Team 10 Are we ready to be Rock Stars!



  • ReneeLauthers
    ReneeLauthers Posts: 24 Member
    Rough rough week! Poor eating choices and crazy hours at work! Any suggestions on how to handle work stress better! Jumping back into today!
    IT took me a long time to get to the point of handling stress better as a nurse. I make sure I eat even if its while I'm charting or eating on the run. This helps, because when you deprive yourself of food then you will make bad choices. I take finger foods, fruit, or things I can quickly eat. Take some healthy meal bars, I love the larabars. I make a protein shake for work and this usually will satisfy me for a good 6 hours . You need to take care of you or honestly your brain wont work and your patients will suffer. You will be stressed and wont be able do your job whether it is a secretary, aid or Nurse.

    Thanks! I think better food prep and planning will certainly help! Gonna try leaving my wallet in the jeep! If I can't buy anything will stop me from making bad choices!
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    Rough rough week! Poor eating choices and crazy hours at work! Any suggestions on how to handle work stress better! Jumping back into today!

    Not so much about handling the stress but I can tell how I stopped using an external device (online shopping) to sooth myself. I don't know if it is at all helpful but here we go.

    First: have food on hand because it's hard to make good choices while hungry. Ok, now that you aren't starved some things that helped me.

    I went over all my triggers (they were mostly work related and the woe is me, life isn't fair). I thought over what online shopping brought me (temporary feelings of excitement followed by lasting guilt).

    1. I made a fun money budget and set one day a month I could buy things that wasn't food/medicine/home maintenance that I could look forward to.

    2. When I felt bad I changed my internal dialog from a vague pity-party to a succinct "Wow, that really sucked. I didn't deserve that" or "Wow, that really sucked. I messed up. I'll never do that again" acknowledging the feelings was almost enough. Other times I would add "I would like to buy that but I'm not a person that soothes myself by spending money anymore"

    3. After having the inner dialog I set a mental timer to do other things for 40 min and to revisit. This was to give my system a chance to strain the emotion chemicals out of my system. If I keep thinking about it my brain keeps pumping out the emotions. I tell it "I got the point you can stop now"... but it takes a while for it to clear away. I know I can wait it out if I'm doing other things. I suppose this is a sort of meditation as sometime I actually imagine the emotions being filtered away.

    It was very simple and really hard. Took about three weeks for me to make a noticeable difference and three months for the urges to end.
  • GSwizzleGary
    GSwizzleGary Posts: 1,211 Member
    Hi all. Hope you had a good weekend. Monday is here with a new week. Time to get stair climbing, belly dancing, and all sorts of fun E.
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    I'm just back from my run and hit a personal best on mile three (thank you Zombies,Run).

    Then did the stars in my house up and down 10 times. Fun, and I will do it all week, but I think I want to scope out an office building or hotel on Saturday and really give it a go.
  • Tusksmom
    Tusksmom Posts: 21 Member
    I wasn't sure where to post my favorite egg recipe.....I love scrambled eggs with capers.
  • Tusksmom
    Tusksmom Posts: 21 Member
    I went to add my exercise totals and there wasn't room for me!!! LOL!!! the spread sheet needs to be adjusted. I didn't want to do that
  • Tusksmom
    Tusksmom Posts: 21 Member
    I don't post much during the week but I am on no starch diet so this one was easy for me!!! The egg workouts were kinda interesting! My husband thought I was crazy!!!!
  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    I fixed it. Thanks your totals made a big difference. This week will be more miles but i know we can do this.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Rough rough week! Poor eating choices and crazy hours at work! Any suggestions on how to handle work stress better! Jumping back into today!

    Not so much about handling the stress but I can tell how I stopped using an external device (online shopping) to sooth myself. I don't know if it is at all helpful but here we go.

    First: have food on hand because it's hard to make good choices while hungry. Ok, now that you aren't starved some things that helped me.

    I went over all my triggers (they were mostly work related and the woe is me, life isn't fair). I thought over what online shopping brought me (temporary feelings of excitement followed by lasting guilt).

    1. I made a fun money budget and set one day a month I could buy things that wasn't food/medicine/home maintenance that I could look forward to.

    2. When I felt bad I changed my internal dialog from a vague pity-party to a succinct "Wow, that really sucked. I didn't deserve that" or "Wow, that really sucked. I messed up. I'll never do that again" acknowledging the feelings was almost enough. Other times I would add "I would like to buy that but I'm not a person that soothes myself by spending money anymore"

    3. After having the inner dialog I set a mental timer to do other things for 40 min and to revisit. This was to give my system a chance to strain the emotion chemicals out of my system. If I keep thinking about it my brain keeps pumping out the emotions. I tell it "I got the point you can stop now"... but it takes a while for it to clear away. I know I can wait it out if I'm doing other things. I suppose this is a sort of meditation as sometime I actually imagine the emotions being filtered away.

    It was very simple and really hard. Took about three weeks for me to make a noticeable difference and three months for the urges to end.

    Thxs @TangledThread. Inspiring. Difficult juggling act right now so appreciate your ideas.
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted much. Last week up until yesterday was absolute hell for me. Final exams plus having to put in 4-5 hours overtime at work per day as one of my coworkers is switching jobs and I was voluntold to take over her duties plus mine until they hire someone else. They should be getting someone else next week and school's on break this week so should be a whole lot more active on this site. Sorry for my terrible contribution last week. Hope to do much better this week.
  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted much. Last week up until yesterday was absolute hell for me. Final exams plus having to put in 4-5 hours overtime at work per day as one of my coworkers is switching jobs and I was voluntold to take over her duties plus mine until they hire someone else. They should be getting someone else next week and school's on break this week so should be a whole lot more active on this site. Sorry for my terrible contribution last week. Hope to do much better this week.
    That's okay we have a new week and need everyone's minutes this week. We are holding our own right now. The teams with higher numbers have 17 or more people and we are maybe at 10. So all roadblocks this week is important as well as the extra credit points. We are currently at number 4 rank I believe so keep plugging along . I plan to put a big effort in the exercise part this week.

  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted much. Last week up until yesterday was absolute hell for me. Final exams plus having to put in 4-5 hours overtime at work per day as one of my coworkers is switching jobs and I was voluntold to take over her duties plus mine until they hire someone else. They should be getting someone else next week and school's on break this week so should be a whole lot more active on this site. Sorry for my terrible contribution last week. Hope to do much better this week.
    That's okay we have a new week and need everyone's minutes this week. We are holding our own right now. The teams with higher numbers have 17 or more people and we are maybe at 10. So all roadblocks this week is important as well as the extra credit points. We are currently at number 4 rank I believe so keep plugging along . I plan to put a big effort in the exercise part this week.

    Thanks! I have 69 flights of stairs down. Walked to the 11th floor from the basement of the clinical center plus stairs in my house and at work. Should be done that challenge by tomorrow :)
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    I'm just back from my run and hit a personal best on mile three (thank you Zombies,Run).

    Then did the stars in my house up and down 10 times. Fun, and I will do it all week, but I think I want to scope out an office building or hotel on Saturday and really give it a go.

    Nice job! I did basement to 11th floor at a hospital today 2 flights per floor. I must have looked like I was going to die but made it through! You do not want to know how many people asked me if I was ok after floor 7. ^_^
  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    I'm just back from my run and hit a personal best on mile three (thank you Zombies,Run).

    Then did the stars in my house up and down 10 times. Fun, and I will do it all week, but I think I want to scope out an office building or hotel on Saturday and really give it a go.

    Nice job! I did basement to 11th floor at a hospital today 2 flights per floor. I must have looked like I was going to die but made it through! You do not want to know how many people asked me if I was ok after floor 7. ^_^

    Fantastic! The last two days been going to the HS stadium. So far I'm up to 44 floors.
  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    Quiet here this week.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hi there! Not waving... drowning. In juggling life's balls, i am starting to drop not only the rubber ones (that bounce back n don't matter) but the glass ones- like my exercise, mentoring staff, even forgot 2 meetings at work. However, appreciate the reminder of team contribution here... stair cases look out!
  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    Steps done! It was a struggle! I thought I post a pic of where I do my step workout.odkkxrj8vuu9.jpeg
  • GSwizzleGary
    GSwizzleGary Posts: 1,211 Member
    Hey all. Thought I would explain my absence. I spent a lot of Easter weekend and the first part of this week with a stomach bug. That wouldn't be that big of a deal to me but I got so dehydrated I passed out Tyesday morning walking from the bedroom to the living room. Went to ER and found out I was dehydrated severely. Got three bags of fluid and got sent him with a note to follow up with my dr. This is the third "bug" I've had in about three weeks. And it's part of a pattern that started about a year ago where I occasionally get this bug, but over time the frequency between rounds has lessened. If it was just some stomach cramping and some uncomfortable diarrhea I could manage but it's the kind of thing that includes both diarrhea and vomiting and it knocks me down for at least 48 hrs at a time. This last bout went over 72. Sorry for TMI, but I thought you deserved to know why I've been a horrible teammate the last several days. Hopefully the dr on Monday can give me some answers.

    Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post. Have a wonderful weekend!!!
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Hey all. Thought I would explain my absence. I spent a lot of Easter weekend and the first part of this week with a stomach bug. That wouldn't be that big of a deal to me but I got so dehydrated I passed out Tyesday morning walking from the bedroom to the living room. Went to ER and found out I was dehydrated severely. Got three bags of fluid and got sent him with a note to follow up with my dr. This is the third "bug" I've had in about three weeks. And it's part of a pattern that started about a year ago where I occasionally get this bug, but over time the frequency between rounds has lessened. If it was just some stomach cramping and some uncomfortable diarrhea I could manage but it's the kind of thing that includes both diarrhea and vomiting and it knocks me down for at least 48 hrs at a time. This last bout went over 72. Sorry for TMI, but I thought you deserved to know why I've been a horrible teammate the last several days. Hopefully the dr on Monday can give me some answers.

    Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post. Have a wonderful weekend!!!

    Hope you feel better soon!
  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    Steps done! It was a struggle! I thought I post a pic of where I do my step workout.odkkxrj8vuu9.jpeg

    Wow! That's pretty amazing :)