5'4" trying to get below 126.... taken a year and still not there! ! Advice????



  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    Lift weights. It's not the # that's the problem but your body composition.
  • moxymaven
    moxymaven Posts: 1 Member
    ^way to go!! It's such a frustrating process when you hit the plateau. One of the things I've found is that while cardio is great in getting the excess weight off in the beginning, eventually our bodies get too accustomed to the workout. I agree with what was said about consuming more fats (avocados, whole fat yogurt or milk, nuts), and some weight training. The other thing I'll say is to walk more. I know that sounds crazy, but walking 10,000 steps a day will actually help with the last bit of weight more than any running or other cardio. Since walking is lower impact, our bodies won't crave sugar or carbs in the same way as it would after a long cardio workout, but it is still getting movement in (sort of a trick of the mind). I hope you are able to reach your goal! I fell off the deep end for a while and I'm trying to get back into things too :/

    Thanks for this. Me too 5'4" and hover around the high 120s and low 130s. I do think building muscle mass is the next step and fully eliminating sugar and empty carbs. I got down to 119 a couple of years ago and I felt great at that weight but a few NYC dinners later and I lost my edge! For me I think I need to better balance diet and exercise. Just haven't been able to master a consistent exercise plan yet. I tried crossfit but pulled or strained a muscle so bad it took me outta the game and I didn't go back. I need more motivation for change. I live I'm NYC and food is how we socialize here so it is a struggle for me catching up with friends and being so restricted with my diet.
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels stuck ! (not that I would wish that on anyone )
    Everyone gets so annoyed with me for wanting the last little bit off, but I want it gone!! Stupid belly fat!!
    I've been stuck between 138&140 for months. I want to be at 134. It's so close! But just not quite there.
  • karenoneill94
    karenoneill94 Posts: 12 Member
    So I'm also about 5'4" also and I got stuck 2 years ago at 155 after creeping up 20 lbs in 2 years after menopause. I lost almost nothing on a calorie-restricted diet - 1000-1200cal, counted carefully. I found that too much sugar, even if the calories are on target, killed all progress. I dropped about a 1/2 lb a week over a year after cutting back from about 10X too much sugar to 2X, but still have jiggly belly and got stuck at around 130. I did have 3 kids, so I don't know how much of it is that, or that I've had a pronounced belly even at 115 (I always did have a sweet tooth, though). Right now I'm trying strict adherence to the sugar consumption recommendations, should probably look at my carbs, and am adding protein (via hemp protein powder - allergic to whey) while doing core and upper body workouts and stretches. Good luck!
  • lucygliang
    lucygliang Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 5'4" and was stuck at 125-128lb for about a year. I broke through the plateau by primarily doing strength training and really increasing my protein intake. I was at a point where I just couldn't drop my calories any lower and still have it be sustainable. So I decided to gain muscle instead. I started with just progressive body weight exercises (I followed startbodyweight.com). Since I had never strength trained before, for the first three months or so I gained muscle and lost weight at the same time. That said, this is all just my personal experience.

    The extra protein helped with muscle gain and also satiety. I didn't realize until I started tracking both my macros and my satiety levels how much of a difference protein makes. Other things that helped with satiety were eating a lot of vegetables (high volume, low calorie) and drinking water regularly.

    Finally if you've been dieting for a very long time (like more than 3 months or so) and you're already pretty lean, then your body may need a break to rev the metabolism. I hear "carb cycling" is a method some people use. I'm not familiar with it myself but may be worth looking up to see if it works for you. Good luck!
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    lucygliang wrote: »
    I'm 5'4" and was stuck at 125-128lb for about a year. I broke through the plateau by primarily doing strength training and really increasing my protein intake. I was at a point where I just couldn't drop my calories any lower and still have it be sustainable. So I decided to gain muscle instead. I started with just progressive body weight exercises (I followed startbodyweight.com). Since I had never strength trained before, for the first three months or so I gained muscle and lost weight at the same time. That said, this is all just my personal experience.

    The extra protein helped with muscle gain and also satiety. I didn't realize until I started tracking both my macros and my satiety levels how much of a difference protein makes. Other things that helped with satiety were eating a lot of vegetables (high volume, low calorie) and drinking water regularly.

    Finally if you've been dieting for a very long time (like more than 3 months or so) and you're already pretty lean, then your body may need a break to rev the metabolism. I hear "carb cycling" is a method some people use. I'm not familiar with it myself but may be worth looking up to see if it works for you. Good luck!

    Good point. I have started to incorporate body weight and kettlebell workouts and protein powder since about January. But I have been at this almost a year. (not that I've been at 1200 cal that entire time!)
    Taking a break from the low cal life for a few weeks and then bringing it back down may work. (I'll keep y'all updated) <3
  • Ashleycook23
    Ashleycook23 Posts: 6 Member
    In glad I'm not to only one who gets frustrated I'm 5'4" and stay around 135-138... It's like I cant break it. I have a bad sweet tooth I have really been trying to Wrk but I think I need to really cut it all out. My goal is 125 I do cardio and lift weights... Will continue to work hard!
  • hev481
    hev481 Posts: 45 Member
    Headaches might be caused by a lack of electrolytes/dehydration. Carbs retain water, no water retention means you flush out electrolytes. If you do decide to give it a go, up your salt intake and take a magnesium supplement. There are a lot of FAQs out there that can explain this better than I can.

    I have 1300 k/cal set (sometimes I wonder if it should be higher?) at 70% fat, 25% protein (this gives me about 70 grams of protein), and 5% NET carbs (<20 NET). It can be hard some days to eat that many calories as fat is so filling. It's a very rewarding way for me to eat. I have a ton of energy and I don't have to be hungry. I'm more even without the carb highs and lows as well.

    http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ <--- macro calculator for those interested.

    Not to be super nit-picky here, but I try to give good information and dispel myths that sometimes make their way around the internet. You are spot on when you say that dehydration and low electrolyte (especially salt levels) can give you headaches. Our bodies have very fine-tuned regulatory systems to buffer these changes to keep us within a range of equilibrium. Specifically, during a dehydrated or low blood pressure state, our adrenal glands will produce extra aldosterone and the hypothalamus/posterior pituitary gland will secrete ADH. Aldosterone acts on our kidneys to make sure that we aren't peeing out the water AND salt we need in our bodies at that crucial time. ADH has a similar function but acts only on water preservation (and will also constrict your blood vessels some to help maintain your blood pressure).

    Long story short, when you are in a dehydrated state, your body will usually acutely act to retain the water and electrolytes (especially salt) that it has vs "flushing it out".

    No hate on Keto or anything else! I'm totally behind drinking more water always and replacing electrolytes when it makes sense.
  • karenoneill94
    karenoneill94 Posts: 12 Member
    I couldn't lose weight until I rearranged the content of my calories. 1200 cal/day of starchy stuff and absolutely nothing happens except that I get hypoglycemic and cranky - I'm 5'4" and got stuck at 155 a couple of years ago, despite calorie counting. I checked my diet and found out I was eating about 3X to 5X the sugar recommendation of 45g/day and not nearly enough protein. I stopped eating as much sugar (I got down to around 60g/day) and the weight came off easily at about 1/2 lb per week until it got stuck again around 130-135, but stayed level for over a year without trying. I ate far too much chocolate over the holidays and got up to around 140. I'm trying extra hard to get under 45g/day and the weight is coming off again, down to 130. I'm also taking the stairs instead of elevator at work every day and putting in a few extra steps (and being kind to my coworkers) by visiting the less-used ladies room on the next floor. Even if you have a sweet tooth, if you can cut way back for a couple of weeks your taste will adjust and you won't crave it as much.
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Thanks all for the input, I won't lie a lot of it is stuff I learnt along the journey and I've also had a week (2 weeks really ) from hell and eaten really badly due to some hormone based issues! So with a week untill my birthday party it's time to shake off this water weight and cake bloat to look hot! Low starch, no eating at work and yummy salad for me!
  • jmapkob
    jmapkob Posts: 4 Member
    5'5" here... 125 is hard to cross. While breastfeeding, I had hit a set point around 135. I could eat ANYTHING and not gain an ounce, or lose anything. Now it seems to be 125/126, and getting below is way harder than it should be.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    Thanks all for the input, I won't lie a lot of it is stuff I learnt along the journey and I've also had a week (2 weeks really ) from hell and eaten really badly due to some hormone based issues! So with a week untill my birthday party it's time to shake off this water weight and cake bloat to look hot! Low starch, no eating at work and yummy salad for me!

    Are you my twin? My birthday's in a week, and I'm trying to be super good this week so I can look hot for my night out! We've got this :)
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    Thanks all for the input, I won't lie a lot of it is stuff I learnt along the journey and I've also had a week (2 weeks really ) from hell and eaten really badly due to some hormone based issues! So with a week untill my birthday party it's time to shake off this water weight and cake bloat to look hot! Low starch, no eating at work and yummy salad for me!

    Are you my twin? My birthday's in a week, and I'm trying to be super good this week so I can look hot for my night out! We've got this :)

    Ha! How's it going for you? I've dropped the 5 lbs of bloat I'd temp gained so that's good, I might be naughty and go crazy low starchy carbs for the next 2 days as it will give me a super flat tummy but I just tried on my new leggings ready for sat and they look awesome so yeah feeling good! X
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    jmapkob wrote: »
    5'5" here... 125 is hard to cross. While breastfeeding, I had hit a set point around 135. I could eat ANYTHING and not gain an ounce, or lose anything. Now it seems to be 125/126, and getting below is way harder than it should be.

    I saw 124 once on the scale, I was obviously very happy, yeah I've not seen it since! But it's odd it's like mentally, because I've seen it once I know it's possible so have stopped stressing so much about it? Hard to describe!
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    Thanks all for the input, I won't lie a lot of it is stuff I learnt along the journey and I've also had a week (2 weeks really ) from hell and eaten really badly due to some hormone based issues! So with a week untill my birthday party it's time to shake off this water weight and cake bloat to look hot! Low starch, no eating at work and yummy salad for me!

    Are you my twin? My birthday's in a week, and I'm trying to be super good this week so I can look hot for my night out! We've got this :)

    Ha! How's it going for you? I've dropped the 5 lbs of bloat I'd temp gained so that's good, I might be naughty and go crazy low starchy carbs for the next 2 days as it will give me a super flat tummy but I just tried on my new leggings ready for sat and they look awesome so yeah feeling good! X

    Dropped 2lbs of water weight almost immediately, but nothing's changed since then. That's ok though, I tried on my dress last night and it's pretty fantastic :)

    Glad everything's looking good for you! Happy almost-birthday, have fun!!
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    Thanks all for the input, I won't lie a lot of it is stuff I learnt along the journey and I've also had a week (2 weeks really ) from hell and eaten really badly due to some hormone based issues! So with a week untill my birthday party it's time to shake off this water weight and cake bloat to look hot! Low starch, no eating at work and yummy salad for me!

    Are you my twin? My birthday's in a week, and I'm trying to be super good this week so I can look hot for my night out! We've got this :)

    Ha! How's it going for you? I've dropped the 5 lbs of bloat I'd temp gained so that's good, I might be naughty and go crazy low starchy carbs for the next 2 days as it will give me a super flat tummy but I just tried on my new leggings ready for sat and they look awesome so yeah feeling good! X

    Dropped 2lbs of water weight almost immediately, but nothing's changed since then. That's ok though, I tried on my dress last night and it's pretty fantastic :)

    Glad everything's looking good for you! Happy almost-birthday, have fun!!

    You too happy birthday! ! Xx
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    update, current weight (for 2 weeks) is 124 :) and geez the 2-5 lbs made a big difference visually, yay!
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,503 Member
    I can really sympathize with this! I am almost 5'4" and stuck at 122 for almost 6 weeks. I'm not sure what happened. The only thing I have (consciously) changed is that I've been lifting heavier than I was. I've been lifting on and off for about three years, but I had to take an almost 6 month break. I started back in April with SL 5x5 and was continuing to lose until last month. That was when my big lifts got up over my body weight and my losses stalled out. Aside from that, I've gone back in my diary and checked my calories against older entries. Nothing. I have tightened up my logging and started weighing things I never weighed before (stoopid bread slices, always heavier than listed!). No change. All I can do is keep trying!
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    Still sat at 123-125 :) good times!