Why do you LIFT?



  • mjfbeeslaar
    mjfbeeslaar Posts: 3 Member
    I started out lifting to get into better shape but as I am progressing it is just becoming part of what I do. Loving the higher energy a lot. Body is a work in progress and enjoying the journey.
  • fizzleh
    fizzleh Posts: 71 Member
    To get some guns as real ones are banned in the UK B)
  • dwolfe1985
    dwolfe1985 Posts: 100 Member
    Find it enjoyable especially now my squats are finally starting to move up (the lift i've struggled most with)
  • 1capybara
    1capybara Posts: 162 Member
    so i can eat cake and ice cream every lunch and still get fitter
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    I started and now I can't stop. It's my me time. It's goal orientated. Gives me something to look forward to.
  • skwytt
    skwytt Posts: 24 Member
    Simple, to look good!
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
    edited July 2015
    Get stronger
    Look better
    Be healthier
    Relieves stress/feels good

    In that order.
  • tanyaL0L
    tanyaL0L Posts: 23 Member
    To be strong - I can hold my own and my warmup sets are some guys max sets
    Be & feel healthier and of course to look better.
  • mattyc772014
    mattyc772014 Posts: 3,543 Member
    Love getting a pump every workout. Hitting your max and improving on it. Throwing dumbbells and not giving a f**k. What a great feeling lifting is!
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    I don't know how not to. I've stopped several times over the years. I always come back to it. It's just what I do.
  • bonitabrooklynbomb
    bonitabrooklynbomb Posts: 90 Member
    Because I'm a little piglet and the more muscle I have the more calories I can eat. :p
  • tomaspetro
    tomaspetro Posts: 1,508 Member
    initially because the loose skin I have from rapid weight loss scared the *kitten* out of me...so that would be vanity. Now I'm enjoying the feeling of getting stronger and all that goes with it.
  • RBillard
    RBillard Posts: 49 Member
    for me it's 50/50 between vanity and stress relief. I let out a lot of aggression in the gym, so it's like anger management
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Because my brother who is into bodybuilding used to tell me how weak I was while simultaneously grabbing my arms and shaking them like noodles.
  • adrian_b_tgv
    adrian_b_tgv Posts: 1 Member
    The better question is :

    Do you ? ...

    Do you even ?...

    DO. YOU. EVEN. LIFT ?!

  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    edited January 2016
  • AshetteKetchum
    AshetteKetchum Posts: 26 Member
    I lift mainly because I think muscles are sexy.... and don't ever want to return to being fat.
    In addition, to compete, my first show is this fall.
  • climberpilot
    climberpilot Posts: 19 Member
    Because I'm a fat guy who remembers being in shape and wants to get back there.
  • 737jac737
    737jac737 Posts: 54 Member
    1. I like the way defined muscles look on me.
    2. It gets the anger out without punching anyone.
    3. It's a great feeling of accomplishment to up my weights.
  • nakima
    nakima Posts: 37 Member
    because I like being and looking healthy and because it so empowering! I love being strong :) and I'm addicted to it...