone! I'm looking for my "twin."

    Age: 23
    Height: 5'4''
    LW: 115 (at age 18)
    CW: 155
    Goal: 135 or less!

    Finding someone with similar goals would be really motivating for each other!

  • LinzMargaret
    LinzMargaret Posts: 15 Member
    Highest weight: 165
    Current: 145
    Goal: 130
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    Age: 30
    HW: 167 lbs (~5 years ago)
    LW: 142 lbs (~1 year ago)
    CW: 160 lbs
    GW: 145-150 lbs

    I'm a Registered Dietitian, but I've struggled with my weight my entire life. I have been lifting weights ~3 days a week for almost a year and doing various other exercises (spin, elliptical, boxing, sprinting, etc.) randomly. I've gained a lot of weight by lifting, nearly all muscle, so I'd like to get a hold on my diet to lose some fat. I'm not sure what my final "comfortable" weight will be, so I'm giving myself some wiggle room.

    You don't have to be a twin to add me- we can encourage and inspire each other anyway!
  • Dawnconner1983
    Dawnconner1983 Posts: 35 Member
    32 years old
    Hw: 165
    Lw: 103 (long time ago lol)
    Cw: 156
    Goal: 125 (or a much smaller waist)
    I've been better about working out. I just got to where I can run now finally. If I can eat better I'll probably start making progress.
  • sunashines
    sunashines Posts: 7 Member
    Age: 28 (in a few days!)

    Height: 5'3" and a half

    Lowest Weight: 101 as an adult, immediately after my first and last hot yoga session ... lol

    Heaviest Weight: 127, after copying my boyfriend's bad eating & drinking habits

    Current Weight: 122.1

    Goal Weight: 108 - 110, with muscle!

    I am currently using MFP and have it set to 1500 calories a day, which is basically maintenance for my current weight. I found it too discouraging to set it at 1200 ... I constantly felt deprived and would "fail" every day and go over 1200. Now I just know that I absolutely can't go over 1500 (unless I've already planned it and made up for it with cardio), and that if I do, I will GAIN weight. I'm usually hovering between 1200 and 1400 calories a day, and that's been working great and I've been losing at a steady pace! I just need to figure out how and what to do for strength training.

    Even if you're not exactly my twin, I'd love to have some MFP friends! :) Feel free to add me!

    Hi Katie,
    I think I just found my not that heavy twin!

    I'm 28, and been putting on since 2014 after meeting my bf turned fiance turned husband!

    Height - 5'3
    Lowest weight - 103lb
    Highest Weight - 123lb
    Current weight - 122lb
    Goal - 108lb ish with more muscle mass.

    I'm currently trying to figure out my schedule/diet plan. I eat about 1300 cals a day (highly inaccurate due to lots of eating out). I hope we can help each other stay motivated.
  • gingertreat
    gingertreat Posts: 84 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi all!

    I'm 22, turning 23 this year.
    Final year at college, studying English Literature, with minors in Film and Gender.
    I've been somewhat overweight since I was 7/8, and I feel like I've been trying to lose the last 15ish pounds for FOREVER. I'm 131lb now, and I'm aiming for 117lb.
    It doesn't help that I'm really short. 5'1 and every bit of weight is amplified haha.
    My training mostly consists of cardio (running 4-5k), with some bodyweight training.
    I would really like to have a weight loss twin that would be great :)
  • tej220
    tej220 Posts: 19 Member
    Here's all my info
    30 Years old
    2 kids
    Heaviest 155
    Lowest 125
    CW- 144
    GW-125 (or 130 if I put on muscle)

    Eating 1200 calories a day
    Started MFP at 152 on 2/29/16
    Just starting a workout routine which will include hand weights and body weight lifting
  • tej220
    tej220 Posts: 19 Member
    Boolahboo wrote: »
    Height 5'5"
    HW: 182
    CW: 144.5
    GW: 130

    your current weight and GW are similar (almost identical) to mine. You've lost a ton more than I have - how long have you been working at it? How old are you? I'm 30, 2 kids
  • tej220
    tej220 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in...

    5'5" 30 yrs old
    HW: 156.8
    CW: 142.4 - 145.5 depending on the scale
    GW: 135
    Current Body fat %: 24-28% depending on the site/scale
    Goal Body Fat %: 20-22%

    I would have to say that you are as close as I will probably get to finding my twin.:bigsmile:

    5'5" 29 knocking on the door of 30 (next month)
    HW: 160-165
    CW: 145 +/- 2 lbs
    GW: 130-135

    Current BF%: 28% (as of 4/2012, haven't gotten around to having skin caliper test done recently)
    Goal BF%: 20-22%

    I might be a twin of yours!

    30 Years old (on 2/20)

    Heaviest 155
    Lowest 125
    CW- 144
    GW-125 (or 130 if I put on muscle)

    Eating 1200 calories a day
    Started MFP at 152 on 2/29/16
  • kittybitty01
    kittybitty01 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm 22, 5'8", currently 147lbs, highest weight 155lbs, aiming for about 135lbs. I'm giving myself lots of wiggle room for the final weight as i work out pretty often and gain muscle easily. For me, it's more about lowering my body fat percentage from about 26% to about 20%, if that brings more muscle and little weight loss, that's okay :)

    Even if you're not my twinsie, let's be buds anyways! I need accountability-buddies :)
  • anhancock10
    anhancock10 Posts: 148 Member
  • llkdame
    llkdame Posts: 6 Member
    Age: 36, mom of 2 girls aged 11 and 8
    HW: 167 lbs (Aug. 2015)
    LW: 130 lbs (years and years ago)
    CW: 146
    GW: 130

    I have been slowly losing weight starting this past August. After returning from vacation and seeing some unflattering pictures of myself I was very frustrated that I had let myself get so out of shape. I have never been a terrible eater but decided right then that I would cut out french fries completely, and I rarely eat other fast foods. I have also increased my physical activity since August. I had always taken my dog for short walks and now I make it a point to double those walks, if not more and even jog with her as well. I am down 21 pounds from my heaviest in Aug. and have been slowly moving the scale, but only about 6 lbs. since the beginning of January. I joined MFP about 2 weeks ago after learning about it from a friend. My hope is with the added daily food logging accountability I will make it to my goal weight in the coming months!

  • 29diamond
    29diamond Posts: 30 Member
    Hi there, I think we're close enough to be twins
  • celinab1997
    celinab1997 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 18.
    5'2" tall
    Heaviest: 127
    Current: 110
    Goal: 103
  • kimb3rlylaura
    kimb3rlylaura Posts: 1 Member
    25 years old
    HW: 180
    CW: 133
    LW: 120
    GW: 120
  • elitegymnast7
    elitegymnast7 Posts: 1 Member
    gmallan wrote: »
    I'm in!
    HW 178 (after baby)
    CW 150
    LW 120
    GW 135

    I think we may just be twins!!!

    Height 5'4"
    HW: 165
    CW: 147
    LW: 138
    GW: 135

    I'm Gemma :)

    I think were twins!
    Height: 5'4"
    Highest weight: 160
    Current weight: 147
    goal weight: 130
  • overshadows
    overshadows Posts: 58 Member
    Would love to be friends with women of similar (and dissimilar too!) stats. Here is me:

    Age 29
    Highest Weight: 132
    Current Weight: 116
    Goal Weight : 110-112
  • coliekopatz
    coliekopatz Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all!! I need a twin!

    Age - 35 (but I feel 26!)
    Height - 5'7"
    Highest weight - 180 (pregnancy)
    Current weight - 164
    Goal weight - 125

    I just started working out and dieting this week, as I've just finished nursing my 2nd baby. After baby #1 I lost 40 pounds using this app and I'm looking to do it again! I have a gym at work and have been using it 4-5 times a week and eating pretty healthy. My problem is sticking to it on the weekends! Let's be twins!
  • stronghornylady
    stronghornylady Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi ladies,

    I'm 27, 5'4''

    HW: 147
    CW: 142
    GW: 120

    I've started hitting the gym in the mornings, trying to work out three times a week + occasional cardio.

    I need a twin for two reasons: 1) support and 2) interested to compare progress. Summer is coming.. :)