April 2016 babies



  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Spunky, I am the doing the opposite - clearing out baby boy clothes as this 4th an final baby is a girl. We could have swapped :) I am hoping I might be able to use some of them though, plain baby blue may work for some clothes for a girl. I get lots of Braxton Hicks too, but all mine have been 11-12 days overdue so I am guessing I have to be patient!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    OMG Emma! 11-12?! Holy crap, I know my one was 13 days late, but at least the others were earlier. BH are so obnoxious this time, I haven't had it this bad before. What're your numbers? I'll have 2 boys and 2 girls now. I put my girls in some of the blue and grey clothes from my son (and some brown). But my husband and I don't want to put the boy in pink and purple (or flowers!). So away they go. I'm trying to sell them on a FB group to at least get a little $ to spend on new clothes for the bigger kids! I'm so done with pregnancy. I'm ready for him anytime now (packed hospital bag today) but I know it's better for him if he cooks a little longer.
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Haha, yes, I think my husband would object to seeing his son in pink frilly clothes too - as would I. I have a girl and two boys, so I will have 2+2 too (provided the scan was right!). I am not due until beginning of June, but there does not seem to be many June mums around so I have to come here to chat :) I always get really fed up at the end, especially last time when I escaped without stretchmarks until I was 40+3 and then the ripples started. But this time I have so much work to do, that I think I will be grateful for a few extra days. What are your plans for delivery? I have had all mine at home (which is a bit weird as I am training to be an obstetrician) and hope to have this one at home too. My last labour was really fast so I prefer to plan to deliver at home, than to end up giving birth in the back seat of the car somewhere.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Okay April Mommas!!! 38 week check-up was yesterday. Baby's heart rate is good, I'm effaced about 70% with no dilation and baby's head is in the right position.
    How is everyone else doing??
    Doc says he won't let me go over my due date but a couple of days so I'll have a baby in my arms by the 12th of April!!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Emma - my first I didn't start getting stretch marks until 38+5, but he went 3 more weeks so there was plenty of damage. I'll be having mine a the hospital. But they're very easy going. My ob has had 3 medicated and 2 unmedicated kids of her own so I don't think I'll be pressured to do anything either way. I will need an IV (i'm going to ask for a hep lock). I didn't have one with my third and then I hemmoraged and got one anyway and the interventions without the IV were horrible. So I'm ok with getting a line in before it's an emergency. They have a labor (not birthing) tub. I don't know who's watching my other 3 yet which has me stressed. We have a few local options up until 38+5 then my dad comes to stay with us, then my mom and dad will switch at 39+4. My earliest was 39+5 so I should be good with parent coverage I think.

    Amgreenwell - Just a few days overdue? That's exciting! the 12th is so close! My first I didn't get induced until 11 days over and the induction took 2 days. It was unpleasant.

    I had my 36+4 apt. I'm 1 cm 50% effaced which seems to be my norm for 2+ babies (my first I wasn't dialated for quite a while). I talked induction but I really don't want to have one, I had a bad experience but I really don't want to go over either, especially with GD. Testing and counting carbs and walking and worrying is not a fun way to be pregnant. I'm up 28/29/30 lbs depending on the day. More than I wanted, but could be way worse.

    Car seat is installed, hospital bag packed, baby clothes washed (and once I get off the computer put away). It's getting real again. I'm hoping to have him in the next 2-3 weeks with no intervention. If only I could make it happen!

    best of luck ladies! We could start having our babies anytime!
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    I am getting so excited on your behalves!!! SOOO close now! I can't wait to start getting things ready for bubba, but I have so much work to finish before I can do that.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    edited March 2016
    Okay ladies. I am having my first really rough day today. My whole pregnancy has been amazing but today has not. I started off with what felt like a tummy ache this morning. That feeling turned into a gas/diarrhea cramp pain that has lasted all day. Now I'm having back pain and menstrual type cramps. Needless to say I'm not feeling great. Baby is still kicking and moving in there like crazy and my walking two miles today was pretty rough with all the pain I'm having.

    You know it is bad when I don't even feel like eating. I've had my snacks and meals today but I feel like I could lie down in bed right now (4:30 pm EST) and go to sleep and not eat the rest of the day.

    So, anyone else in this boat? as a first timer I'm not sure if this is normal or what to expect from here on out. I have my 39 week appointment tomorrow afternoon so maybe the dr. can give me some advice, but I'd like to hear from anyone who might have experienced similar.

    I certainly don't want this feeling to continue long.
  • EmmaDetermined
    EmmaDetermined Posts: 115 Member
    Erm....my last labour started like that!! Could just be that things are heating up for you and that your body is having a good clear out/trying to get you to chill to build up some energy reserves for the forthcoming feat! Keep us posted and good luck if this is it!
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Okay, the countdown is officially on. I was told at my appointment yesterday that if I don't have the baby by the 9th then I'll be induced on the 11th. I'm so excited!!
    Anyone else had experience with cervidil? Dr. says he'll admit me to the hospital and use cervidil to open up my cervix, as I'm still not dilated one little bit, then induce the next morning.
    Just wondering b/c I heard there are some side effects. Would love to hear of anyone's experiences with it.
    Otherwise, I'm just happy to know I'll be holding a baby in 10 days!!!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Cervadil did nothing for me. I had 4 pills of it over 24 hours. Gave me contractions but didn't dilate me anymore. Then I got pitocin which was horrible. I walked the halls sobbing listening to the new babies cry. It took a 50 hour induction to get him out. I was worn out physically and emotionally. 2 hours into pushing the doctor booked a c section but couldn't get an OR for an hour. After that hour I had made some progress. 45 minutes after that (3.75 hours of pushing) and the vacuum my son was born. This all resulted in a 3Rd deg tear. It was horrible. So horrible I'm hesitant to induce again (this is #4 I had #2 6 days late without an induction). But I Had gestational diabetes with my son (and again with this one) my blood pressure was increasing and I was 11 days overdue. I didn't feel like I had an option.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    That sounds awful! I've heard both good and bad to this medicine. Mine will be a gel, not a pill. I wonder if it makes a difference?
    How long over your due date will your doctor let you go before inducing? This is my first and I think due to my being 39 years old my doctor doesn't want me much overdue.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    (I hope you don't mind sneaking over from the May group)

    My induction was started with Cervidil last time. They inserted it in the evening due to her fluid being low, and almost immediately it kicked me into active labor. The contractions were the worst part, but I made it about 6 hours before I finally asked for the epidural. They let me sleep through the night and let my body progress on it's own, then in the morning at 8 cm we both agreed to start some Pitocin to get things finished off since we were all ready for her to come out. I pushed her out without any help, and while I did have a partial third degree tear that was from a combination of a really weak pelvic floor (I was an overweight couch potato with her) and her shoulder catching me the wrong way when I pushed her out. (Lesson learned: don't push when they say don't push, oops) Overall it was an easy and uncomplicated birth that lasted less 23 hours from when they first inserted the gel until she was in my arms, she scored a 9/10 on the test, and I had a full recovery. If I have to be induced again with this one I'm going to ask to be started with Cervidil again since I had a great experience with it!

    Good luck, momma :)
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    @marieamethyst , thanks for the story. I'm hoping things will progress on their own before the 10th but it is good to hear what has happened to others. I talked to another friend this weekend who was induced with all three of her children, cervidil and all and they all turned out great. Have a good week!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    They let me go 11 days overdue. Then 10 Farhad overdue my blood pressure was a bit high, I had gestational diabetes and those numbers were going up too. There's something I looked at about how favorable induction could be. I was like a 1 out of 12 or 15 or something? Depends on dilation and stuff. I was pretty not ready but 11 days overdue couldn't wait much longer.

    I know a lot of people that have been induced with several kids, usually not their first which is easier to induce. Some people have no problems, just depends on how ready you are.

    Hopefully our babies will come without unnecessary intervention! And soon! I know mine needs to get out. I'm done!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Oh and I highly recommend an epidural with pitocin. The contractions were as bad at 1cm with pitocin as they were 7cm without drugs.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Last day of work is today and I'm counting down the minutes to my sixteen weeks off with my baby. Still going in Sunday to be induced :)
    Can't wait to meet my little one!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Wow! Good luck today or tomorrow!