Does anyone do intermittent fasting with LCHF?

SueMizzou2 Posts: 9 Member
I am considering doing IF. I think that the 16:8 pattern would be do-able. Has anyone done this successfully? Was it worth the struggle to get used to the new pattern? I also would like to know about the problems faced and what to look out for.



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Tagging to follow. I'm interested in what Dr. Jason Fung and others have to say, so I'm also interested in this discussion.
  • jaketwin123
    jaketwin123 Posts: 55 Member
    no nothing about fasting on LCHF so im very interested to,why do you fast on LCHF,what are the reasons behind it ??
  • ClaireBearOz
    ClaireBearOz Posts: 64 Member
    Many years ago, before LCHF, I used to do IF accidentally - before I knew it was a thing. I used to often skip breakfast and on those days I wouldn't get hungry till early/mid afternoon. On the days I ate breakfast I would always be hungry by late morning. On the IF days I felt great. Now I understand why.
    So lately, I have been experimenting with it in combination with LCHF - cautiously - because I don't want to put any additional stress on my body (and mind, LOL - I am sure I have had excess cortisol issues over the last 5 years or so).
    I exercise between 6am and 7am three days a week and I have never eaten before that session. So now, I am stretching the fasting out until 12 noon, whenever I can. Some mornings I can't. I have had to get over the notion that you need to eat protein with 2 hours of heavy exercise, which you hear so often. I now understand that the muscle rebuilding and maintenance happens at night one to two nights after the exercise session - by which time I will have protein in my system.
    On these days I am feeling good. I think the early morning exercise has a hunger dampening effect which helps. I don't do a 100% fast on those mornings though. I do have a coffee (black when I can) afterwards with the gang and I have just discovered the joys of Keto Boullion -because the one problem I was having on these days was feeling c*** - and I now understand it was lack of electrolytes.
    If you want to learn more, have a look at Abel James' Primal blog and Mark Sisson's Daily Apple blog. Primal seems to be a LCHF version of Paleo and they both (I think) advocate IF and have well researched info to back it up.
    I'd be interested in the experience of others.
  • ClaireBearOz
    ClaireBearOz Posts: 64 Member
    no nothing about fasting on LCHF so im very interested to,why do you fast on LCHF,what are the reasons behind it ??
    My understanding is that Intermittent Fasting (restricting or removing calories between 8pm and 12 noon) helps with the overall daily calorie restriction that some of us pursue, and it results in a surge of Growth Hormone which is also very beneficial.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I do. But since I have been away on holidays, I haven't got back to it. I skip breakfast and have a late lunch between 1-3pm depending upon how hungry I am. I was doing this twice a week.

    There is a group on MFP which is dedicated to IF and low carb. They have just started the group.

    I got interested because of Dr Jason Fong's videos.
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member
    Been doing 16:8 almost 4 weeks now with Keto. The first week was more like 14:10, 15:9. It got way easier by the next week but still felt the last hour a bit rough. Now it's real easy, and even the thought of eating first thing is a no go.
  • ClaireBearOz
    ClaireBearOz Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks @dasher602014
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I am and have always naturally avoided breakfast. So, IF was pretty easy for me. With a little tweek... I drink coffee in the morning. When I first went Keto, I was using cream in my coffee with artificial sweetener, which kinda made the fasting null... Since I learned that and decided to kick sweetener, I still have coffee and MCT and butter. I haven't been specifically timing my eating window these days though. But, I typically eat dinner at 6:30 and don't get hungry til around 2 or 3 the next day, with few exceptions.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I do, but nothing consistantly. I tend to skip breakfast but I add coconut oil to my coffee - not sure if that can still be called fasting or not. Every few weeks I skip a day of eating. Nothing forced. If it is not a hungry day, I just don't eat.
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    I've been foing LCHF with IF for several months. Coffee with heavy whipping cream for bfast, lunch at 12:30, dinner by 6:30 and done. Easy peasy, and don't have trouble with hunger ever, unless I'm super active. I prefer to run in the mornings, on coffee and HWC, fasted.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,059 Member
    IF is my regular eating pattern. I typically eat one meal per day at supper, so I guess I do 23:1, with longer fasts from time to time. I do it for increased energy, mental clarity and elevated mood, along with boosting weight loss benefits.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    I will be fasting on April 1, as my wife is a prankster and will probably try to slip me a chocolate shake or a rusty nail at some point during the day. Best just not to court trouble.

    (However, I do have a few pieces of tomfoolery up my own sleeve....)
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    When I first went Keto, I was using cream in my coffee with artificial sweetener, which kinda made the fasting null...

    Just curious - did you discover this via experimentation or education?

  • wanderinjack
    wanderinjack Posts: 248 Member
    I do usually about once a week from Sunday night to Monday morning after my yoga class. That is I'm doing yoga in a fasted state, seems to work pretty well for me.
  • gazwheat
    gazwheat Posts: 6 Member
    I've been doing it for about 3 months now. I eat between 1pm and 9pm only. I'm never hungry and actually find it quite easy. I also train fasted. Weights 5 days a week and one session of HIIT on a treadmill. Weight is coming off, fat is coming off and I'm actually starting to gain some definition.
  • Kellryn
    Kellryn Posts: 139 Member
    I started IF pretty much on accident. I eat around 4 am and am not hungry when I get off work at 7am. So I no longer eat breakfast before going to bed around 8 am. I wake up in the evening and am still not that hungry so have tea or bullion with butter and coconut oil. Then before work around 8pm to 9 pm I'll eat my dinner. I do sometimes have a snack around 1:30 am if I'm hungry, but usually I just have hot tea.

    Been eating this way for about 3 weeks now. It just happened since I have very little appetite. No negative side effects that I've noticed so far.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    I've been doing 18 hour fasts almost every day for 3 weeks, and that suits me very well. I drink coffee and bone broth as I fast.
  • WhatLouAte
    WhatLouAte Posts: 155 Member
    16:8 is really easy for me to do as i am not a breakfast person anyway, I just have a black coffee and I´m good to go. I don´t start feeling hungry until around lunchtime. I also like to have my main meal at dinner time in the evening anyway.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I am slowly working myself down to a straight 16:8. Currently I have h&h and CO in my coffee. I hope to work down to CO and butter, and then maybe nix the stevia. But honestly, I'm unsure I can manage without the squirt of liquid stevia.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    KarlynKeto wrote: »
    Been doing 16:8 almost 4 weeks now with Keto. The first week was more like 14:10, 15:9. It got way easier by the next week but still felt the last hour a bit rough. Now it's real easy, and even the thought of eating first thing is a no go.

    I've been reading up on all of this and trying to decide whether to try a 16:8 or a 14:10. So much conflicting information about women and fasting. And given that I'm menopausal, an adrenal upheaval wouldn't be a good idea, so I'm leaning toward trying a 14:10