Healthy Foods Nutritional challenge



  • Diana6ft
    Diana6ft Posts: 126 Member
    I love faro. Its the only grain, besides white rice, that I can get my family to eat without complaining. I love its chewy texture. I like to make warm salads with it. My favorite is a chicken fajita faro salad. I start with cooked faro, add a little olive oil, lime juice, cilantro, sauteed peppers and onions, cotija cheese, and taco seasoned shredded chicken. But really you can do anything with it.
  • CeruleanCoffee
    CeruleanCoffee Posts: 54 Member
    Diana6ft wrote: »
    I love faro. Its the only grain, besides white rice, that I can get my family to eat without complaining. I love its chewy texture. I like to make warm salads with it. My favorite is a chicken fajita faro salad. I start with cooked faro, add a little olive oil, lime juice, cilantro, sauteed peppers and onions, cotija cheese, and taco seasoned shredded chicken. But really you can do anything with it.

    I love faro, too! And, that chicken fajita salad sounds amazing!
  • determined24girl
    determined24girl Posts: 382 Member
    I love cheese. My favorite is Colby Cheese. I really like it melted on pretty much anything lol. Oh mozzarella is awesome to. I also have a love for warm soft bread. Yum! Bread smells awesome, tastes awesome, and feels awesome. There is literally nothing on the planet better than a fresh baked, homemade roll covered in cheese. :)
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    My favorite food/ snack of all time is POPCORN .....any and all I could eat it all day long and nothing else. I can eat it all dolled up and fancy but I really love it plain popped in flavored oils.
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    This is difficult, food is sustenance and life, and I love life and food, the more nutritious for your body the better. There is only one thing I don't like and that is baked beans with pork, although I will always take one bite when they are served, as our tastebuds are always evolving so one never knows when you may like something new. Over the years this was my practice with my children, and at ages 26 and 27, they eat everything and are wonderful cooks!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Ok, it's nice to read about what people like and don't like to eat ... however ... what are we learning from this, really?
    Are we following the description of the challenge or are we only completing the first step? ... Maybe the challenge wasn't clear enough?
    Here is what the challenge said ... I've copied and pasted it below, just changed the format so we all can see easily the steps this asks us to do ...

    Nutritional challenge 10 pts

    1 - Make a list of your favorite healthy foods.
    2 - Once you’ve identified what foods you love the most, you can then determine what it is about those foods you love so much. Perhaps its a particular seasoning, the texture, the color, or even the smell.
    3 - Once you identify why you love it, see if you can find ways to bring out those characteristics in more nutritious ways.

    This challenge is more 'challenging' than it first reads to be ...
  • LizFitIt34
    LizFitIt34 Posts: 125 Member
    My favorite is salads. Its healthy and taste very good. Any kind of salad Greek salad, Caesar salad, Fattoush feta salad, Tabbouleh, Asian salad, Kale salad and Spinach salad. A lot of greens and lite dressing. I also throw some shrimp, chicken or thin sliced steak strips on top.
  • cygrad03
    cygrad03 Posts: 30 Member
    My favorite healthy foods - chocolate pb2 banana protein shake, watermelon, pistachios, almonds, salads

    I think I like the protein shake bc it is almost like a dessert that starts off my day. I don't really think there is a particular theme among the healthy foods that I like. I love pistachios and watermelon the most in the summer when we are camping. I know that I can further reduce the calories in my morning protein shake by using unsweetened almond milk instead of skim milk I just haven't pulled the trigger on that yet.
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    edited March 2016
    Ok, lets do this.

    Nutritional challenge 10 pts

    1 - Make a list of your favorite healthy foods.
    2 - Once you’ve identified what foods you love the most, you can then determine what it is about those foods you love so much. Perhaps its a particular seasoning, the texture, the color, or even the smell.
    3 - Once you identify why you love it, see if you can find ways to bring out those characteristics in more nutritious ways.

    1- First I love fruits and veggies A LOT! So this is great and perfect and not challenging. (Well sometimes, I have to go easy on fruits)

    I also LOVE meat (any meat), fat (butter, nuts, avocado, olives, sausages, bacon, coconut oil, cream) coffee and chocolate.

    I also want to add that, except for overly processed food, I don't find many food to be "unhealthy". I will also sometimes indulge in some food that I find "unhealthy" (usually that is very processed food) but I just try to limit the frequency and quantity. In other words, I try to make it fits my allowed calories.

    2- For fruit and veggies, I just love them. They are refreshing, tasty, nature goodness!
    For fat and meat, I love the taste, I love the proteins(meat), I love that they make me feel full and satiated.

    3- I don't see the food I love as "enemy" I don't want to change anything about it. I'm not gonna try to change my bacon, I will just eat less of it. I know that I have to be careful about the calories I'm consuming so I weigh and mesure EVERYTHING (chocolate, meat, butter, cream, milk) and I enjoy every bites. I make it fits in my calorie intake (well, sometimes I go over... but I don't beat myself up.)

  • Pmm5pla
    Pmm5pla Posts: 265 Member
    Nutritional challenge 10 pts

    1 - Make a list of your favorite healthy foods.
    2 - Once you’ve identified what foods you love the most, you can then determine what it is about those foods you love so much. Perhaps its a particular seasoning, the texture, the color, or even the smell.
    3 - Once you identify why you love it, see if you can find ways to bring out those characteristics in more nutritious ways.

    Here's (some of) my rather long list:
    1. muesli
    2. avocado
    3. soft cheeses
    4. shepherd's pie
    5. fish
    6. hot chocolate
    7. roast vegetables
    8. coffee & brandy
    9. salads (esp with 2 above)
    10. dark chocolate

    So, looking through this list, i'm very conscious that soft cheeses, hot cholcolate and dark chocolate need to be luxury treat foods rather than regular, and i manage this most of the time.

    The others are good wholesome foods, in my diet most weeks. My muesli, is a daily extravaganza of seeds and oats, really delicious with yoghurt and milk. I've been trying different yoghurts and natural vanilla is my flavour this month! This meal is great at times of the day other than breakfast.

  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Ok, it's nice to read about what people like and don't like to eat ... however ... what are we learning from this, really?
    Are we following the description of the challenge or are we only completing the first step? ... Maybe the challenge wasn't clear enough?
    Here is what the challenge said ... I've copied and pasted it below, just changed the format so we all can see easily the steps this asks us to do ...

    Nutritional challenge 10 pts

    1 - Make a list of your favorite healthy foods.
    2 - Once you’ve identified what foods you love the most, you can then determine what it is about those foods you love so much. Perhaps its a particular seasoning, the texture, the color, or even the smell.
    3 - Once you identify why you love it, see if you can find ways to bring out those characteristics in more nutritious ways.

    This challenge is more 'challenging' than it first reads to be ...

    I understand what you are saying, but below is what was posted at the beginning of this thread and that is what most people are are following. I think we need @Melodieccurn, to clarify this.
    Here you list your favorite foods and why you like them , texture, taste color or seasoning.

  • plainanjelik
    plainanjelik Posts: 232 Member
    1. I have a weakness for cheese. Especially mozzarella and cheddar.. I love the texture of melted cheese and well as the salty flavor. The smell gets me too! Portion control is the only way I see making this healthy as well as pairing it with healthier foods.

    2. Avocado. The smooth texture of avocado and the mild flavor are what I enjoy most about it. Eating an avocado solo or reducing the number of high fat foods paired with it is how I can make it healthier. For example instead of with a quesadilla and sour cream I would have an avocado sandwich with nothing else in it.

    3. Tropical fruits. Growing up in the Caribbean these were my candy as a kid. Got coconut water and jelly every morning with breakfast, had mango, tamarind, guava, and pineapple all summer. I think what many of these fruits have in common, barring coconut are sweet with a slight sour taste and firm texture. You can go a bit overboard on the sugar in these fruits, not to mention a stomach ache so portion control is important. They are loaded with Vitamins but like everything it is best not to overindulge.

    4.Berries. . Once I moved to the US berries were the closest I could get to the flavor and texture of the tropical fruit I grew up with. I've paired berries with oatmeal, yogurt, added them to water or iced tea for flavor and eaten them on their own. They make healthy things I don’t like much more palatable without addibg to many calories and they are also high fiber and full of antioxidants.

    5. Quesadillas . Quesadillas are versatile you can make them extremely unhealthy or exercise control and make them lower calorie. Plus they have cheese in them! See point 1. I like the texture of them, crispy in the outside but soft on the inside. Cutting down on the cheese and sour cream as well as using veggies instead of meat make them healthier.

    6. Iced tea- . Iced tea. Trying to wean myself off of high sugar juices (I never liked soda) iced tea was my savior. I always drank tea hot and unsweetened so iced tea provided a cold drink without the calories. I sometimes would squeeze a bit of lemon or some other fruit in it to had some flavor and sweetness to them. Iced tea helps cut down my sugar and thus my calorie intake each day
  • shauna30
    shauna30 Posts: 741 Member
    edited March 2016
    Any vegetables roasted in the oven. You can eat a bunch and don't have to worry about calories (unless you use a lot of oil) Asparagus, carrots, potatoes, broccoli, squash, zucchini, Yum! I love that they are easy to cook and I can eat them from my garden. Eating food I grow makes me so happy!
  • dtplow
    dtplow Posts: 127 Member
    murdog3t wrote: »
    My favorite food/ snack of all time is POPCORN .....any and all I could eat it all day long and nothing else. I can eat it all dolled up and fancy but I really love it plain popped in flavored oils.

    Our fearless leader of Team 6.... this is one of my favorite foods too! My guilty pleasure when my family is away is having a big bowl of popcorn for dinner, lots of butter and NO sharing... heaven!!
    I also love fruits and veggies in season, fresh tomatoes, strawberries, peaches...any of our beautiful SW Ontario produce! My favorite food that I crave and eat almost everyday is avocado. Avocado sliced in a salad, mixed with a hardboiled egg, served on top of veggie chili, an avocado half filled with lemon juice and salt and pepper and a spoon, love them all. Creamy and luscious what is not to love!!
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    My favorites are pasta, breads and cheese... since starting this journey I have pretty much eliminated pasta and bread from my diet. I have moved to low fat cheese in cooking and to eat. I used to eat kraft cheese slices for a snack all the time... they never come into my house any more!

    I have before moved to whole wheat pastas and multigrain bread... and multigrain bread is my go to if we are out for supper and I eat bread on the rare occasion. I have heard a lot about Ezekiel bread but I live in a small town with the closes city over two hours away so not going to find that alternative where I live unfortunately.

    I have come across a recipe for Ezekiel bread next time I am in the city I will need to buy some of the ingredients and try it!
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    My go to snack, Roasted Edamame! High in fiber & protein, fell in love with them when I visited my son in Japan in 2005 ( He is teacher and has lived there over a decade - miss my grandson's terribly! His wife is Japanese) I make them at home occasionally , just roast them in the oven like pumpkin seeds. But I usually just buy them, cheap and healthy on the go snack. All nds are a close second.
  • Melodieccurn
    Melodieccurn Posts: 966 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Ok, it's nice to read about what people like and don't like to eat ... however ... what are we learning from this, really?
    Are we following the description of the challenge or are we only completing the first step? ... Maybe the challenge wasn't clear enough?
    Here is what the challenge said ... I've copied and pasted it below, just changed the format so we all can see easily the steps this asks us to do ...

    Nutritional challenge 10 pts

    1 - Make a list of your favorite healthy foods.
    2 - Once you’ve identified what foods you love the most, you can then determine what it is about those foods you love so much. Perhaps its a particular seasoning, the texture, the color, or even the smell.
    3 - Once you identify why you love it, see if you can find ways to bring out those characteristics in more nutritious ways.

    This challenge is more 'challenging' than it first reads to be ...

    You hit the nail on the head!
    You only get the points if you do the above.
    Here's an example I love crunchy salty foods . Chips were always a downfall for me but I have found an alternative . Plaintains. The veggie chips have a lot of chemicals processing but if you buy the healthier ones I buy mine on line. I allow myself a one ounce serving which is about 1/2 cup. It has omega rich fats like our fish gives us but it is a great treat for me when I need that crunch.
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    In case I didn't do the challenge goes.
    I love pasta and potatoes. I love the taste and the textures. I have discovered that cauliflower has a similar texture as potatoes and when adding the right spices, it might not taste exactly like potatoes but its close enough to satisfy me. The same thing with pasta. If I use a spiral gadget on squash or zucchini it resembles pasta and the texture is also similar. It doesn't taste quite the same, but I do like it and I love the fact that I am eating something healthy. My husband actually prefers the zoodles to regular pasta.
  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    mswanger09 wrote: »
    Tacos. They can be made so many different ways, ground meat, grilled, or in the crock pot, you can even go vegetarian or vegan with them! You can season them in a lot of different ways and never get bored with them. And if you don't want all the calories from the shells, you can turn them into salads and just crumb a few chips or a shell on top of them.

    Ok here is my update to clarify my earlier response(even though I hit most of the points.):
    1. Tacos are my favorite food.
    2. I love the variety of flavored that can be used. They can be made with a variety of proteins and they can be made vegetarian as well.
    3. If you don't want all the calories from the shells you can make a salad and just crumble some chips on top! Or you can use lettuce leaves as the shell.
  • issy62087
    issy62087 Posts: 19 Member
    1.) Tangerines - Love the taste and convenience. Give good energy boost.
    2.) Ground Turkey - Good protein source and low in fat. Love to spice it up with cayenne
    3.) Cucumbers - Love the taste, versatile and super low calorie
    4.) Sweet mini bell peppers - good for dipping instead of chips, multi-colored for phytochemicals
    5.) Quinoa - easy to cook, goes a long way and good protein source for a grain. Also very versatile.